» Education » The World Today, S. Avery [i have read the book a hundred times .txt] 📗

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It has come to my attention that MANY people believe that Paganism is devil worship and so forth. I am here to set the record straight and educate those who do not understand what Paganism truly is. You cannot sit there and say you know exactly what something is when you absolutely do not know what it is or what it means for that matter. The term itself stems from the Latin Paganus translated along the lines of “country dweller” or “rustic” initially describing a person of locality rather than religion. As far as ancient sources can tell, it wasn't until the Late Roman Empire that the term “Pagan” began to be used instead. Honestly I was once Christian. I went to church, prayed, etc. I know how that all goes. But, I noticed that the church really was corrupted and then so were the people. I watched these people commit what you call the 7 deadly sins every single day. The everyday things that these people did were committing the 7 deadly sins.


1. Greed- Intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.


2. Envy- A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. In other words Jealousy.


3. Gluttony- Habitual greed or excess in eating.


4. Sloth- Reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness.


5. Wrath- Extreme anger (chiefly used for humorous or rhetorical effect).


6. Lust- Very strong sexual desire.


7. Pride- A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.


Those are the seven deadly sins. And because I saw all of these things I left the church. I no longer wish to participate with these people whom call themselves pure, innocent, etc. I am just going to say it straight up you AREN'T any of those things. You commit all of theses “Sins” and then you turn around and harshly judge and accuse your peers of being lower than yourselves. You people are hypocrites.


Hypocrite- A person who indulges in hypocrisy. In other words: A person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.


Paganism is NOT “devil worship”. Paganism is a religion that has many gods and goddesses, considers the earth holy, and does not have a central authority.


We just want the world to be a better and happier place and to live peacefully with all religions.



Heal the World

What many people do not notice is that the world is extremely corrupted. Many people go about their days believing that the world is a perfect place. What they do not notice is the big things that are made by people to trick others into believing that it is nothing. We are bringing ourselves closer to the day of our own destruction with war, hate, murder, etc… If we were to better this world we could make it a happier and brighter place full of peace, love, etc. We CAN change the world! If we have the power to make another planet like earth then we have the power to heal the world. We have the power to fix the damage that we have done. There is ONLY ONE planet called earth and we have to heal the world. We have to nurture it and treat it with kindness and love and make the world a better place for you, for me, and the entire human race.


If we do not fix this world then our children and grandchildren will learn that it is okay to go to war, to hate, to kill, and more. And then it will get worse… We need to teach them that we all need to act with love, we all need to be at peace with each other, and we need to be positive. I know that many people may disagree with what I have to say to the world. I need to get my message out to every man, woman, and child.


Many people do not understand the seriousness of a situation such as this until it is too late and something tragic happens. Everyone needs to take time to think about these things and learn to understand. I really want people to learn how to understand the horrors of this world so it can be changed.



Very few people are educated in the conspiracies of the government(s), NASA, ISIS, ISS, etc… People do not understand what is REALLY going on in this world. The government and everyone else have all of these secrets that they are keeping from the world people that the world people NEED to know about. They try to keep these thing off radar and they try to hide everything from the public.


Government/ISIS- (Information about the slip ups if found on various sites)


NASA- NASA hides (Tries to hide) the truth from the public about space craft that is NOT ours or the craft of the Russian Space Station. If you watch the NASA live cameras you will see suspicious things pop up and then NASA cuts the live feed and you see the famous gray screen.


Everyone needs to understand what we really are dealing with here. Open your eyes and watch what is being done.





Long ago sexual relations between the same sex was actually OKAY. It was excepted back in the old days. Now it is called scandal when there are sexual relations with the same sex. Love is love. It doesn't matter where you came from, what your religion is, the color of your skin, or who you are. If you love someone tell them. It says in the bible to love thy neighbor. That means love EVERYONE. You don't get to pick who to love and who to not love. That is how life is.


Those of you whom are very uncomfortable with homosexuality then that is your problem. homosexual people are not hurting you. They are being happy and proud to be who they are inside and out. If you have a problem with homosexuality then too bad… No one is going to stop anyone from loving who they love. Please be open minded and loving. If you are gay then be happy that you are they way you are because you were born that way. You were born to be that way for a reason.



Thank you!


Nothing but, the Truth

 What so many people do not understand is that this world is not perfect. It really isn't we have to stop lying to ourselves and face the truth. Several people back, in the 80's thought that we would end up with spaceships, robots, hover boards, etc. but now when we look at the future for the world we see global warming, destruction, death, war, and god knows what. That can be changed. Everyone's actions count. Remember that actions speak louder than words. Let me explain this to you in a different way...

Okay so you have a lake and you have a large rock in your hand throw the rock up and out at the lake the reaction you get with the rock making contact is ripples. You may not know where I am going with a lake and a rock but, now we have our ripples not visualize everyone on the planet reacting the same way like ripples it takes a great amount of information to cause a reaction like this. Instead of panicking work together and we can change the world together on person starts and everyone follows. If we can turn mars into a habitual planet then we can heal the planet and take care of it. 


The reason why I wrote this short book is because I feel as if I am helping by making a change. I am informing you about this. Just look around. Watch and keep your eyes open and you will see. You will notice what is happening around the world. And then you will understand these things like I did. If I offended you with this short book my sincerest apologies.



Thank you
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