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alexs has a bad life and she wantes help but she doesn't now who she can talk too.

i was home on my couch when the door bell rang it was a boy a 15 year old i looked he said come wuth me i said ok and i was with him the next thing i know in went home he came back my sister fell in love so i ran away with him

things stir up between kirito and asuna with Gal between them and kazuto trys to stop it but it ends up getting worse between them and gal just continues to do what she does.

One day she will become a bird. She will not fly too high... Unless it is required of her That she win his heart... Without breaking her own.

Nevah loves Rashad but can't stand his cheating ways after catching him she decides its time to go there separate ways leaving town. Rashad is having a hard time forgetting about Nevah but has more to deal with than her leaving him. The game is getting more dangerous with Blizz after him.

8 years is how long i have been gone for 8 years i was there captive but since my rescue I have been sent to live them. They say they are my parents but to me they they are strangers any memory of them and the boy have faded to the back of my mind and all that u have to do is pick up the pieces,

So this is something i wote about me ( of course ) just expressing life and things. Everyone feels different and this is basically how i have gone down hill through life since 12 (4 years ago) Hopefully life gets better :)

My poppy deployed and i want to write poems for him tell me how you like them. Im really bad about writting poems . I thought i was gonna cry every doy without him but i can be strong.

Suffering from an inferiority complex, Amy had limited opportunities to upstage her smug, always right and never wrong, husband. But now, she had found a way…