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In a world where people are cats, bunnies, dogs, birds and even monkeys, comes a strange tale of friendship and the importance of family and being equal. When Anya Green, a short eared bunny girl befriends the only monkey boy, Zalor Kain, in school she gets picked on even more, aside from her ears. Monkeys are considered the fools, tricksters and the jokers and being the only monkey in school in the last ten years, Zalor has a hard time fitting in, but the rough school becomes easier when Anya

I moved from new jersey. left all my friends for a nice neighborhood or so I thought. I have a neighbor named damen. he always likes to make fun of me. Also i have a crush named josh what could go wrong. (its not finished.)

Whenever there is something terrible in the world, hope can be the only weapon. But everything she knows is terror and pain. This should be Disney's next princess

Angel's wlife was perfect before the accident.When her mom dies on her 13th birthday trying to get Angel and herself out of the house away from her father.


In a long journey to happiness lilly found out she has an other half meaning in having a twin sister....what would she do next to find her?...

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ROUGH DRAFT !!!!! Im always being asked to write about what happened to me and how I got through it . Well here you go here's a summary of my hardships . Thank you for taking the time out to read my book