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i have to make my blurb at least 140 charcters but i just want you to read the book i have no idea what to do for the blurb so im just writing

Tiffney has had a really ruff year. Her parents died in a plane crash. At school she's bullied by Scarlet. With the help of her best friends Becca and Bruce she feels right at home. She thinks to her self What if which upsets her more then anything.

"I'm gonna marry the night, I won't give up on my life." The line haunted his thoughts and dreams, just like the girl who had sang them on that cold winter night such a long time ago.

This isn't a fanfic nor is it an actual book with a plot line. It is basically just full of ranting. Lot's of it. Some of you may agree with my opinions, and some of you may not.

love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love.

Everyone has secrets and nobody tells all their secrets, not even those you love or who are directly affected by those very secrets.........

Fourteen year old Kennedi, finds out what life is with boys when she suddenly runs into an obstacle. Will the obstacle change her life or make her become closer with her best guy friend?

Sorry A Bad Background Gonna edit this summary and tell you abit the story soon. Wrote this story in a hurry

Love is one thing that happens in our life. Most of the time we do not have rules about it. But, Prince Redfur has no choice but to marry the girl his mother wants, but he is in love with someone that is not a princess or is rich.