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The Chaning Industry Handbook


Written by

George Junkman (Omega Mega)

Mark DeAngelo

Paul Wichteizske

The Meaning Of The Word “Chaning”

The Meaning Of The Word “Chaning”


Chaning (or Channing) is the manipulation of a mentally handicapped person that has turned into a phenomenon that is overlooked by most news outlets that is ruining lives of vulnerable people. 98% of these victims of this phenomenon go unnoticed, leaving many to being forgotten by the world. Every year, more and more people would be forced, deceived, or taken to this dark and horrific underworld where they are forced to do unbelievable stuff to make a group of adult males (or adult females) laugh.


This phenomenon was a result of supply and demand. This industry exist on multiple sites like Kiwi Farms, 8chan, 4chan and more. The chaning industry is growing, thanks to the high demand that started in the late 2000s when a antics of a autistic person named Christian Weston Chandler (Chris Chan)  became known to 4chan, thanks to this demand, more supply was found to keep getting that demand by all means necessary.


In many countries where this phenomenon is not kept under control, these industry are more destructive. (the United States of America is an example) These nations see the demand for them going up which means the larger the chaning industry, the more lives in wreck. If Chaning is fueled by the demand of Adolescent males for trolling, then there is 1 way of solving this, we eliminate it.


In New Zealand, after years of research, they made bills that banned all manipulations of vulnerable persons. This law, known as the Auckland model would address the demand of chaning by banning the use of social media for destroying lives, and would hold the trolls, ringleaders and mods of servers who are complicit with the chaning industry. It also changed how the mentally ill are treated by the law, rather than being institutionalized, the Auckland model features counseling and kid-for-the-day methods to treat victims of the Channing and bring to them a sustainable lifestyle. Since the implementation of the Auckland model, this had reduced the number of cyberbulling and the chaning by half, while some 4chaners claim that this has driven the channing industry into obscurity, this is not the case,


Channing must be visible on major forums to get more people to have more delusions planned onto a mentally unstable person. The truth is, New Zealand has less victims and perpetrators of this phenomenon. Some countries are adopting this model.


What Is A Chaning?

What Is A Chaning?

Many people would call it trolling of an “lolcow”. To get a laugh out of things. And the video people record of the “lolcow” claim that it’s just like any other memes. But the truth is, if you look at the people who are being Chaned, this is unlike any other memes. 98% of all Chaning cases go unnoticed.

99% of all victims are mentally handicapped. And almost the entire customers of the chaning industry are teenaged boys. These facts show that at it’s core, Chaning is a system of destruction, it’s a system where the mentally ill exist only for humorous satisfaction of teenage boys, the mentally are seen as toys to play with and discarded. Within the system of destruction, the mentally ill endure death threats, account theft, black mail, harassment, doxxing, swat threats, server theft, breaking up family members, cat-fishing, phishing, stream hijacking and identity theft at the hands of teenage boys and their ringleaders that are incomparable to anything else.

While laws have been in place to prevent discrimination of mental illness, there is no laws to protect the mentally handicapped from dangerous manipulators. As one Jerry M. said. “ You cannot shape your boundaries in these servers.”.

Based on research conducted by trusted sources, over 63% of all victims get hacked or doxxed, 71% experiencing death threats, yet another user (We’ll name him Darryl due to privacy issues) revealed the type of methods the cyberbuillies use, which includes impersonating of cartoon characters, the sending of false news,insults, doxxing, and use of youth gang as a result, they are afraid to call the police, and thus, go unnoticed.

Many victims met the criteria for PTSD, some on the same levels as war veterans

and mass murder survivors. The morality rate of victims of the Chaning industry is higher than those not discovered by them. This is not a coincidence, this is a reality of what goes on in these chaning industries, that mentally handicapped are having their future ruined and probably their extended families. This is not a meme, it should not be used as a meme, it’s a genocide of mentally disabled, it’s a industry of hatred, exploitation and destruction and It must be eliminated.

Most of us hear stories about why social media is a luxury and that if you are bullied online, log off. Is it true?

Most of us know the story about what cyberbulling is, but what we don’t know is the chaning industry that forced many people into this. We are aware and grieved, but what about those who are willing to get mocked online, and are as cool as a pro. That is not the case, by doing research and going undercover, we had a complete opposite of the narrative. The truth is that the chaning industry can be accurately described as, a choice for those who get other choices stolen.

Nearly without fail, mentally unstable and vulnerable people enter the chaning industry from a position of vulnerability. Many minors “unknowingly” join the chaning industry, some at 9. This “choice” has been influenced by prior bullying in school.

It is influenced by the media, pop culture, that communicate that a mentally ill’s primary purpose is to be a meme and get made fun at. Many victims of the chaning industry come from broken homes, poverty, addiction to drugs and divorce.

We don’t if the victims are homeless, orphans or refugees, or any other factors. One victim of the chaning industry we spoke to, when we ask them about choices, they said they were just these. Have teenage boys prey on us, or suffer loneliness, and isolation (I prefer they go and get mental help).


Take your pick, chaning prays on the most vulnerable in our country, coercing individuals through life circumstances to trade their souls for fame or to simply survive. If this is the truth about Chaning industry, then the Chaning industry is not a choice.

If we truly care about the safety of people with mental disabilities, then we must fight for a world without Chaning industry. We must fight for a world where the most vulnerable are taken care of. We are asking you to choice freedom. Across the world, there is a growing movement to end all legal barriers to the channing industry. Their position is that if they get banned, so will innocent users. For that reason, the Democratic countries have still allowed the channing industry to troll and dox innocent people who happen to have autism.

But does trolling, blackmailing, sexually threatening and mocking autistic people count under free speech. There is a bigger demand for the channing industry.

More teenagers/young adults are enticed to troll, blackmail, threatening arson and murder, force people to do embarrassing things and even worse, they sexually groom them.

More teenagers/young adult wants to make fun of autism. This leads to more people and more sites.



In turn, this demand results in autistic people having to do more extreme and depraved things with their chance of fame being even lower. In this system, teenagers/young adults feel even more entitled and autistic people become more exploited and groomed. One channing member said “They are a retard. They are not a person. They are meme-worthy. When I get him banned from all places, I can do whatever the f**k I want.” As a result of the current mindset of free speech, instead of preventing the trauma, destruction and suicide of autistic persons inherent in the channing industry, the freedom to troll autistic have actually perpetuate all three of them.

As 1 former Kiwi Farms member said

“I thought the site being covered under free speech allows us to be funny, however it was the opposite.”

There is a more infamous result of the channing industry being under free speech. It fuels the demand for more Teenagers/young adults who are willing to ruin lives but their aren’t any enough autistic to troll left, as a result in countries that have not done anything about it, there are many victims of it.

Not doing anything about the channing industries. makes more people want to troll autistic people. And more autistic will have their livelihoods ruined. For these reasons, the act of trolling should be illegal, it should be banned. And victims of the channing industry must have services for them.





Text: Jacktive Active Publishing
Images: Jacktive Active Publishing
Cover: Jacktive Active Publishing
Editing: Scott Dunson
Translation: Jacktive Active Publishing
Publication Date: 09-04-2020

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