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A 15 year old girl. She's stuck in the middle of fear,rejection,and changing. Can she get through it. She came with a mom that dies when she was 5 and has no friends. Living on a field house and having a dad that finds another woman is hard.

Madeleine's life has changed a lot but she survived. She moved from Houston,Texas to Lawrence Kansas due to her parents mutual decision of divorce and had to go to a completely different high school, leaving her with a completely blank slate. Madeleine had made new friends and enjoyed being a freshman and sophomore there but now that she's finally going to be a Junior why does she have this ominous feeling that more is going to change this year than ever before?

A girl in a new school that have depression and a lot of questions about life and have to face all the objects that a teenager have in a new school and new city

Heavn is a 16 year old girl with a brother named Aaron Aaron hae always had the hots fo his sister wht happens next read the book to find ot

To the good ones with dark wishes and the cast-outs with good intentions. The perfectionists with flaws, and to the flawed that are perfect-souled. This is a story where lines are crossed in "The Crash Years."

This is just something I made up, please tell me if you would like me to continu or any feedback at my email

You know what enough is enough. I swear to god if I have to put up with Traces crap for one more second I'm going to kill someone. My mom is a total loon. My brother is in Iraq (lucky him). Plus my dads got a big surprise coming his way. Can it get any worse.

This story is a book that is based on another book.A girl who was a duck and help the prince butis that all it is or is it really a story. Yuri was a young duck who love to dance with a prince but will she regaine his haert