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Mint was a specail child. She was the best in many subjects then 1 day Mint disappered. 100 years later she appered but she had red eyes. Rad eyes was rare. then another girl appered she was Sakera. Sakura was like Mint but they hated each other she doesn't why but something in her past did that.

I stell geat bulled a lot my life cold of ead if it was not for my best frend i wold of neve have made it to day some time i with i have kiled my sulf but i,m alive becus of my best frirend.

this is about gun gale online and how gal and kirito always looked alike so i said why not make them brother and sister in a love story stuck with asuna and kirito.

I didn't see the signs. I didn't see the warnings that told me to stop. That was one mistake, and I'm not making another one. This is my story...

a new girl at nastasia's school is making stasi trip out could this be a evil presense among the school?

Kim's story had a special meaning for Jaws. He knew he could no longer ignore what he had been feeling. Her pursuit and encounter with the stranger changed his life. It inspired the heromotive challenge

Manche Dinge im Leben gehen verloren. Manchmal finden wir sie wieder. Und dann wird es Zeit, so loszulassen, und an etwas Neues zu glauben - etwas Besseres!

this is about a girl who hates her life but learns about love I am just going to keep goingmon gomkonbjknbjdnjnnjdnjibnjnbjonnjnjnjknjjijjjj