» Education » What If Men Where God, Udeoji Chukwuma Godfrey [phonics readers .txt] 📗

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What if men where God


What if men where God


                                By Udeoji Chukwuma Godfrey




I would like to dedicate these book to God Almighty, to my parents, Venerable & Layreader E. O. Udeoji, 

who akways supported me in my writing and to my beautiful wife and children for preservering through

out the process. 


How did the earth form



I can remember vividly when i was at the age of four, i usually ask my dad some silly questions like why is the cloud blue? the sun the mon the day and the night and why are they not falling down to us, if there is a bambo trees use to hold it up there not to fall on us, who created all these things to be in existence,you can imaging such questions as child of that age and what about now i am a grown up young man what do you think  that will be myquestion, many things has gone wrong in these planet earth that we can not imagine why all these things are happining. But one thing i know for sure is that there is a creator up there in the sky who controls the universe.

What if men where God we will be like a pencil in there hands


The questions we do ask what if men were God, what would have been our hope in life and what would have been our essistence


they would have acted like scientists whose creations have loopholes even the world will be a boring place to live by now.


If men were God what do you think would have happen to us receiving the natural sunsine,moon and the stars


they would have acted like the Power Authority and threatened to cut away lives like electricity.

If men were God,they would have acted like the Water Corporation and there would be blessing shortage.


If men were God,they would have acted like the Postal Agency and delayed answers to prayers.


If men were God,they would have acted like the Airport Authority and would have restricted many by weather reports.             

If men were God,they would have acted like Medical practitioners and would only be able to render help or avoid mistakes based on moodswing.


If men were God,they would have acted like Law practitioners and be bias or sentimental in their judgement.


If men were God,they would have acted like the communication networks and would have been unreachable due to network loss.


If men were God,they would have acted like the Banking sector and accounts will be on red for indiscriminate debits.


If men were God,they would have acted like the Labour force and embark on strike for right and entitlements’ deprivation.


If men were God,they would have acted like politicians, who promise during campaign manifestos and fail in their portfolio.


If men were God,they would have acted like the Force Authority that take people’s choice for granted by bringing them under duress.


If men were God,they would have acted like Apex Bank and out of anger stop rainfall and cease sunshine like cash flow.


If men were God,they would have acted like Tycoons and only be concerned about their gain rather than people’s welfare.


If men were God, they would have acted like citizens that enjoy criticism from morning till night without a positive contribution.

 If men were God, they would have acted like the rich and bought or invested anything invaluable including the air in store for unborn chidren at the detriment of the poor.


 If men were God, they would have acted like the Government and imposed taxes on everything from which we derive advantage.


 If men were God, they would have acted like Nepotists who are too emotional and alter their agenda in favour of their own.

If men were God, they would have acted like Magicians who would bring to existence only their selfish wish or interest.

If men were God, they would have acted like warriors and dealt with all their enemies.

If men were God, they would have acted like teachers, to punish students that never appreciates their efforts.

No Justification



The earth would be filled with turmoil while firmament filled with sand and waters will filled with much blood.


If that happened to be, then humans history wiil be destroyed, animals will fight to survive ,sinners would be dead,cheaters would be slain and liers would be struck.


Aborters  be homeless and hopeless,the rich would have turned king,the poor would become a slave.


The leaders would turn gods,the masses pumpkins,the majority would turn Idols,the minorities puppies


The world would be filled with darkness,there would be fire drops instead of rain on earth,the night would turn day 


And day turn night, bad minded persons would be destroyed, disobedients beings would collapse

the wicked turn nice and nice turn generous.


The rich misers would become poor and the wretched poor would become rich 

and torment the misers to death as a detterent to others.


The kleptomaniac  leaders with swollen eyes and protuding stomach die of a terminal disease


The fake prophet/prophetess be exposed at the point of revelation while the kidnappers be kidnapped at their own tale

the robbers die at their own plans at gun point.


 Men would become submissive to women and then women will become the head of the family, what an irony


The lattar become the head while the former become the neck 


 Men would bond with animals and the former reproduce human 


The promise and fail fans would be struck at any aim of disappointment


People who steal or converts other things would die at the thoughts of it


 Surely there would be saints,holymen,righteous people,a peculiar people 




Text: Udeoji Chukwuma Godfrey
Editing: Udeoji Chukwuma Godfrey
Publication Date: 06-13-2020

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