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This book is all about the production of some home-made stuff,which helps to reduce cost and save money.thanks for reading.

W a r n i n g ‘ N o t - E d i t e d ‘ Umm.. I did this for English .. when we were studying the " The Crucible " We had to do " Creative writing ' And this is what I came up with it's not all that .. but I got an " B" On it soo yeah.. And Please .Don't " ' Judge ' umm anyways…ummm " Enjoy.."

This book describes how to be emo. This book tells you what music is good to listen to if your emo. This book is a guide to being emo and how to be accepted as emo.

the sequel to fuzzballs essential guitar knowledge.

This is the guide to vicky and george x-also it can be clues to the next part of difference- btw i hope you all liked difference because it took a few days to do x

A compilation of stories and poems by 8 Bookrix authors to benefit a children's charity. Three pieces are mine to enjoy free...the rest can be had at Amazon books....pls. see link.