» Education » How to it feels to be other people, Marybeth Hale [best novels for teenagers .txt] 📗

Book online «How to it feels to be other people, Marybeth Hale [best novels for teenagers .txt] 📗». Author Marybeth Hale

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My name is Marybeth Hale and I will talk about how I feel and what I wish what every one will do for then selves and for other people. And no this isnt a book about me complaining. I'm just sharing my opinion out there and hipe people read this and take almost what I say to heart and change them selves. Many people dont understand that if they have their life bad some one might have it worse in their lives. We all need to understand that together we can help others when they need the help. Like me, when im alone I have mental breakdowns and yes I admit that but the first step of recovery is admitting that we need help now I'm almost on the next step. Which is to get the help that we need even if it is just to talk when we need someone there but for having a friend would be a great example becuase our friends are always here to help us. And yes I will be referencing my outside lufe in this but our lives are our greatest source of wisdome advice or lessons we learned or mistakes so if u dont like it u better get out now becuase I wont tolerate people complaining when I said u should not go on if u dont like ir. Now as I was saying about freinds my two friends is my mother and my boyfriend. Even though I love my boyfriend to death and with all my soul but my mom is my best friend because she never gave up on me when everyone else did. I talk to her when I get bored or when I start to cry becuase she always finds a way to calm me down. Like I said earlier our lives teaches us something and since I grew up living with ADHD and Autism it was hard for me to sympathize with others and connect to them and that often left me as an out cast wherever I went because 3 years ago I moved from my perfect hell hole of Elizabethtown Pennsylvania to the city kindve of Cheyenne in the greatest state of Wyoming. Now moving made it for me to fit in becuase the move gave me changes I didn't wan't to deal with and I was already having problems in school becuase of my autism making it hard for me to learn like yhe other students and I was a really slow learner and with me loving reading caused me even more problems but I'll get on to that later. And even though I might've not have a father for the majority of my life, I still grew up pretty great. See I am absolutely rambling on about pointless stuff and not getting to important info. So without any more interuptions or anymore rambling I present to you "How it feels like to be me" I'll work on the title later. And don't forget to remind your parents on how you love them and respect them for giving you life on this planet and done everything that they could for u. One day they might here but another day they are gone and you wont see them alive again. And once they do go, please dont cry for them. Remember any good memories you might have made with them.

To be in others' shoes

We always think that other are feeling good or happy just by how they see us. But that person might be suicidal or in an abusive relationship. We all wear masks but no one has the actual heart to speak up and say to them "Hey do u need help" or "are u ok?" or even "Even thou this isnt my business but I beleive it'll get better soon" but nope they brush them off like they have a disease that might be contagious and tend to aviod them completely. I know becuase I was one of the people who basically put on a false smile when I am having a bad day or when I get abused the night before. Yes i come from a home where my presents basically pissed my step dad off. My mom still feels guilty about what happened when I keep reassuring her that how he acting wasnt her fault and she keeps telling me that I'm her baby girl and that she will always love me. I learned a lesson then and my lesson was that no matter how bad things get for us we always have that one person who will still love and suppport us no matter what happens and who causes pain. And more often than not we take advantage of our loved ones without even realizing it. I know becuase for most of my time here in wyoming doing just that to my mother and aunt. Once they called me out on it, I did have a tendency to throw a fit about it but I am getting really better at controlling my anger and my other emotions becuase at their house it feels like I can't be human. They tell me not to be scared everytime I get scared and they get mad at me for basically being human. When we tell others that that they shouldn't act human especially to a girl is saying u want time to back to where women basically had no opinions or a voice to express. Back when I was in school everyone thought I had a perfect home life but I didn't but how could they know that since they never asked. So every day I had to endure bullying from everyone becuase I was different. The reason why I love reading any books with stories becuase it basically takes me into a different world and let's me escape this reality. When I read I always lose track of time and sometimes reality itself. Many people dont like to read anymore but I still enjoy it and that makes me different from every one else because they tend to aviod the library becuase there's no other phones to play on and there big paper back books that no one reconizes anymore. I think books are better then technology becuase unlike books technology actually destorys our brain cells as to when we read our brains gets bigger and we get smarter and our brains get more capability to remember more memories, know more information and we comprehend more information much faster. But no one cares about making their brains bigger and making themselves smarter. When we look at each other we immediately judge each other but how we see others treat them or how they look. We never wan T to try to talk to them to get the real picture.

Getting help

 We never get help becuase we dont see it as being brave. Since others make us feel like we are weak we feel weak on the inside and out. And since we get bullied for being weak we dont see being brave as getting help.We always associate getting help with being weak so people try to avoid it. HELLO PEOPLE!!! GETTING HELP IS NOT BEING WEAK IT SHOWS WE KNOW WE NEED HELP AND I THINK ITS BRAVE. Do not let anyone tell u what to do when you need help. Once you realize that you need help ur really ok. You dont need to care about what other people think about you.

Why we should care

 I bet ur probably thinking "but Marybeth why should we care about other people?" now dont go and get angry at me. We judge others based on either opinions about the person or or perception. Like how people get in trouble for what they either are framed to do or they actually did. Prosecutors use their perception to find out if one is guilty or not guilty. Our perception is what keeps most of us blind to the truth. And do you know why? Of course you don't! The news when peopledo watch it tells us what to see when they do their breaking news announcement. And people keep saying to me "But Marybeth what does perception have to do with it?" now stay with me I will explain it. Are u guys still with me? Good. Now onto explaining! How does it have a connection with how people are? Well we might see someone with a smile on their face but we dont really know what they are feeling. That person with the smile might be suicidal or depressed or in a bad time at home. No one ever realizes how bad a person feels if the see the mask we all wear to hide our pain. No one ever thinks that someone might be in pain for any reason. In the next chapter I will talk about why we should listen when other people need us to listen to them but right now I still have a lot to say in this chapter. So siy back and enjoy this long, long chapter. Now without further ado. Now where was I? Oh right. We need to learn about how to care about others in their time of need. Like our parents and or significant others, we need to be there for other people. Even if we are strangers we need to so other people that we can be there for them whenever they need us. Even if we are busy or not, having our own bad day or not,

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