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What would you do if you lived in lies? Would you tell someone? Well, I think you have the right to know about me, and who I really am. The next book in this series is Crashing.

Arguably one of the most unpleasant things I have ever, ever done for money.

This short story has a great heart to it. Alfred loses hope in life when he has a friend who helps him in this time of trouble. Riding through the gates shows that friendship lasts forever, and that you should always love, and cherish the memories of your friends.

this is the story of how a man was murdered after world war 2. his love died in world war 1 so he had nothing to live for so he joined ww2 to think he would die and a secret behind his parents death that his guardians would not tell him.

Legacy Is Not Your Average Seventeen-Year Old. Her Father Is A Drug King And She Is His Princess. Her Mother Left When She Was Two Due To Drugs. Her BestFriend Miracle Is Her Rock. She Think She Loves Her Boyfriend Darrius, But She Thinks He Isn't Loyal. Then Theres Toronto Sexy, Hood, And Dangerous. Also Off Limits Because He Is Her Father Best And Loyal Worker. But What Happens When He Saves Her From A Dangerous Turn Of Events. They Realize That They Need Each Other. But Her Father Wouldn't

In the beginning there were five children created. They were known as the original five. They were created to protect the humans in their time of need. There DNA was altered giving them super speed, hearing, strength, sound and their greatest characteristic was amplified and changed to help them with their task. However there was a price for breaking the laws of nature. In order to survive the children had to feed on the blood of the humans they protected without killing them. The oldest

Alexus and her big fat cat Pancho get in big trouble when Pancho eats our next door neighbor's Parrot. Alexus has to make a plan to keep Pancho from being put down

When a girl with a troubling past meets a quiet girl who's lived out her life being bullied, the two make an instant connection. But when a dark past and a habit of self harm clash, their relationship is instantly put on the rocks. Even more so when an obssessed cheerleader finds a way to come between them at every turn. She'll put they're lives on the line to make sure she gets the one she wants and when she doesn't, she swears to make things end in tragedy.