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This is a diary about a young teenage girl full of insecurities&teenage dilemmas. Every night she's been over thinking how life would be like at her new school, since she's moved town. will it turn out how she planned it to be? or will it go she fears? (note:this is an unfinished book, I will be writing more when i can)

Welcome to Shapes life. Not only is her name complicated, but her teenage life is as well. Despite always getting herself into trouble or making situations worse than they already are, Shapes is a pretty good person. She loves her friends and she usually tries to do the right thing, well most of the time ;)But even so, not even Shapes can control the outcome of her complicated life.

Moon is in a band. They have no name, which is really bad. Their songs are impossible to find. This is a story of Music and pure f***ing insanity.

ilica moves in with kazuto and gal but ends up running away and causing something to happen to kazuto's health as she is bullied by two man.

Nagato now lives with the Souma's but still has questions on their strange behavior and how the know like everything about everybody. To top it off, she still wonders why Satoshi talked hatefully about Daiki. SHe also meets a Demon and he wants to use her as what he calls a manipulator of time

Winnie, Ashley, Meghan, and Anna arrive to middle school thinking everything will go fine but when Winnie and Ashley get in a fight and Meghan turns on her for the pops, everything turns upside down..

A young 16 year old girl who was given the name Rose after loosing all of her memories has done the unthinkable. She has summoned a demon to earth to protect her until her wish has been fulfilled. That demons name is Raum. He is older than when America became its own country. Many people are displeased with the girls actions such as.....Angels. Other demons wish to have her soul as their own as the angels wish to purify it. Raum will defend his mistress at all costs. Even if it means death.