» Drama » Sweaters, Heaven Evette Creater [big screen ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Sweaters, Heaven Evette Creater [big screen ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Heaven Evette Creater

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Chapter one: New School year



“Hello everyone. I am really excited to be teaching you all. I hope we can all get along this year and I want to know some things about all of you so we can get to know each other a little better. Everyone come sit on the floor.” He smiled. “Raise your hand and when I pick you, please stand and tell us your name, age and some things about yourself. I’ll go first. My name is Miguel Rodriguez but you all can call me Mr. Rodriguez.” He laughed.


Some of the kids giggled with him.


“I was born in Mexico but I moved here to America when I was five years old. I am thirty now. I love art and after I leave here, I go to my art studio and paint. And um…that’s it. Is there anyone else who wants to go next?” he asked.


Immediately most of the kids in the room raised their hands. He called on them one at a time. I remember some of their faces from last year. One boy, named Jason, said he was nine and had four other brothers and one sister. He helps his mom out a lot because he is the oldest. Another girl raised her hand and said that she was 10 and that she lives with her grandparents but her parents visit her often. There was another girl who raised her hand. When Mr. Rodriguez picked her, she stood up and announced her name real proud. I didn’t like her because she always picked on me. She was a real… snob. Her name was Erica.


“Has everyone gone?” Mr. Rodriguez asked.


Everyone had said yes.


All of a sudden, Ms. Big mouth yelled out, “No, she hasn’t gone yet! She’s in the back hiding her face. She thinks she’s slick!”


“Ok Erica, calm down honey. Alright miss…you haven’t gone yet. Can you please tell us something about yourself?” Mr. Rodriguez asked.


“I don’t want to.” I said simply.


“Oh come on, Please?”


I stood up and took a deep breath and let it out slowly before I said “My name is Secret Stone.” Then I sat down like I had just given a 30 minute speech. It was quiet for a few seconds.


Then Erica asked “That’s it? Your just gonna say your name?”


Everyone started to laugh.


“Aren’t there more things we should know?” Mr. Rodriguez giggled.


“No.” I said. 


“How about you explain why you always wear those sweaters.” Erica shot out.


“I’m cold.” I retorted.


“All the time? Seriously, it’s like 89 degrees outside!” She shot back.


All the kids started to laugh again.


“How bout you mind your damn business and don’t worry about me. When I find your name on my birth certificate, then you’ll have the privilege to question me and what I wear.”


“Oooh she cursed!” Erica yelled out.


“Girls...Please let’s not make the first day a bad one.” He scolded.


“Sorry Mr. Rodriguez.” Erica said sweetly.


I can’t stand her. She’s such a kiss ass.


“It’s alright honey.” He smiled back.


He looked over at me, I guess waiting for my apology next. If this dude thinks I’m going to say sorry, he’s gonna be waiting till the end of time. Soon everyone else started looking at me. I’m not saying sorry because of what just happened. She should just mind her business. After a few seconds, Mr. Rodriguez just turned around. When he turned back around, he looked at me again. Then he looked at everyone else.


“We can play some games. If there is a game that you don’t want to play, you can sit in the back...any suggestions?” He asked.


Some kid said we should play “Heads, up seven up” while someone else suggested “Simon says”. There was a bunch of stuff they were playing. I sat in the back the whole time. I was the only one who didn’t want to play anything. At some point, during the games, Mr. Rodriguez would look over at me for a few seconds and then back to the games.


I just looked down or away every time. I don’t like making eye contact. They played until it was time for lunch. I didn’t eat. Mr. Rodriguez and the rest of the teachers sat at a big table in the back that over looked the lunchroom. He looked at me again. Then back to the teachers.


“So Mr. Rodriguez how’s your class?” Ms. Marie asked.


She was so pretty. To him, she is gorgeous. I can tell by the way they talk to each other and the way he acts a little nervous around her.


“Oh um…they’re…they’re great… good group of kids.” He replied.


“Oh yes. They’re all little angels aren’t they? Each of them so full of energy and innocence, they’re just adorable.” She laughed.


“Yea, they are. Looks like I’ve got myself a shy one though, might have some problems this year with that one. She doesn’t really like to participate.” He giggled nodding towards my direction.


I catch him looking at me all the time. I didn’t really mind it though because what he didn’t know is that when he isn’t looking, I’m looking at him too. Guess we’re just gonna be looking at each other. Some point during the lunch period, we caught each other’s stares and focused on one another for a few seconds. After lunch we went out for recess. I stood by the grass by myself. I waited to see if someone would come and talk or play with me, but no one did. They all would walk past and stare at me like I had just shot someone. They all decided to play red rover. Since I was the only one who wasn’t invited to play, I sat under a tree that was a little far from the playground. Mr. Rodriguez came over and sat next to me.


“Hi.” He said. I didn’t say anything. I heard him but I didn’t realize he was there. I was in a daze. “Hi.” He repeated. This time I heard him, but I still didn't respond.


“Ignoring me huh?” he giggled.


Still, I said nothing.


“Secret, right?” He asked.


After a couple seconds, I responded, “Yea.”


“Well Secret…what’s up with you? Are you OK? You haven’t really been participating today.” He asked.


“I’m OK.” I answered slightly squinting my eyes from the sun before looking down at my feet.


“Are you sure?” He asked again.




“Aren’t you hot in that sweater?” 


He really does ask a lot of questions.


“No.” I answered blankly.


“You really don’t talk much, do you?” 


 “I think a lot, but I don’t talk much. Talking gets you into trouble.” I told him After a few quiet seconds.


“Oh no, it’s how you say things that get you into trouble.” He explained.


“Well I say a lot of things…and in a lot of ways. It’s best if I just don’t talk.” 


“Oh…is that why you believe you shouldn't talk?" He asked.


"No, my best friend used to tell me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all…I like to speak my mind freely.” I retorted.


“Used to? Did she move away?” He asked politely.


I just looked at him blankly.



“Hey…I’m just trying to get to know you. Sorry if I seem nosy. You’re just, really---”



“Strange.” I finished for him.



“...No...It’s just that I find you…interesting, that’s all.” He said sheepishly.


“Because I’m strange. It’s ok, I know I am.” I admitted.


“No, really…I do find you interesting. You’re not strange at all. You remind me of myself when I was little.” He explained.


I said nothing and neither did he for a few minutes.


“Well Secret, It was nice getting to know you. I’m glad I did.” He smiled as he stood up to leave.


“Sweaters.” I said after a few seconds.


He stopped walking and turned around to look at me. I didn’t look at him though, instead I stared straight ahead. “Pardon?” He asked confused.


“Sweaters, that’s what people call me. You can call me that too…if you want.” I offered.


“Ok, but I prefer to call you by your first name…if you don’t mind” He giggled.


I looked at him, then looked ahead. “Fine, whatever floats your boat, man.”


He turned and smiled at me before walking away.


 Fourth week of school:


I guess I’m walking today. Daniel didn’t get up this morning to take me to school. But then again, when does he ever. He came home late last night, as always. I got out of bed and washed up for school. I brushed my teeth and made myself a piece of toast before I got dressed. I Put on my light pink fuzzy sweater and some blue jeans with the knees cut out. I’m glad Daniel went straight to bed last night instead of coming to talk to me about nothing like he usually does. He seemed drunk and probably won’t go to work today. I grabbed my book bag and headed for the door.


It was 7:45 A.M. and school started at 8. and it was about 7 blocks away and Daniel didn’t sign me up for a bus this year or last year. I knew I was going to be late but I wasn’t about to rush there. I could care less if I got there on time or not. I only go so I don’t have to be at home. On the way to school I stopped by the Golden China Restaurant and bought 5 fortune cookies.


Then I went by the liquor store and got a bunch of penny candy, both with the coins I find in-between the couch and on the floors. I continued my walk to school in no rush at all. When I got there it was 9:00 and I didn’t know that until I went to the office for a tardy slip. The lady at the desk told me that since it’s the first couple weeks of school, all tardies wouldn’t count. But next week they would and that I need to start being here on time. I walked around until I found my classroom.


I opened the door and walked in. The class stopped whatever they were doing. The room fell silent as they watched me come in and sit down.


“Good morning Secret.” Mr. Rodriguez said politely as he slyly looked at the clock on the wall.


I looked at him and said “Hey.”


“Oh, Hey Sweaters.” Erica said mockingly.


The class started to laugh. I didn’t say anything.


“Erica…” Mr. Rodriguez said sternly.


She looked at him then at me and said sorry but I still said nothing. I looked down as the room grew quiet.


“Alright everyone, continue what you were doing. Secret, come here please.” He said.


He handed me a white sheet of paper that had 4 boxes folded onto it and pointed to a table that had crayons, markers and pencils.


“Today we are just writing or drawing 4 things that make us happy, or something that we like to do a lot. Anything you want. Then on the back, you do the same thing but instead write or draw what you don’t like.” He explained.


“Ok.” I said as I took the paper carelessly and walked away.


Most of the kids were working in groups. I sat in a corner away from all of them. Again, Mr. Rodriguez looked at me. This time for a few good minutes like he was studying me for and experiment or something. Then he snapped out of it and just watched the other kids work.


In my first box, I drew a pencil, crayon, eraser and paper and wrote “Art” at the top. My next box, I drew my best friend, Carlos. My third box I tried to draw a few fortune cookies and pieces of candy. Drawing the cookies was a little tough. And in my final box, I drew a man and a woman but I put question marks where they’re faces are supposed to be. On the back, I drew another man with an angry face, but instead I put the question mark where his heart is supposed to be.

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