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Marcus Lanther, an 18 years old boy who sees his life thrown up. He hates his parents for leaving him, school for making him bored and lastly going to college. Everything seems so mess up until he met a new girl that will change his life.

A women is telling a story about a little girl with a big heart

I do not know why but sometimes bad things happen to good people. The last book of runaway that i made, she got run over. Yet her dad doesn't even pay the medical bill. Skylar's parents have to. Can you believe that? I feel really bad for Avalon, her dad is probably going to kill her.

this book might not be that good but o well so i hope you like it !!!!!!! :)

Gal and Kirito is getting married so today they are just choosing what to use for the next day and choosing a cake and everything they need.

Aria Celeste had a horrible time growing up. She lives with her sister, after the tragic death of her parents. She has been accepted to Hoverside. A school of Magic. She meets a girl named Teal and becomes best friends with her. Next to her is a dorm that everyone in the school is afraid of. A man who Aria falls for lives in the dorm. He is a complete asshole to her. But she doesn't realize she's falling for him? Will she find out why he's treating her like this? Book : Ongoing

this is something i jsut had to get down on paper then decided to post it its short but explains how i feel when secrets come out and are kept secret.

This all happen to me, but even I think that it is funny!