» Encyclopedia » Word Play, Spirit.of.the.Stars. [best fiction novels .TXT] 📗

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Note: This here is a simple article I did on writing and basically discusses some of my views on writing and why it is important to me. I did this just for pure enjoyment and to see where this would take me.
This is not a how-to guide so don't expect a step by step approach as you won't find that here.
All in all, it is simply a recording of some thoughts of mine on the process of creative writing and creative expression with words.

-WordPlay: This Thing Called Writing-

Writing. Words. Writing and words. You can’t have one without the other. Writing, as in writing from the soul, is an expression of one’s creativity and inner light. I will start off by saying this is not an article about the how-to’s of writing-- it is merely one writer’s way to express about the joys of writing, what it means to me and why I do it. Hopefully others can find some inspiration with this article to break free of writer’s block or whatever the reason that keeps that pen away from the paper or journal.

Anyway, I know that blank page can be intimidating for some, however if you think of writing as a way to view the world around you and to observe more--not only about the world but about yourself, you’ll find you will have so many ideas you won’t know where to start first! Think of that blank page as a new path un-tread, of exciting and original opportunities to be born, to come into existence. New stories or worlds of words to blow your readers away. Imagine the possibilities you can create within your mind’s eye and write freely on the page for others to someday read and enjoy.

Basically, I see two major “ways” to approach the craft of writing. They are free-form and structure. I think writing, no matter what form or genre you choose to write in, will encompass elements of both of these ways or avenues. How I look at free-form is write whatever your heart desires without worrying too much about grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and flow of words and all that jazz or even format. Just write. If you like what you write enough to show it to the public, that is where structure comes in. Some may balk at the word “structure”. How dare a true writer feel bound to structure, oh my! But really, I feel it is necessary, not only for the sake of neatness and organization but so you have some kind of guideline with which to follow by--to hone in or focus on a particular aspect of writing, whatever that may be.

I recently had a discussion with a family friend about the art of creativity and creative expression. While some of our ideas matched, not all of them did. He was one who felt that structure would make one’s writing stilted, unoriginal and rigid. I disagree. With writing you can go about it any way you want, but it truly does help to have some ideas before you start--a guideline to follow, a “structure”. By the way, let’s change the word “structure” to “guideline”. There. That sounds better, doesn’t it? A guideline, no matter how one goes about it, can only help the writer, not detract from the writer’s toolbox. It forms the basis for your story, novel, poem, play, what have you. It is all about knowing where you are going and where you want to go with your words.

The great thing about writing is that you can write about anything. Yes, anything. Write about that interesting tree by your house, write about a beloved pet, write about some abstract idea. Play around with words. Have fun. Be creative. I enjoy writing for many reasons. Self-expression, to give story ideas “life”, to write about life and the sacred, self-therapy and healing, to speak my mind and more. It truly is a wonderful and freeing thought that you can write about anything. But sometimes that gremlin, otherwise known as the “inner critic”, can get in the way. Write about your gremlin. Give it a voice, then shut it up. Write a story about the gremlin that wouldn’t die. Seriously. You may find yourself laughing out loud at what you come up with. I could go on and on about writing and imagination, but this is an article not a book.

So on an end note, I will say that writing is a tool you can use for getting yourself out of a rut, working out problems or simply to record impressions and ideas. You can utilize writing any way you want. So go ahead and write! Just stay in between the lines of the paper, that so-called “structure.”
(Just kidding!!) Write down your soul. You never know what may come out of that pen. Each person is a universe of words, so take advantage of that and start writing!


Text: (c)2011 Spirit of the Stars
Publication Date: 03-05-2011

All Rights Reserved

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