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Two teens, but one is very different from everyone else. He hides his true feelings. But once he meets her will that change, can they turn this horrible thing around or is he forever cursed?

I never knew a paintball war can become LITERALLY deadly.

Follow the story of Patricia DeLansae, a 13 year old girl who has been through so much,.. I don't think she'll survive...

This story is about a girl who meets a guy who is rude at first but they end up going out and she finds he is not as she thought him to be but she fins another who is everything she ever wanted

A young girl's birthday gone from the best to a horrible disaster, caused at Mount Coot-tha. **Please mind that what you read in here is fiction..**

An orphan afflicted with synesthesia has grown comfortably accustomed to being avoided by others, and gets more than he bargained for in an unexpected friendship.

It didn't seem real, didn't seem like it could be possible but it was happening and now Ian was stuck trying to figure out what to do when everything around him was falling apart.

When Theresa's story really begins is when she first take the step into the town of her parent's love story and had tragicially ended. It had all started out by . . .

(Unfinished) New school, new life. How many times have you thought that. well guess what your wrong. my life is following me where ever I go. I want to escape it. The stories you've been hearing about me around school is wrong. Why take my word for it though? It wasn't like I was there when that shot went out. So come at me all of you bullies. Hit me with your best shot. I can take it. whats another hit to the many i've received. But just so you know you didn't break me. You can't break. I'll

Think Before you Act, In the time of need god will be the one who is going to be right next to you,Never lose faith its the one thing on this earth that nobody should that from you.