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story of what lucy bee dreamed of what was going to happen in 2012 but when the dream or as it should be called nightmare came true she didnt know what to do.

He has rejected me, my love, my soul mate. Now what am I supposed to do, I'm Gina. He helped me sell drugs but he just left me with barely any money now I have to survive. WARNING- CURSE WORDS!!!

pusheen pissin kissin fat stupid evil caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt.

this story is about a girl name Elizabeth who just wants to live a normal life without her mom keeping her locked up. Since the death of her father has broken all of them she is pretty much not giving up on her life.

What Happens when a buck tooth hillbilly boy discovers that rich people aint rich

A book about the life and background story of a girl that is hurt and finds someon to save her read it to find out more. Will she escape pain or will she fal deeper into it?

This time around the girls go shopping with kazuto's aunt but end up dragging kazuto along to try and get him to choose who would look better in there bikini's

Okay,Avalon just found out her dad got out of jail. I feel so sorry for her, how come bad things always happen to her. I just hope the rain stops and she reaches her rainbow. Hopefully there will be a pot of gold at the end. She is going to need it, she's going through a lot. What is going to happen next, and how did he get out. Guess your going to have to find out.

So in this book, There is a girl named Violet. She is a demon. Her family is many creatures of the night too, her brother is a wolf. Her younger sister is a vampire and her mother and father are wolf/demon's. When she meets a guy named Lucas. He has a dark secret, and Violet has no idea what she's getting herself into. Will Violet trust Lucas, Or will she fall into his trap? Read to find out more ~ Leah ♥

Amaranda and Becky are the best of friends. They aren't pretty, or popular, they are ridiculed by everyone they come in contact with. What happens when two innocent girls reach the point of no return?