» Education » BEING SIMPLE, Dr. Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka [great book club books txt] 📗

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'I' represents in a body from the subtlest cell to the whole body, through mind and soul. A child immediately after birth responds to change in environment by crying. Whereas learned people are rarely sensitive to the environmental changes. A conscious person can create a better world than a self-conscious person. A doctor need not have a greater lifespan, as believed. A friend is a friend beyond reasons, or else friendships would be classified. A generalist lives many lives as compared to a specialist. A great leader brings consensus among people rather concludes. A great PhD often has only one-percentage of original thought. A kid playing marbles on the ground mostly in a squatted position is like a monkey jumping from one place to another, it is good for the growth and health of the kid. A leader is not a leader, true leaders contributions are rarely recognised A leader is not a vacuum cleaner to suck the power of everyone around and create hype as the most powerful leader. A leader is one who also shows direction. A leader organises the chaos A leader should address the spark, instead of letting an issue grow into a raging fire. A leader should be visionary and aspire to bring change. A leader should show leadership consistently and address the challenges in the areas of common interest. A leader takes care of the people's welfare and security. A leader who works on the strength of others can only create great leaders. A leader who works on the weakness of others can only create disciples. A mighty lion need not be as intelligent as a fox A person cleans a relatively clean area and rarely reaches the corners and places underneath the objects. A person having too much wealth is sometimes neither happy nor secure. A person is more conscious through a combination of means such as, being aware, sensitive, knowledgeable and having experience, understanding and wisdom A person sleeping on a bed is in a subconscious state, at the same time also conscious of the space, so very rarely falls A person who stops speaking to people is like a dead body, creates a gloomy atmosphere around. A real leader is ‘God’, the one who empowers everyone. A suffering person is more compassionate than a content person. Abuse is a statement which contradicts who am I? Aiming best need not stop someone from doing good. All life has equal rights over the earth All other life on earth has more freedom than the humans. Almost no animal sees a mirror in its life, but they all look beautiful. Although principles and laws are universal, in space and time adaptations are necessary, that is the reason, there is a diversity of species and practices on the Earth. An ant is never seen sleeping under a tree, in spite of securing its food. Animals and plants are more conscious of their environment except for the human beings. Animals have rarely seen their faces, but they understand their beauty through community response. Anything not shared is like a drama without the audience. Appearance is easy, instead of achieving the real qualifications and qualities. Appreciate, understand and live with the Earth. Are you interested in buying a piece of land? No, I consider the whole earth belongs to me. As an aspect of GEO Spirit try to understand why the earth has provided us everything, to celebrate another day. Bad is discussed more and shared than good. Bad situation is an opportunity to do good. Before and after nothing, there is something in between, that is life. Before planting a sapling, strive for conservation and protection of trees. Being awake and knowing oneself is meditation. Being conscious and striving towards super-consciousness is the ultimate path for great leaders. Being in 'Human Being' is sensitivity and practice. Being in a polluted environment, one cannot expect fresh air. Being in the right place at the right time is more important, only then the knowledge, skills, and experience have some value. Being present and curious is the way of life. Being present gives peace and rest to mind and body. Being sensitive consistently would lead to vision, knowledge acquisition, and action. Between the two extremes of good and evil humans exist. Bias and delay are the two means for a corrupt person. Bigger the vision, greater the leader. Blue planet is turning into a brown planet, due to all kinds of pollution. Body is the manifestation of the universal energy. Business means, sharing the benefits by all stakeholders. Career graph could be non-linear too. Cattle walking in a field rarely trample the young saplings, they eat, rather damage and waste. Human beings are less sensitive and responsible towards the resources that they are dependent upon. Change a situation or change yourself, that is change by all means. Comment is better than liking, Loving is better than a comment. Commitment is more important than sincerity. Copying in exams is cheating, life is about mostly copying. Corruption had been a lubricant for the free flow of things for a supporter of crime. Curiosity diminishes with age. Death is a source of new life. Decisions are difficult to make, in this world of information, knowledge and communication revolution. Diversity within human species is because of equal opportunities. Doctors rarely ask about the cause and source for sickness; they only diagnose the present condition. Doctors treat the bodies the "effect" rather the mind that is the "cause." Doing nothing or doing something both are painful to some people. Don't be the cause of desire for others, because desire is the cause of sorrow for them. Don't blame the source, when the process is wrong. Don't let someone wait for you; it is like taking away that much time from one's life. Don't lose respect for self-respect. Don't see what is shown, see what you want. Dream big, start big; in the journey, smaller things are always achievable. Each shell has a story; they are from the same school, but so diverse and beautiful. Early impressions in life last longer. Earth is the mother and Sun is the father, without them, there would not have been life. Earth will not be rich if one earns. easy to get a politician but challenging to get the time of an intellectual Education most often helps one to find a job; real life starts after completing the education. Education should bring humbleness and simplicity, instead of making people complicated and exclusive. Enjoying the death of life, that is using the petroleum products and fuel for energy. Enlightened people are needed among masses and disciples. Even a little selfishness in a leader will not inspire others to become great leaders. Every happening need not get attention. Every wave is the result of some energy which is part of the whole. Everyone living on earth can work only for the earth. Everyone loves the freedom of thought and act. Everything and everyone should inspire one, take the good, learn from the bad. Everything is a reason for the person who wants to fight. Everything is part of cosmos, the life between birth and death is an event. Except for human beings, nothing is busy on Earth. Farmers as leaders would solve many of their problems instead of being just producers Fear of vulnerability makes a person more conscious. Flood is tears and drought is sadness. For realising great dreams, one need not sleep. For some people, doing too much work is a way out, for escaping from immediate concerns. Freedom to choose and do, what one loves is real life. Given the size and life, there is more to learn from an ant than an elephant. Giving is freedom. Giving is the complete meaning of life. God does not like receiving alms to clean your sins. God enjoys sometimes seeing our stupidity, for mean things one destroys a beautiful life. God has no identity. God knows everything about You, but You know very little about God. God must be watching one's good deeds and evil deeds too, and accordingly would reward or punish. Good is scalable and easily adaptable in comparison with the best. Great leaders are unknown when there is peace, harmony, and wellbeing, in fact, there are many great leaders. Great leaders love and live with freedom, and strive for the freedom of everyone. Highest understanding of anything is the truth which is unexplainable, and that is GOD. Home is also a place for finding peace. Home should also aspire one towards spirituality. Human education is the costliest investment. Human minds are the stepping stones for the progress of knowledge and consciousness in time. Humans understood and intelligently used the power of fire for thriving on earth. I am telling the truth and only truth, one need not record, because the truth could be verified anytime. I don't understand my car components but driving and enjoying it. If a doctor can't live longer, there is no guarantee to a patient. If a doctor is paid per word, probably the prescription written by a doctor is the costliest text. If a leader does not promote levels of leadership, the organisation fails. If a person throws garbage at a place, everyone follows. If every part of a body is respected equally, one will apply facial cream everywhere. If God knows everything about you, then God must be the closest person you know. If money is one's ultimate goal, one's job is very hard. If not the loudspeaker, one can be the mike. If one is stuck, continue to enjoy a given situation and seldom ready for a change. If one loves something, need not own. If one shares accomplishments, with mother, means one has done good work. If one thinks I belong to a nation, they are small, but if one considers I belong to the earth, they are big in life. If one wants real freedom, they should appreciate others freedom. If someone thinks why I am thinking for every thought, leads to a cyclic loop of no-thinking. If sustainability is adopted by every living being on earth the way humans do, everything would be exploited, and nothing sustains on earth. If we vacate earth, everything will be in harmony. If you don't like something, tell ten people; if you like tell two people. If you want to be respected, don't disrespect others. Ignore your opponent's mischiefs; they will become fools themselves. In a lifetime, a person can reach more than six generations. In one life many challenges accomplished, is like taking rebirth many times in this very life. In one's life, more time is spent on bad things than on good things. In the name of sustainability, one must not do mean things. In the unknown depth of challenges in one's life, one could remain afloat and be happy. Insurance of things has become more important than insurance of lives. Intention and initiative are essential to realise one's goal. Intervention beyond carrying capacity is exploitation. Involving children and youth is more important for fresh ideas, who have more capacity and time to change the world It is better to be shameless instead losing respect for self-respect. It is okay to be a fox, if not a tiger; the fox is still surviving, but the tigers are endangered. It is very rare that people resolve a movement, but engage in a new movement. It takes a day to be the leader of own organisation, but if aspiring to lead someone else's organisation, one needs to wait for years. Kids are explicit in choosing what they like. Knowledge gives scope for What one can do? and Wisdom gives one right direction for What one should do? Knowledge is not the slave of someone trapped in the form of Patents, Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights. Leadership is not about depriving others and making them dependent forever. Learning and earning need not be related aspects of one's life. Learning, living, and life are different. Least considered parts of a human body are given maximum respect. Level of happiness is incomparable. Liberation from source gives one freedom. Life expands through knowing, knowing and knowing. Life is a celebration, enjoy what one has chosen. Life is also about knowing Life is being curious, understanding, acting and experiencing. Life is comfortable for those who love living for others. Life is miserable if one can't enjoy the place where one stands. Life is present, present means moments and memories. Life is simple don't make it complicated. Life without a goal is less aspiring to live. Love your job, not a day of work. Loving as a whole is more important than love in parts. Majority of people like slavery jobs instead of choosing freedom. Materialism and
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