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You can't blame her for wanting to give up. I'm sorry if it's sucky... I was in a rush

There's a new puppy in town! His name is Courage. Once he gets adopted by a family, he goes crazy! Should Courage really be called Cerberus? What will happen to the owners and their CP bay bees?

just read the book it might not be done for a while and someone else might copy this book for technical reasons /////////////.

This book is based on real events that I went through at the age of 14. the character I created when my 3 best friends died in a accident. I expressed my pain and hurt in her and this is the result. To find out more,go to

everything happens for a reason. But this wasnt just an accident

Gina: I can't take it anymore, I must take off the mask of my past so I can continue life but if I do, how will I get money, and how will I get friends? Christina: She can continue with her life but I don't understand her. She smiles but when she is not with me she goes to the streets.