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Johannes Diderik Bierens de Haan (Amsterdam, 14 oktober 1866 - Haarlem, 27 september 1943) was een Nederlands filosoof. Bierens de Haan was de zoon van theehandelaar Jan Bierens de Haan en Louise Leonore van Leeuwen en een broer van de bioloog Johan Bierens de Haan. Hij volgde in Haarlem het gymnasium. Daarna studeerde hij theologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Hij promoveerde in 1891 op De beteekenis van Shaftesbury in de Engelsche ethiek. Na gewerkt te hebben als hervormd predikant te

A teenage girl named Jessica has a normal teenage life until..... Her friend was killed and now the murderer is after her. She has protection but now for long. She is kidnapped and pregnant and finds out her daughter has powers . Will she face her problems or hide from them? Will she live or die trying to face her problems?

Chanel is a Successfully young black lawyer who run into a drug dealer who tries to change his ways for the end of the day she spends 10 years in a drama filled relationship which later on bites her back. she thinks it all his fault that she wasted all of this time with him but she forgets to realized that she hurt him first and he just never forgave her and the relationship gets worst. This young black woman is lost don't know what to do and where is she going or is she going to heal