» Education » Zombies Can't Run, Troy Patterson [primary phonics .txt] 📗

Book online «Zombies Can't Run, Troy Patterson [primary phonics .txt] 📗». Author Troy Patterson

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Update #3 How to Know You are Infected


Depending on the person and the location of the entry point, an infected person may have hours before reanimating. Here is a timetable of symptoms according to Max Brooks:

Hour 1: Pain and discoloration (brown-purple) of the infected area. Immediate clotting of the wound (provided the infection came from a wound). Hour 5: Fever (99-103 degrees F), chills, slight dementia, vomiting, acute pain in the joints. Hour 8: Numbing of extremities and infected area, increased fever (103-106 degrees F), increased dementia, loss of muscular coordination. Hour 11: Paralysis in the lower body, overall numbness, slowed heart rate. Hour 16: Coma. Hour 20: Heart stoppage. Zero brain activity. Hour 23: Reanimation ( Means you come back as a zombie )


Information taken from :

Update #4

A Few Zombie Facts


Zombies may have the trademark zombie limp because their bodies are affected by the same decomposition process as any normal corpse. Additionally, rigor mortis would cause serious tissue and muscle damage at the zombie’s each step. Since zombies do not regenerate or heal, any damage is permanent. Eventually, a zombies’ top speed would be reduced to a crawl and perhaps even slow to the point where it could not move.

Experts note that in order to survive a zombie attack, it is imperative to follow a few guidelines: 1) do not take shelter in a vehicle in which you do not have the keys, 2) do not leave weapons out for zombies to find, 3) do not give your only weapon to a hysterical person, 4) do not retreat to your basement without supplies, 5) do not get surrounded by zombies, especially in an elevator, and 6) do not let personal emotions and anger impede survival

The top 10 safest countries during a zombie outbreak according to geographic location, topography, armed populace, population density, and military preparedness are the following: 1) Australia, 2) Canada, 3) United States, 4) Russia, 5) Kazakhstan, 6) Bolivia, 7) Norway, 8) Finland, 9) Argentina, and 10) Sweden.

Most zombie survivalists adhere to the following survival list: 1) 14-90 days worth of nonperishable food, 2) a personal water source and/or 14 to 90 days worth of drinkable water, 3) at least one firearm with 1,000 to 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 5) a gasoline electricity generator with 2 to 4 weeks worth of fuel, and 6) a sturdy melee/close combat weapon and some form of martial arts/close combat training.

All info taken from :

Crafting Traps

 Supplies needed: Soda cans, string or twine, two trees or poles, Duck tape.


Step #1 Open and empty the cans. ( Pour out, drink store etc. etc. )


Step #2 Take string or twine and put it threw the pop-up tab in each can.


Step #3 Tie the string in each of the pop-up tabs.


Step #4.1 Take the poles ( if you don't have trees ) and put them about 1 1/2 feet in the ground and make it 5 feet apart so the zombies don't knock over and ruin the trap.


Step #4.2 Wrap the string or twine around the pole then Duck Tape very strongly so it stays on.


Step #5 Fill the cans with rock, pebbles and other hard, small objects to make noise when ran into.


Step #6 Test it to make sure it works.


Step # 7 Go on your computer and like this book.

Fan - Fiction


This is where if you send me info I didn't have, I will put your name and what you said. :)



Zombies Can't Hear very well at all.



1) the only way to kill a zombie is to damage its brain or cut off its head

2) they all have compromised brains

3) A disease called Yaws can actually make people look like zombies. The disease causes painful, oozing sores on the face, legs, arms, and feet. The painful wounds on the bottoms of the feet sometimes cause a sufferer to walk in a slow, zombie-like shuffle.

4) In the case of a zombie outbreak, generic weapons are always preferable to custom or rare firearms with rarer forms of ammunition

5)In the case of a zombie outbreak, a person’s physical fitness will have a significant influence on a person’s odds of surviving

6) Any wound or damage they receive is permanent

7) Toxic zombies are zombies who have come back to life





through radiation, exposure to a virus, or poisonous chemical leaks. These zombies are usually rotting, smell bad, can’t feel pain, and prefer to feed on human flesh. They typically can’t move fast, but they can smell fresh blood and can hear very well

8) you can't drown them

9) get some old people or small child friends, if you need to you can use them as zombie bait

10) Unless these are like 28 days/weeks later zombies, they won't die out, and you'll have to live in a zombie world forever

11) make sure there are no zombies around you... check your surroundings almost every 7 seconds


Kenzhie Addie  


when someone get's bitten by a zombie, u need to cut-off that part immediately like if he gets bitten on the leg, cut it off, but only if u know how to do the medical procedure, so the virus won't spread. Anyway, if he didn't survive the amputation procedure, he'll be as dead as a zombie anyway so just DO IT. XDDDDD


Angel Faerie.1) Don't get attached to others, it can get you killed2)Sleep up high, in a tree or on the roof of a building if possible 3) Stay away from heavily popuated areas, those are the places where everything falls apart firs4) Don't get trapped in a building, stay away from going inside buildings at all if possible5)If someone gets bitten on the hand, within seconds, chop thier hand off

Good Luck

Now that you have this information you have to use it wisely. Use your head or you will lose it. Stay sharp, alert and healthy.


Hope you like this book. This is based off real information. My name is Troy Patterson.



Publication Date: 09-08-2014

All Rights Reserved

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