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Genre Drama. Page - 38

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this episode kazuto has awoke but is just getting out of the hospital and is being taken care of at his own home by gal, silica and kazuto's aunt are out for the day shopping.

This story is titanic with a twist what if rose isn't human what if jack has a secret too if so what is it how will they cope what's Worcester jacks secret or roses

A short story about the end of life for a teenager! My name is Jamie Friday and I am only 16 years old, and a 29 days ago Doctors predicted that I would live a month at best because of a deadly disease. I am writing this so when I am gone you will know about my final day and my final month on this so new world that I was still an infant on.

This is just something that I decided to write on a whim. While I don't understand the pain and sadness that others hold in their hearts, I want to lessen the pain and show them the way I see sadness... I also want to add that I'm sorry if this brings back terrible memories and that I hope that you can understand why I wrote this.

I will continue to add more poems.. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Ginger, cursed with bad karma. I mean REALLY bad karma. I cause accidents that I need to make a promise I will do for the rest of my life, even if I wish I didn't have to, but I must. Even if it comes to a guy who says where Soulmates. He was once my sisters, so he can never be mine.

Adele has a dream to be a professional show-jumper. An unexpected accident on her beloved horse, Gypsy, puts Adele in a dark frame of mind. Will she find a way to move on from the tragedy, or will Adele never ride again?

When you think everything is going good. Everything turns bad. Hey guys I'm back everyone. New book and new drama. I hope you guys enjoy this book. I will try to update my book every other day or everyday.