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She's been sick for her whole life . Now she's 18 and was brought immediatly to hospital to get thehelp she alsways needed. She can't help but wonder who this mysterious woman might want . I can tell you one thing : This unknown woman's intentions mean no good to the 18-years-old ...


What would you do if you were a little kid, and didn't understand what was happening. What would you do if you thought three deaths were your fault. If you were older you wouldv'e known, right? Well guilt is not a feeling you can leave behind. Next book Fire.

Ivy has the most unforgettable summer that just seems to never end, with love, hatred, confusion, and teARS.

This girl can't find her way out of life and being bullied in school. She gives up and she just lives with people making fun of her. She just wants to be a normal person and not get picked on. She gives up and let everyone get on her. She doesn't care what people say about her, but inside there is somethings that they can't get at, that is her heart of feeling of love and what she is.

Trisha and Tia Bell are trapped in a disfuctional home with their Aunt Ruthy and her Rapist of a Husband Uncle Mason. The two sisters feel that the only way out is to kill... And live far away from Inglewood, California.

Demetria gets bitten by her vanpire boyfriend but when she wakes up something is different. what will happen next? read to know..(book is in progress)

Hannah had always found herself strangely attracted to the statue of the Pony Boy at her grandmother's horse farm. But when Hannah and her sister Emily stay at the farm for the summer, Hannah never imagines that the statue could be the key to uncovering the truth about her grandfather's past! Can Hannah prove her grandfather's innocence in a terrible disgrace and save the future of the farm? Only the Pony Boy knows for sure!

Four people encounter major difficulties in highschool. Different stories all combine into one big blood bath.All seen in one girl's eyes and roughly broke down.

17 Year Old Leah Lives In New York With Her Mother And Sister Mia She Lives A Life Where She Not Happy To Be who she really Is Not Who She Wanna Be If Only They Understand Me .