» Drama » Crazy Enough, Chloe L. [best beach reads of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Crazy Enough, Chloe L. [best beach reads of all time TXT] 📗». Author Chloe L.

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the most.
Bryson was in the hallway. He quietly knocked on her door. No answer. He opened it. “It was unlocked.” He whispered. Bliss was lying on the floor. She kept saying that she wanted to die. Bryson looked at her then me. I could tell he was thinking the same thing. “It’s okay. She’s breathing. She must have passed out or something.” She lifted her up and started to leave her room. “Wait, she needs Pride.” He told me. “What are you talking about? She has plenty of pride.” I looked at her. Maybe she didn’t. He grabbed a little elephant stuffed animal off of her bed and put it it the bed. Pride. She needed Pride. I smiled. I know this was not the time to be smiling.
We tiptoed to to the elevator. Same beautiful elevator. I pressed the button and the doors opened. We hurried in and I pressed the top button. It was the only button the didn’t have numbers on it. It seemed to take forever but the doors opened. I looked at the sand. That’s all there was. Except the road somewhere over there. Dream and Ever were there next to the wall. Smoking. They dropped the cigarettes and stomped on them. Bryson put Bliss down. She was okay now. Awake, not okay. We stared at each other for a while. “We won’t tell if you don’t tell.” Ever said. Bryson nodded. If he didn’t run away, he would have to marry her. Dream walked over to Bliss and Bliss started coughing. “Can’t handle the smoke? You can’t run away. You’ll be coming back to your daddy. You’re not a real girl. You’re a puppet. Your dad controls you. Grow up and get a life. You’re made to kill. We all are. You the most.” Bliss wanted to cry. I know she did. “If you were smart, you wouldn’t talk like that to someone with a knife in her bag. Bliss better not.She opened the bag and put the knife a few inches away from Dream’s neck. “Do it.” Dream said. Bliss sighed and put the knife away. “I knew you couldn’t handle it.” Dream said getting into the elevator. “When she’s not fighting, she can’t be out of there.” She said as we were walking towards the road.Bliss fell down and Bryson had to carry her a few times. We walked down the long road. Very few cars went by. I could barely see until we reached the rich neighborhoods. They had bright street lights. There were fancy hotels but we were told to go to the little motel called “Spend the Night.” Not the most creative name or anything. I don’t even know how many nights we’re spending there.
Ryton was in the lobby. “Flair!” He came over and hugged me. Then, He kissed me. It was a short kiss on the lips. It was weird. We usually just hugged. A friendly hug. “This is them?” He asked looking at Bliss and Bryson. “Yep.” I told him “She’s so...thin and he’s so...muscular?” He whispered it like it was a question. “Yeah.” I looked at him. Same short black hair. Same light blue eyes. Same perfect face. He seemed to fit right in with Bliss and Bryson. Ryton was strong and flawless. Just like Bliss and Bryson. I had oily skin,freckles,and scars that I’ve had forever. Bliss was naturally beautiful. Not how people think Lovette and Hannah are beautiful. They’re fake. They have hair extensions, spray tans, and tons of makeup. I don’t think that makes them beautiful at all. Ryton used to be Hannah’s boyfriend. It makes me sick. He’s better than that.
Ryton was carrying luggage. “I have stuff you might need. Summer knows you’re okay. I didn’t tell her everything. Orson told me where you all came from. It’s okay you can trust me, Right Flair?” He said to us. “Yeah. Ryton is great.” He just laughed. “I can never tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.” Did I offend him? “No,I wasn’t. Thanks for helping.” Bryson talked to the lady at the front desk and she gave him a key. They had no rooms with two beds available and there were three people staying in one room. This is going to be weird. I’ll have to deal with the nightmares and the suicidal thoughts. It must suck to be Bliss and Bryson.They’re pretty messed up.
We walked off the elevator. It was just a regular elevator. No glass,diamonds,or red carpet. I shouldn’t think about that place. It’s not safe. But when I really think about it, I’m not safe anywhere. Not with Bliss and Bryson. Someone’s after us. I’m safe with Ryton, though. I must be. Even if Orson hadn’t told him and trusted him. Ryton stood up for my sister. As much as I loved her, I could have never done that. I can’t stand up to bullies. Now, Ryton is helping me. Why is he so nice to everyone? I tried to think of one nice thing I’ve done for him. I let him borrow a pen a few times in class and I let him borrow my notes. That was it. Ryton helped me study for that test. Ryton helped me up when I tripped on the sidewalk. Ryton bought the necklace Summer wanted for her birthday,and he told her it was from me. Rytons family let Summer and me stay at his house when mom didn’t come home.Ryton played with me in kindergarten when no one else would. Ryton bought my school lunches when I didn’t have the money. Why am I thinking about that? Why does Ryton have to be so kind?
The room was small, cozy. It was more at home and it wasn’t underground. The bed was pretty big. But, there is no way three people are going to fit on it. I wouldn’t want to anyway. Ryton took one blanket off the bed and layed it on the floor. Then, he took a pillow. “I should get going.” He said and left. The three of us just stood there. Silent. It was so quiet I could hear them thinking. They were afraid. Terrified. “It’s okay.” I said more to me than to them. “We’re all safe now.”
It was 2:58 a.m. I got it the blanket on the floor and Bliss and Bryson shared the bed. They were pretty uncomfortable about it.
I couldn’t sleep. I just stayed there. Bryson said “Clover.” about five times in his sleep. Bliss was crying the whole time. I wasn’t sure if she was crying in her sleep and I didn’t want to wake her. I looked at the clock next to me. 4:03 a.m. “Are you awake?” I heard Bliss whisper. “Yeah.” I answered. She crawled out of bed and sat next to me. “Do you have have a family? Brothers? Sisters?” She asked me in a quiet voice. “I have a mother and a sister. No father.” I can’t cry. Not now. Why should I cry? Not for him. He left when I was two years old. He never cared about us. He hurt us. He doesn’t deserve my tears. I’m not going to cry. “Oh.” Bliss said.”I’m sorry to hear that.” I was sorry, too. “My sister’s name is Summer.I really miss her.” I wanted to tell her everything. I wasn’t just going to pour my heart out. Not now. Maybe not ever. Ever. What’s she doing now? Smoking with Dream? No, probably crying. Having a mental breakdown. Screaming. Ever was just like all of them. Like Bruce and his drinking. They didn’t know how to deal with their feelings and problems.He tries to drink them away. Now that I think about it, he’s always been drunk. When I first saw him, he bumped into Bliss because he could barely walk. Maybe he wasn’t all that bad. Maybe it was just the alcohol. Broken. They were all so broken.
I saw the bag next to me. I opened it. It was too dark to see but I felt something soft. I pulled out Pride and handed him/her to Bliss. “Bryson knew you would’ve wanted it. You should get some sleep.” I told her. It was sweet how Bryson knew.She hugged me and went back to bed. I did too.
I don’t think I had a dream that night.Maybe I did, but forgot. I rolled onto my side to look at the alarm clock. 7:48 a.m. I looked on the bed. No one. I slowly stood up so I could see them. They had to be there. But they weren’t.

Chapter 3

No, not in the bathroom. Not hiding near the mini fridge. Not near the microwave. Nowhere. They were nowhere. But there was someone in the room. And it wasn’t them. He stood tall and strong in his navy blue uniform. The soldiers. The king's soldiers. My heart was racing. Just one of them? Why isn't he talking? Why wasn’t he killing me? Biss and Bryson have killed these soldiers all their lives. Where were they? The soldier had wrinkles on his face and his hair was starting to go gray. He didn’t seem to be breathing. He just stood there You can’t be dead and still standing. Can you? He wasn’t moving at all. Not a single muscle. I took a few steps backward. I picked up the bag while watching him. What was he doing? There had to weapons in here. There were but I found something much better. Something that could do anything. Anything at all. A cell phone. Not just any cell phone. A Quail phone. A smart phone. A phone that hasn’t come out in stores. A phone that not even Lovette and Hannah could afford. A phone made by Mr. Quail, the most powerful scientist on the planet. The phone that could freeze time and make you and your friends invisible. A phone that could sense danger and soldiers. THe phone told me it all. It knew he was coming and caused all this to happen. We’re safe because of a phone.
I didn’t feel invisible. I could see myself. Maybe other people can’t see me. Bliss and Bryson were probably sleeping on that bed. There were two other phones in that bag. Just like this one. There were also weapons. Weapons like the ones in training. Guns, flaming knives,poison,arrows, and every other weapon you can think of. There was something else in the bag. Something terrifying. Sadie’s song. I didn’t know her very well. Not the way Ryton knew her. She was like a sister to him.
Years ago, there was a brave, twelfth grade teacher. She taught math, but thought the kids should know more. More history. Every year since kindergarten, we learn about the holocaust. Not any leaders, kings, rulers, dictators. Just the holocaust. And what it is.We learn that even though the king is terrible and so is life, at least it’s not the holocaust. We can’t learn about any other rulers than the king. So, the teacher skipped her fractions that day and told them just one thing. One thing

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