» Drama » My Story, perla vegas [dark academia books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «My Story, perla vegas [dark academia books to read TXT] 📗». Author perla vegas

The rush of the wind as I pushed forward, it was becoming very painful but if I didn’t keep on pushing it would become even more painful. They were right behind me I knew it. I felt them behind me trying to catch up. I knew what they wanted but I couldn’t give it to them I didn’t have it yet. I tripped I struggled to get up then I saw them the 2 pairs of feet I was running from. I open my mouth but nothing came out. It all happened so fast the gun shot the sirens blood and then I woke up in the hospital. I felt numb then I blacked out again. When I woke up again I wasn’t in the hospital any more I don’t know where I was. I heard laughter talking and footsteps. I tried to get up but there was something holding me down then I realized I was chained to a pole. I took a look around for any clue as to how I got there but there was nothing there but me a pole a chain and stairs. There were no windows so I must have been in a basement. I racked my brain to remember what happen but I had no idea no clue nothing as if my memory was erased. Thick footsteps came down the stairs. Everything came flashing back as soon as I saw his face. There he was the guy that was chasing me, the guy that shot me, the guy that checked me out the hospital and dragged me here. I knew what he wanted but I didn’t have it yet and I don’t know when I was going to get it for him.
“Where is it?!” he asked in that deep husky voice I use to adore.
“Where is what?” I tried to play stupid but he knew that I knew exactly what he was talking about.
“Mel baby you know I love you I would never want to hurt you but if you’re giving me no choice what am I supposed to do?” his husky voice turned into a dark pit of despair. I started thinking maybe it wasn’t his fault I was here maybe someone has forced him maybe he has to do it no matter what, weather he likes it or not. To correct my thoughts I asked
“Don’t you have a choice aren’t you the one going after me” I tried to sound unafraid confident but all that failed I sounded weak and frail. Tears started falling onto the ground. He bend down and looked like he was about to hug me but instead he slapped me.
“Don’t be so stupid Melody no wonder we didn’t work out stop being such a baby just give me what I want and you won’t ever have to see me again or even hear about me anymore.” He started laughing as if he had said a joke and I missed it.
“But I don’t want to lose you. I want to be the cute couple from a month ago the couple voted most likely to stay together. The couple voted most likely to have a family together.” I started to quiver and the tears started flowing out like a river. At this he laughed even louder.
“Am I missing something because there is something you find really funny and I want to know what it is. Is me wanting us to be together that funny?” I couldn’t anymore I broke apart a month ago we were a happy couple he was the perfect boyfriend and then she came into his life, Annabelle. He broke up with me and wanted me to give him everything he bought and every cent I borrowed from him back. All my life I had lived in the projects. I couldn’t afford anything, so when he told me that I fell to pieces. All day and night all I thought about was how I was going to get him his stuff and money back. I knew if he didn’t get his money back, there would be trouble for me. He was part of a gang and had a lot of people to defend him and to stand behind him no matter what the situation was. It has been a month since then and now I will pay for what I couldn’t get to him.
”Give me another chance please I’ll give everything you need just give me more time I promise please I’m begging I’ll get it to you just give me more time.” I was on my knees and crying he had to have some sympathy for someone he used to love.
“Did what we have mean nothing to you?” I was really curious about this question was this all a game to him? Did he really ever love me? Or was I just his little game.
“Darling of course you meant something for me but it’s all about my way of living, forgive no one have sympathy for no one.” He was serious he would pick his way of living for the person he loved. At that point I was furious and I was annoyed.
“Just unlock me and I’ll give you all your stupid stuff. I’ll give you your money back every cent even more if you want just unlock me and get me out of here!” I was shouting at the top of my lungs and I had no intention to stop until he unlocked me.
“Fine but I better have my money by next week or instead of me looking for you it will be my men and if my men are after you they will have no sympathy.” I knew he wasn’t lying about that so I promised him I would get him his stuff and money by next week. When he released me I ran. I didn’t know where I was going but I wanted to get far away from him. When I got home I ran into my room and began searching everything that I found that was him I threw in a bag. I found all his stuff but I didn’t know where to get the money from. The next day I went to the bank and asked for a loan. I didn’t know how to explain why I needed the loan but I had to say something I needed that loan and fast. When they denied the loan I asked my mother for money and when that didn’t work out I went to look for a job. That didn’t go so great so I asked people from my hood to help me get a job as a drug dealer I had no experience with that and I didn’t know which drug was which so I sucked but by the end of the week I had enough money to pay back and still have money to spend. I paid him back his money and I was much happier. I even kept my job as a drug dealer I earned a lot of money and I was getting good at it. I had an encounter with the police but I kept selling. It was as if selling drugs was my drug. After a while I was put in jail after that I learned my lesson jail was hard. All people talked about were hurting other people. For any little thing they would beat someone up. That was a horrible experience and I learned from my mistake. Now I got a job. I’m working at a rehab center. To my surprise people with the same problem I have come in every once in a while I guess I’m not alone, and neither are they.


Publication Date: 01-07-2012

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