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better to be safe than to be sorry. Knowledge of first aid promotes a sense of safety and well-being amongst people, prompting them to be alert and safe in the surroundings they dwell in. Awareness and desire to be accident free keeps you more safe and secure, reducing the number of casualties and accidents. Helps relieve pain:

Some injuries require a very simple solution like applying ice pack or a quick rub. A ride to the emergency room is not necessary. In such cases, calling a trained person in first aid is more reliable. They can help reduce the pain by performing simple procedures and can help relieve pain temporarily.

Makes people more secure:

Knowing that you can save your own life when required, or that of the people you know or those in trauma during some emergency helps you relax more and be more secure. The sense of security promotes a healthy and a more confident atmosphere around you and people around you would feel more secure.The presence of such people provides reassurance to others in the situation.




The general principles of first aid are:

Remove the cause of injury or the patient from the cause as early as possible. He/she should then render such help that may prevent further injury. First aid should be confined to essentials only. Restoration of respiration and circulation. Immobilization of simple and compound fractures and dislocations. Assurance of getting well quickly to the victim and moral boosting. The bleeding should be stopped immediately irrespective of other injury. Keep the patient warm by wrapping him/her in clothes rugs or blankets and sheets as the cause may be. Remove the clothes of the patient only when essential such removal of clothes must not cause pain or discomfort to the patient. He/she should very softly study the ankle and then undo the laces of shoes and cut off the socks if needed. The wound should be covered at once with a clean dressing. In case of a fracture the injured limb should be supported and placed in natural position as far as possible with splints and bandages. Make immediate proper arrangements to a hospital or a qualified doctor are the should however be remembered that the first aider need not to be a doctor. So he should never take upon himself the duties and responsibilities of a doctor. His responsibilities are over as soon as proper medical aid is available. The injured should be given as much rest as possible and his body should be kept in a restful position. In case of fracture the broken part should be saved from movement till proper medical aid is available. Offer warm milk or tea if the patient is in senses he may be given a cup of warm milk or tea. Full knowledge of anatomy is essential for giving first aid. The first aider must have complete knowledge of anatomy or will enable him to render proper first aid to the injured. Immediate arrest of haemorrhage.



      ABC and its variations are initial mnemonics for essential steps used by both medical professional and lay persons (such as first aiders) when dealing with a its original form it stands for Airway, Breathing and Circulation. The protocol was originally developed as a memory aid for rescuer performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the most widely known initial is in the care of the unconscious or unresponsive patient, although it is also used as a reminder of the priorities for assessment and treatment of patients in many acute medical and trauma situations, from first aid to hospital medical treatment.


The airway of an unconscious person may be narrowed or blocked, making breathing difficult or impossible. This happens when the tongue drops back and blocks the throat. While providing first aid, act quickly to open the airway.


Check for breathing by placing your head near the person’s nose and mouth. Feel for breath on your cheek or moisture on the back of your hand. If a person has just stopped breathing, use mouth to mouth ventilation. Make sure the airway is open and head tilted back. Pinch the nostrils together, take a deep breath and blow into the mouth, firmly sealing your lips around the mouth so air is not lost. You should see the chest rise. Remove your lips and let the chest fall. Continue this, giving about ten breaths every minute until help arrives or breathing begins.


Check for circulation (to see if the heart is still beating) by feeling for the Adam’s apple(lump on the wind pipe) with two fingers. Slide the fingers to the side of the windpipe and feel for the pulse. If the heart has stopped beating use chest compression to try to restart the heart. Place your hand flat just above the point where the ribs meet the breastbone. Bring the other hand on top of it and lock the fingers together. With your arms straight, press down firmly on the breastbone, pushing it down 4-5cm. Release the pressure and repeat the compressions at a rate of about about 80 per minute. If the person is also not breathing, alternate 15 compressions with two breaths until help arrives.




            First aider can be someone in an organization who has been trained to give immediate medical assistance given to anyone who is suffering a sudden illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent condition from worsening, or to promote recovery.




            The following are the qualities that a trained first aider should possess:

Promptand quick: -As soon as an accident or injury takes place the first aider should be prompt and quick to render help to the victim without delay. Calm and controlled: - He/she should be calm and controlled sort man because he has to take immediate action without any fuss or panic. Wise and intelligent: -He/she should be intelligent and wise enough to decide what immediate treatment is essential even before a complete diagnosis especially in cade of serious injuries and severe bleeding. Resourceful: For providing immediate relief to the victim of the accident, the first-aider should utilize all the available resources that they can think of. Sympathy: The first-aider should display an attitude of helplessness and consideration to the victim so that the victim feels comfortable. Sweet: The first aider should say sweet words to the victim. Skillful and tactful: The first-aider should be skillful to provide first aid and should be tactful to control the crowd which usually gathers around the victim and causes undue delay in providing immediate help.



 “A first aid box is a bag or case containing basic medical supplies that are designed to be used on someone who is injured or who suddenly becomes ill”

It is the duty of the school to keep a first aid box under the charge of a teacher qualified in first aid.




The first aid box should contain the following equipment’s and medicines to enable the first aider to render effective timely appropriate aid:

A box of twelve 100×100 mm sterile dressing, individually wrapped, for cleaning and covering wounds. Roll of gauze bandage 50mm, for bandaging sterile dressing over wound, etc. At least three roller bandage 75mm×5m Two wooden splints Safety pins Pads of various size Two rolls of adhesive tape.25mm×50mm wide Medicine(eye) dropper Rectal thermometer Sharp knife Hot-water bottle Ice bag Match box Scissors Tourniquet Spoon


Every school should set up a school dispensary to look after the health of pupils, to arrange for medical examination of the pupils from time to time, to guide the pupils to adopt preventive measures against various diseases and to provide treatment of minor ailments. A group of schools in a place may combine and set up a dispensary under the charge of a qualified medical officer.


In case any teacher finds a student not keeping well, they should send him/her to the dispensary and ensure that treatment at the clinic is satisfactorily carried out. There should be a fulltime dispenser in the school dispensary who may be able to take care of the cases in the absence of the medical officer. A regular supply of essential medicines should be maintained in the dispensary. The students should be advised not to hesitate but report in the dispensary if they feel any trouble. The dispensary should maintain the record of the medical examinations of the students held from time to time. The services of the school dispensary should be available to the public in times of emergency.

School Medical Service

An efficient school medical service is regarded as essential in any good school. In India the provision is very important in view of absence of health consciousness among the masses, poverty of the masses, non-availability of balanced diet to the growing children, unhygienic conditions all around and non-availability of medical facilities in the countryside.

Health Service Agencies

The health service in the schools can be provided through the co-operation of various agencies like, Physical Education department. Red Cross Unit, School Dispensary and School Medical Officer, Local Public Hospitals and Local Private Practitioners.

Programme of Medical service

This programme will consist of medical inspection of the students after regular intervals, maintenance of records of these medical inspections, sending reports of the student’s health to their guardians, clinical treatment of students suffering from ailments, follow-up programme  of occasional medical inspections, recording of history of chronic cases, provision of mid-day meals, ensuring regular physical exercise for the students, attending to sanitation and hygienic conditions in the school and keeping the school campus healthy and clean.





Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including heart attack or near drowning, in which someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. CPR is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions often with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest. CPR alone is unlikely to restart the heart. Its main purpose is to restore partial flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart.


CPR is a combination of:

Rescue breathing, which provides oxygen to a person’s lungs Chest compressions, which keep the person’s blood circulating.

CPR: Cardio(Heart), Pulmonary (Lungs), Resuscitation (Revival)

CPR dramatically increases the casualty’s chancs of survival and without oxygen, the brain can survive about 5 minutes before permanent damage sets in.


            In adults, major reasons that heartbeat and breathing stop include:

drug overdose excessive bleeding heart disease infection in the blood stream(sepsis) injuries and accidents near-drowning stroke


No breathing or difficulty in breathing(gasping) No pulse Unconsciousness


Check the scene of the person Call for assistance Open the airway Check the breathing Push hard, push fast Deliver rescue breaths Continue CPR steps



Steps for hands-only CPR:

Survey the scene Check the person for responsiveness Contact their heart with an automated external defibrillator(CPR) Position your hand on their chest Begin compression Continue compressions

Steps for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation:

Perform hands-only CPR Open their airway Give rescue breath Alternate rescue breathing with chest compressions.




Children spend most of their time indulging in various types of activities, both constructive and destructive. Therefore, it is natural for them to meet with accidents while playing, running or jumping in the school campus or in the playground. While handling chemicals, gas, glass articles and acids in science laboratories, they may also meet with accidents. Due to climatic changes they may shiver, faint and swoon. In this situation, immediate help should

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