» Drama » Sweaters, Heaven Evette Creater [big screen ebook reader TXT] 📗

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pm and you knockin like you the damn police.” She told him.


“Um…look Mrs. Jenkins…my girl and I are moving soon and…Secret needs a place to live because she can’t come with us and---.” He was cut off.


“Aww hell naw! I think she a real sweetie pie and all but I ain’t bouts to raise no mo babies in here! I’m damned near seventy years old. I ain’ts raisin no mo chilren in this house! Shoot, I can barely raise my self!” she retorted. “And why she can’t go with you...? Aw I see, yo new woman don’t like kids huh? Aw well that’s too damn bad! You ain’t bout to dump ya child on me, shit. Get the hell outta here with that!” she said as she closed the door.


“But Mrs. Jenkins…” his words faded. He came back inside and didn’t close the door yet.


“Old drunk bastard….where ha mama at anyways…?” we all heard her through her door.


Daniel finally slammed the door shut afterwards. “I don’t know who else to ask. I don’t have family around and neither does her mama.” He said defeated.


“So…that means you give up then?” she asked excitedly. It was quiet for a moment.


“Yes” he finally said. I just wish I knew what they were talking about.


“Great. Well I’m going to the liquor store for some things for breakfast.” She said. “Be right Back.”




After she left I heard him come towards my room. I quickly jumped in my bed and pretended to be asleep. He unlocked, opened, and stood by the door.


I think he was thinking. There’s a surprise. He slowly walked to my bed and got to his knees. Then he stroked my hair and kissed me on my forehead…like a daddy would do. Next he placed the golden brown teddy bear under my arm that he got me a while ago and pulled the covers up over my shoulders and tucked me in. He stroked my hair again and got up and walked out of the room. It felt weird when he showed “love”. It was really unexpected. That’s why I never understood him. It’s like he’s bipolar or something. Some days I think he hates me and other days I don’t want to leave his side. He’s a confusing person to me. That’s why I drew the question mark where his heart is on my paper.


I woke up the next morning to the smell of breakfast. I smelled bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes and sausage. It smelled really good. I got out of bed and did my daily routine: Washed up, brushed my teeth, got dressed and got my book bag. Miss Devil was cooking and Daniel was sitting at the end of the table reading a newspaper. I started to walk towards the door.


“You didn’t say good morning. We’re sitting right here.” said Ms. Devil.


“Good morning.” I said flatly as I tried to walk out the door.


“Come eat.”


“I’m not hungry.”


“It wasn’t a question. Now come sit down and eat.”


Daniel didn’t say anything or even look at me as usual. He kept his eyes on the newspaper and he was shaking. She set a plate in front of my face. I didn’t move a muscle. instead I just glared at her. “Eat, I said.” She repeated. I stared at her until finally she smacked me across my face hard and yelled “Eat, damn it!” I felt my cheeks grow hot and my eyes become watery. I tried really hard to hold back the tears. I think her fake ass nails scratched me or something. I stared at her again.


“Secret…just eat it.” Daniel finally said quietly.


I gave him a “Did you see that?” look and he nervously looked back at his newspaper. Trembling, I picked up the fork and began to eat. This food tasted really funny.


“Swallow.” She said sternly.


After I did, a slow smile curled on her face and she gave me some apple juice. Even that tasted a little off. Damn, this bitch can’t even make juice! I guess she saw me make a face and said with a smile


“Sorry about the juice, it expired a couple of days ago.”


After I finished, I got up to leave and she stopped me by the door.


“Come here.” She pulled me in the bathroom and put make up over the scratches. Then she aggressively pulled me by my hair and pushed me out into the hallway.


I ran into Mrs. Jenkins’s door hard. Then the bitch had the nerve to throw my book bag at me and slam the door. Oh she’s gonna get hers from me one day. Mrs. Jenkins opened her door and looked at me.


“What you doin Sweaters?” she asked.


“I was running…and I fell.” I lied.


“You fell huh? You sure?”


“Yes.” I told her as I got up.


“You goin to school?”


“Yes.” I repeated.


“But you don’t have no coat on, it’s cold.” She replied.


“…I have to go now…bye Mrs. Jenkins.” I said as I nervously backed up and walked away.


“Child, I pray for you.” I heard her say under her breath as I walked away. I pray for me too.


I walked slowly to school. I was thinking about random things. Like how I miss my mom, and how I never met my dad. How I have to constantly lie to people about what’s going on at home. I hate when I think. Thinking brings up things you’re trying forget. The more I thought, the more I concluded that my life was total shit. And the more I concluded that my life was total shit, the more I wanted to cry….so I did. I started to cry, the more I thought, the harder I cried. I cried until I couldn’t even see where I was going. I had to sit on the curb in front of a clothes shop and I just cried until almost all the energy drained out of me. I felt light headed and fatigued.


“Little girl, are you alright?” a man with a concerned face asked.


“I’m ok.” I replied. I could barely get the words to come out.


“It’s freezing out here. Where’s your coat?”


“I don’t have one.” I answered simply.


“You’re on your way to school?”




“Want a ride?”


“No.” I said as I got up and quickly walked away.


Dude wasn't bout to kidnap me, shoot. He just looked at me and walked back into the shop. I finally arrived at school. I rung the buzzer, that’s how I know I’m late. The secretary buzzed me in and gave me a tardy slip. It was almost 10:30. Damn! I didn’t think it was that late. I walked down the hall way to my classroom. I walked right in and I guess I interrupted the math lesson. The class grew absolutely quiet and I just took my seat and laid my head down.


“Secret...You’re late.” Mr. Rodriguez said.


“No shit Sherlock.” I mumbled.


“…Excuse me?”


I slowly raised my head up and looked him in his eyes.


"I said, no shit Sherlock.”


The kids started to giggle. He looked at me like I had one eye missing.


“Excuse me but… we don’t use that kind of language in this classroom, understood?” he asked with a stern look. I didn’t say anything. “I asked you a question.” He retorted.


“Kay.” I said ignorantly.


He gave me a hard stare. “Where’s your tardy slip?”


I took it out my pocket and nearly threw it at him, and then I laid my head back down. The room was quiet.


“Secret, you and I need to step out into the hall for a moment.” I didn’t move at all. “Now!” he almost yelled. 


Nearly half the class jumped. Even me, I admit. No one ever heard him get loud. Glad to be the first I thought sarcastically. I could tell he was trying to control himself. I got up with an attitude and walked out the room. As he followed behind, I closed the door in his face. He yanked it open and grabbed me by my arm as I tried to walk away.


“What is wrong with you?” he asked.


I said nothing as I tried to yank my arm away. He’s pretty strong but I finally managed to pull away.


“Don’t put your damn hands on me!” I yelled. “Watch your mouth!” he yelled back.


“Make me!” I retorted.


It got quiet as he looked at me. I could tell he was mad. His skin tone changed red. He ran his fingers through his long black hair as he breathed hard, counted and walked around in small circles. I used to do that myself. I count until I can’t count anymore and I sometimes breathe hard but it doesn’t really help. Haven’t done it in a while. He finally stopped and glared at me. I looked away. I walked far from him and sat in a cubby. I was tired and I felt sick a little. He watched me the whole time.


“Secret…we need to talk.” He finally said, trying to calm himself down.


“I don’t want to talk.” 


“You don’t have to now, but we will talk.” He answered. “It’s now or later.”


“I don’t want to talk.” I repeated.


He didn’t say anything and neither did I for a moment.


“Why not?” he finally asked. “It’s obvious you have a problem today.” “


My problems aren’t your problems, so why do you want to know them?” I shot at him.


“Because I care!” he said frustrated.


He looked at me with a flushed face. He’s cute with his face. I got up and moved to a different spot. He moved and sat next to me. I moved again, and so did he. This went on for about two more minutes. Finally, I gave up and didn’t move anymore.


“Give up?” he giggled.


“You’re a stalker.” I answered.


“Well thank you” he replied with a smile.


I couldn’t help but also smile. He looked at me, looked down, and then quickly looked at me again with that examining look and a touch of concern on his face.


“Secret, what’s on your face?” he asked.


“What?” I asked while touching my cheek. Oh yea, I forgot about the scratches and makeup. “Oh, it's nothing.” I answered again.


“Yea there is, let me see.” He said as he reached for my face.


I turned my head so he couldn’t and I scooted away a little bit.


“Secret, what’s wrong?” he asked as he got closer. “I just want to see.”


“No.” I replied simply.


I knew he was going to try and reach for me again, so I got up and tried to walk away a little. He stopped me by gently grabbing my arm and pulling me close to him so he could see my face.


“Is that makeup? You’re a little young for it aren’t you?” he asked with a slight laugh while touching it.


“Ow!” Damn, I didn’t mean to say it.


“Ow?” he repeated in a whisper. He just looked at me. “What happened Secret?” he asked.


The way he asked it sounded as if he had just been stabbed. After I didn’t answer right away he went into the classroom and got some tissues. When he came back, he gently wiped the makeup off and revealed the scratches. I didn’t stop him from doing it; I was trying to think of a lie.


“What happened to you?” he asked as he examined the scratches.


“A cat did it.” I answered quickly.


Oh yea! Mrs. Jenkins' cat, whiskers! I could use him as an excuse.


“A cat?” He asked as he examined me.


 I could tell he wasn’t convinced. “Yep, my neighbor’s cat, whiskers.”


“You sure?”


“Yea. I was playing with him and I think I played too rough. He scratched me.” I answered.


“It’s almost lunch time…you ready to go back to class like a normal little girl?” he asked.


“No, I’m not normal.” I answered sarcastically.


He smiled and we went in the room. “Alright guys get your lunches and coats and line up.” He told them. He stood by the door and didn’t move. I feel a little nauseous.


During lunch, I laid my head down. I felt tired, but I couldn’t sleep. Mr. Rodriguez came over and gently rubbed my back.


“Secret…you alright honey?” he asked.


I heard him, but I didn’t pay him any attention. I wanted to say I was fine but I didn’t feel

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