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Kayleih she was the most sweet girl a guy or women could ever known. manners, polite, most people in highschool called her " Miss too goodie" untill something caused her to change can she be healed?

This is a story about a girl that found out about her double life. She has to keep it from her crush, she also finds out that she can't date her normal bofriend!! What is she going to do? Does she have to move schools? Does she keep her normal boyfriend? What will happen to her love and how will she keep her double life a secerte? Read and find out how it all ends.

Diana is a 15 year old girl who crack addicted died. He father is an drunk, who sell drugs. Sometime she stay at her Aunties house, with her Auntie husband. Will she find an escape or she will she just be another her girl living in the south side of Chicago.

at the death of his son james johnson takes the son of the man who killed him and makes the boy his daughter's slave. read along as a romance develops between the two and they suddenly drift apart at the realization one of them has been unfaithful in their relationship. who was it and what are they hiding. read to find out.

This book is about a girl named Zora Airvita, who is currenty going through a despression at her school and is dealing with a father at home, who became abusive after her older brother, Rasimus died. Everyone at her school tells her its her fault, but is it really? Can she overcome this depression before she ends up dead like her older brother?

Jennifer Hayden had everything going for her. She had a good husband, a good family, and a great job. She was living a very respectful life until she met him. Since then, her life has been in constant turmoil. But every time she tries to walk away, she realizes it's not that simple. She doesn't want to be hurt by him but she can't help it. This is what happens when Love Leave Scars

I was tired of this. Everything he did to me, hurt me. But I still loved him. Our love would never end. Or maybe it would. Everything he did to me, hurt me emotionally and physically. Whenever he slapped or punched me, I was too scared to fight back. Too scared to just break away from him. I was afraid that he would abuse me all over again.

I took a drag of smoke and blew it out the ashes falling down turning cold from the cigarette.I sat on the rail rode tracks minding my own self.The sun was beating on me making small drips of sweat drip down my forehead.I was just nothing but a teenage dirt bag always looking for trouble.