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Callie's loving her life, she has almost everything. The best friend in the whole wide world whom she loves to death and even the hottest boyfriend ever. Then her mom gets involved with someone very close to her boyfriend, leaving her confused and angry. What is Callie to do?

Is she being stalked? Or is it a afair? Does Amberlynn really love her? Selena, a 21 young hispanic girl living on her own with a bunch of random drama in her life. Weird new next door neighbor, and a ex who always pops back up.

This is a story that has many plot twists and has love and hate. The main character Ally Graves goes through tenth grade in highschool and gets her heart broken many times.

This book was the winner of the Short Short Story BookRix contest (15 words).

Young Peyton Lewis has always been what everyone calls a "good girl". She enjoys getting good grades and spending time with her family. But when she goes to stay with her father and starts going to a new school, she starts to hang out with the "wrong crowd" and ends up getting into trouble.

" my life is over " Blake a boy who will soon be a wanted fugitive for the murder of his ex girlfriend maddison but what happens when he didnt do it and he is being framed for all of it . He will stop at nothing to find out who killed her and clear his name .

After been beaten by her lover for the last time in 5 years, she decides to stand and try to make a change but sometimes that's easier said than done. Until, a handsome young man/high school sweetheart tries to declare her heart and wants her to stay away from her abusive lover. Having always been rebellious and doing her own thing, she takes orders from no one, she finally starts slipping back into her old ways. Who will be able to save her now? Or is she content with the life that she has

a story of love and betrayal elsa may have found the right guy but is he too in volved will she be able to get away from him or will he force her to be with him

this is a true story with some names changed. It is just a part of my junior high experience. When my friendship started falling apart. I just wanted to share my weird 7th grade experience. please give feedback thank you. I will add more to the book when i get the chance

The Ascending Sun Threw Its Slanting Rays Abroad On A Glorious August Morning, And The Little World Below Began To Awaken Into Life--The Life Of Another Day Of Sanguine Pleasure Or Of Fretting Care. Not On Many Fairer Scenes Did Those Sunbeams Shed Their Radiance Than On One Existing In The Heart Of England; But Almost Any Landscape Will Look Beautiful In The Early Light Of A Summer's Morning. The County, One Of The Midlands, Was Justly Celebrated For Its Scenery; Its Rich Woods And Smiling