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A funny book describing ten ways in which you can be annoying- pretty self explanitory...

Everyone has needs, and in order to satisfy these needs we make compromises. Compromise love for safety, beauty for compliance, truth for piece of mind. Even if we are more miserable in the end, there are still things we cannot face, and things that we must have. WINNER: Drabble Contest

This is a normal middle schooler's year filled with drama and gossip. Mostly about MY life and drama this is my journal it will tell u everything that u should expect so u never cry like i do so just good luck and wish me good luck too. thanks hope u like it

Chocolate Jackson is a young, Haitian girl that grew up in the city of Atlanta. Her life was thrown about through many spirals. but her journey isn't finished quite yet. Does she finally settle down and marry the man of her dreams? or does life have another course for her? Find out through the chapters that await you.

Kids are running around in India, pivoting and dwelling in the crowd and the heat of dusty roads. Eyes are thrown aback in this chaos, anything that moves, lives and begs for rupees.

Tori Wright used to love to date and be in relationships, but after her last one she's absolutley done with them. That is until she meets the fine, sexy Kaleb Michales. He's falling for her and as much as she hates to admit it, she's falling for him. But will she be able to put her pride aside long enough to see what she has in front of her?

Sighing I watched Alex hang out with his new friends. The rich ones, 'cool' ones. Unlike me. I'm the freak with no friends, no money. I had one, a long time ago. Alex Nomak. The sweetest boy in this school, or well he used to be. One day out of no where he just left me. Sneered at me like all the other kids in school. The Emo Chick thats my name. only name anyone knows. A long time ago people knew my by Cristy but now, even the teachers dont know my name. I do good enough to pass but thats