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with wings.
Speaking of the almighty power of King Nimrod, the Bible says, “Forasmuch as this people refuseth the waters of Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah's son; now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river, strong and mighty, even the king of Assyria, and all his glory; and he shall come up over all his banks. And he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow and go over; he shall reach even unto the neck; and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel.” ~Isaiah 7:6-8.
Cyrus the Great, as told by Herodotus, dreamt that he saw the son of one of his princes, who was at the time in a distant province, with two great “Wings on his shoulders, the one of which overshadowed Asia, and the other Europe,” from which he immediately concluded that he was organizing rebellion against him. ~The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved To Be The Worship of Nimrod and His Wife, By The Late Rev. Alexander Hislop.
Wings were ancient signs of sovereign power, which may be why some versions of Genesis refer to the birds as being the first created. So utterly idolatrous was the Babylonian recognition of the Divine unity, that ‘Jehovah,’ the Living Hebrew God, severely condemned His own people for giving any countenance to it: “They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens, after the rites of the ‘Only One,’ eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together.” ~Isaiah 66:17.
BC 1200 (?)-Descendents of Abraham [Father of a multitude] arrive in Canaan. The Canaanites worship Baal-Habad, the god of storm and fertility. Baal lives with the high god. El. Baal dies and descends to the underworld of Mot, god of death and sterility.
Anat, Baal’s lover/sister comes to his rescue. Baal is resurrected and returns to Anat. Beelzebub, a powerful demon, is originally Baal-zebub, god of Ekron. ~See also Biblical references in: I Kings 16:31, 18:21, 2 Kings 1:2, 10:18, 10:28, Romans 11:4, Deuteronomy 4:3, Hosea 9:10, and Judges 2:13, Luke 2:15.
The Merneptah Stele, is one of the earliest archaeological accounts of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, where they further develop their monotheistic religion, Judaism, and enjoy periods of self-determination under the Egyptian Pharaohs.
In Virishna, the sacred Indian god who lived twelve hundred years before Jesus we have respected records teaching Virishna was:
36. Born of the virgin Devaki.
37. Was a spirit (or ghost)
38. Ordered killed by Cansa, the ruling entity at that time [as were all the children under two years of age during this period].
39. Angels or spirits attended his birth
40. He performed miracles
41. Was put on a cross between two thieves
42. He dies, and is resurrected (arose from the dead).
43. Virishna is known as the Protector of the Universe, guide, and friend of all humankind.
44. Virishna’s final appearance will be at the End of the World, marked as Kalki.
45. Tradition has it that Virishna was crucified by being put to death on a cross between two thieves and he descended to the underworld, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven in sight of all. Incarnated on several occasions [believed to be from ten to thirty nine times] in times of calamity to save the world.
BC 1140-King Wen pairs the I Ching [Book of Changes] tri-grams to form sixty-four combinations.
BC 1122-Palm reading [Dermatoglyphics] and face reading are popular in China during the Zhou Dynasty.
BC 1027-Beddou, also known as Fot, ancient Chinese God, prevailed over Japan, Ceylon, and China.
One thousand and twenty years before the time of Jesus:
46. Fot is born of a Virgin
47. At birth, a king sought to put him to death orders all male children born during this period to be put to death.
48. He is saved by shepherds and lives in the desert until thirty years of age.
49. He teaches a Doctrine of Truth and performs miracles.
Does any of this sound familiar? The worship of 'The Virgin,' the ' Queen of Heaven,' the Great Goddess,' the ' Mother of God,' etc., has become one of the majestic features of the Christian religion. The historical documents record, “These sayings [of Jesus Christ and apostles] consisted of a number of strange parables, and doctrines of our Savior, which the authority of so venerable a person, who had lived with the apostles, imposed on the Church as genuine.” ~Bishop Papias, Apostolic Father, in Mist. Eccles. Bk. III, Ch. 39.
And yet, the Holy Church offers little in clarification of what Jesus allegedly said or quoted. The Church will have one believing that Jesus worshiped his mother. Taking the Gospels for the moment as historical, but excluding John, which is a notorious 2nd century romance, Jesus actually detested his mother, and is disliked by her, while his father, Joseph, appears to have died before the time described.
BC 1004-Duke of Zhou adds explanatory texts to existing I Ching hexagrams as a systematic sacred text. “The Book of Changes” is popular as a means of divination and is used to gauge the flow of Yin and Yang energies.
BC 1000-Vedas: Hindu evil spirits. Later Christian teachings will incorporate good and bad spirits. -Job 1:6-22. The Devil is later developed from the Greek, Diablos, which means “Slanderous.” Kali is the Black Goddess, omnipotent and protector against fear who is appeased only by human sacrifices. The Binderwurs of Central India eat their sick and aged believing that this pleases their god. Kali is believed to be able to watch over her devotees against fear and to give them limitless peace.
As the darkness pervades, devouring all that exists, Kali is depicted as standing on the corpse of Shiva, with the garland of skulls hung around her neck, symbolizing the remains of finite existence.
The Vishnu Purana, Hindu Holy Book, tells of a king who massacres the male children in an attempt to find the Divine Krishna [omnipotence, limitless power, and good and bad are similarities between this and Christianity, and are so striking that later Church Fathers claim that it is the work of the devil to deceive Christians].
In the Rationalist's Manual, M.D. Aletheia said “The idea of redemption from sin by the sufferings and death of a Divine 'Incarnate Savior' was common among the ancients." He said redemption was "the crowning point of the idea entertained by primitive man, that the gods demanded a sacrifice to atone for sin or avert calamity.’
Among the Hindus, whose religion predates Christianity by up to two thousand years, Aletheia states that the concept of redemption and resurrection was prevalent long before Christianity. “Krishna came upon earth to redeem man by his sufferings,” Aletheia states.
“He is represented hanging on a cross, the tradition being that he was nailed thereto by an arrow." Long before Christ, Krishna was called the “Lord of Lords” and “The Redeemer,” who “Rose from the dead, and ascended bodily into heaven so that all men saw him...”
“Krishna, whose history so closely resembles our Lord's, was also like him in his being crucified.” ~Dr. Inman, Ancient Faiths, vol. 1, p. 411.
This might explain why, when Pope John Paul II arrives to deliver a public mass in New Delhi in November of 1999, he was met with hostility. “It was bad timing…”
Hindu activist Raju told New Delhi reporter Uli Schmetzer, “It's like the Caliph of Mecca coming to visit the Pope in Rome on Christmas Eve.” Many Indians see Christianity as "Westernized Hinduism,” hence, they saw the Pope as a man who was trying to sell their own religion back to them. This perception is hardly surprising given that, in “The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ,” Gerald Massey finds over one hundred similarities between the two gods.
Kersey Graves in “The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors,” finds over 300 resemblances. Both authors use the more common earlier English spelling of Krishna, “Christna,” which reveals the relationship between the Hindu and Christian gods [Christna predates Christ by at least 1200 years].
Krishna came upon earth to redeem man by his sufferings. He is represented hanging on a cross, the tradition being that he was nailed thereto by an arrow. ~Guigniaut, Religion de l'Antiquite. As well as both gods being Resurrected Redeemers, Christna was born to the virgin Devaki, or “Divine One.” The son of a carpenter, Christna was of royal descent, as was Jesus, and his birth was attended by angels and shepherds. “The pure virginity of the celestial mother was a tenet of faith for 2,000 years before the virgin now adored was born.” ~Dr. Inman, "Ancient Faiths" Vol. 1, pg. 159.
The infant Christna also was presented with gold, frankincense and myrrh by wise men. As a child, Christna is allegedly persecuted by a tyrant who orders the slaughter of thousands of infants. As an adult, Christna “Lived poor and loved the poor,” hence, he was called the “Shepherd God,” “Sin Bearer"” and “The Liberator.” He was also called the “Firstborn,” the “Universal Word,” and the “Beginning and the End,” “Alpha and Omega.” Christna, like Jesus, was described as omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent; and proclaimed he was the “Way to the Father.”
Just as Christ was baptized in the Jordan, Christna was baptized in the Ganges. Christna's ministry was marked by “Many miracles and wonders.” He raised the dead and healed lepers, the deaf and the blind. Christna used parables to teach the people about charity and love. "Eyewitnesses" claimed Christna was transfigured in front of his disciples; hence, they bestowed upon him the title “Jezeus,” meaning “Pure essence.”
In some traditions, Christna died on a tree or was crucified between two thieves. He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven where he is said to return to “Do battle” with the “Prince of Evil” who will “Desolate the earth.” Even the Hindu and Catholic priesthoods have much in common, according to the Australian author Peter Bowler in “True Believers.”
Both have nunneries and monasteries; both believe celibacy is a virtue; both impose penances; both offer indulgences; and both use beads for religious significance... ~from the works of D. Christie Sinton Arnoume.
Hanging on a tree was a common form of punishment. It was frequently called “The accursed tree.” If this be true, then is Jesus then accursed by the very words of Holy Scripture?
“He that is hanged on a tree is accursed of God.” ~Deuteronomy 21: 22 and Galatians 3:13.
If an artificial scaffold were made, it was cruciform, yet it was still called “A tree.” ~see Higgins, Anacalypsis, Vol. 1.
BC 1000-King David looks up between earth and the heavens for a sign and sees an Angel of the Lord with a sword stretched out over Jerusalem. -1 Chronicles 21:16. This star in the heavens may have been an occurrence of a comet.
BC 966-The date of Solomon's temple and the Great Jewish Exodus is believed to be 966 B.C.E., and 1446 B.C.E. ~ 1 Kings 6:1. Note: Moses is 80 ½ years at the time of the Exodus, which is quite old in those times.
“Heaven was born of the sky, and nurtured by cunning priests, who made man a coward and a slave. Hell was built by priests, and nurtured by the fears and servile fancies of man during the ages when dungeons of torture were a recognized part of every Government, and when the deity was supposed to be an infinite tyrant, with infinite resources of vengeance ... the devil is an imaginary being, invented by primitive man to account for the existence of evil, and relieve the deity of his responsibility.” ~Doane, Bible
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