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a request for data or information from a database table or combination of tables. This data may be generated as results returned by Structured Query Language (SQL) or as pictorials, graphs or complex results, e.g., trend analyses from data-mining tools.  One of several different query languages may be used to perform a range of simple to complex database queries. SQL, the most well-known and widely-used query language, is familiar to most database administrators (DBAs).


For Loop


For loop is a programming language conditional iterative statement which is used to check for certain conditions and then repeatedly execute a block of code as long as those conditions are met. The for loop is distinguished from other looping statements through an explicit loop counter or loop variable which allows the body of the loop to know the exact sequencing of each iteration.


Declarative Programming


Declarative programming is a programming paradigm in which the programmer defines what needs to be accomplished by the program without defining how it needs to be implemented. In other words, the approach focuses on what needs to be achieved instead of instructing how to achieve it. It is different from an imperative program which has the command set to resolve a certain set of problems by describing the steps required to find the solution. Declarative programming describes a particular class of problems with language implementation taking care of finding the solution. The declarative programming approach helps in simplifying the programming behind some parallel processing applications.



Lisp is a family of computer programming languages that originated in 1958 and has since undergone a number of changes and dialects. It is considered the second-oldest high-level programming language in use today, after Fortran.  The name "Lisp" is derived from "list processing," because linked lists are part of major data structures and the source code is made up of lists. Because of its origins, Lisp was originally considered an acronym and spelled "LISP."


Proof of Importance

Proof of importance (PoI) is a cryptocurrency term defined as a blockchain consensus technique – essentially, proof of importance works to prove the utility of nodes in a cryptocurrency system, so that they can create blocks.


Programming Language


A programming language is a computer language engineered to create a standard form of commands. These commands can be interpreted into a code understood by a machine. Programs are created through programming languages to control the behavior and output of a machine through accurate algorithms, similar to the human communication process.  A programming language is also known as a programming system, computer language or computer system.




A functor is a type of class in C++ that acts like a function. Experts point out that a functor is created by overloading the operator and passing one argument the way that one would to a conventional function, albeit with different results.


Common Language Infrastructure


Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is a Microsoft specification for running high-level language program applications in different computer systems without changing the application code. CLI is based on the Microsoft .NET concept that some high-level language programs require modifications due to system hardware and processing constraints.


Grace Hopper


Grace Hopper was a pioneering computer scientist who helped create the field of computer programming. Hopper and her team created the first compiler, so that programmers could program with English commands. Hopper also heavily influenced the creation and standardization of COBOL, one of the first programming languages that was compatible with different computers.


Greedy Algorithm

A greedy algorithm is an algorithmic strategy that makes the best optimal choice at each small stage with the goal of this eventually leading to a globally optimum solution. This means that the algorithm picks the best solution at the moment without regard for consequences. It picks the best immediate output, but does not consider the big picture, hence it is considered greedy.



In programming, syntax refers to the rules that specify the correct combined sequence of symbols that can be used to form a correctly structured program using a given programming language. Programmers communicate with computers through the correctly structured syntax, semantics and grammar of a programming language.


Binary Tree

A binary tree is a tree data structure where each node has up to two child nodes, creating the branches of the tree. The two children are usually called the left and right nodes. Parent nodes are nodes with children, while child nodes may include references to their parents.


Visual Basic (VB)

Visual Basic (VB) is a well-known programming language created and developed by Microsoft. VB is characterized by its simple format, which is easy to understand. Beginning programmers often consider VB the starting point in software development.  VB is the visual form of BASIC, an earlier language originally developed by Dartmouth professors John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz.


Power User 

A power user is an individual that operates a computer or device with advanced skills, knowledge, experience and capabilities. A power user has the ability to reap multiple benefits and functionalities of a computer, software application or the Internet.  A power user is also known as a super user.


Volatile Variable

A volatile variable is a variable that is marked or cast with the keyword "volatile" so that it is established that the variable can be changed by some outside factor, such as the operating system or other software. A volatile variable is useful in multithreaded applications or in other situations where programmers must anticipate changes to the variable other than those that are common within the code module.


Backward Chaining

Backward chaining is an inference method widely used in artificial intelligence, automated theorem provers and proof assistants. Backward chaining methodology can be described as working back from a goal. Many programming languages support backward chaining within their inference engines.  Backward chaining is also referred to as backward reasoning.


Low-Level Language

A low-level language is a programming language that deals with a computer's hardware components and constraints. It has no (or only a minute level of) abstraction in reference to a computer and works to manage a computer's operational semantics.  A low-level language may also be referred to as a computer’s native language.


High-Level Language (HLL)

A high-level language is any programming language that enables development of a program in a much more user-friendly programming context and is generally independent of the computer's hardware architecture. A high-level language has a higher level of abstraction from the computer, and focuses more on the programming logic rather than the underlying hardware components such as memory addressing and register utilization.



From a programming language perspective, a metalanguage is a language used to make statements regarding statements made in another language, known as an object language. Metalanguage helps in describing the concepts, grammar and objects associated with a particular programming language.  Metalanguage is widely used in language design, analysers, compilers and theorem provers. It is also used in financial systems, bioinformatics and in other similar applications.


Global Variable

A global variable is a programming language construct, a variable type that is declared outside any function and is accessible to all functions throughout the program. A group of global variables is called a global state or global environment because when combined, they define various aspects of a program or the environment when the program runs. A global variable is usually declared on top of all functions and is kept to a minimum, as all functions can manipulate them during the program’s run time, which is considered dangerous by most programmers because they may accidentally be changed, resulting in bugs.


IoT Solutions Architect

An IoT solutions architect is a professional role involved in developing practical uses and applications of internet of things technology. The IoT solutions architect typically works with engineers and salespeople to facilitate process development.


Hashed Table

A hashed table or hash table is a special type of internal table used in ABAP programs, where by using the hash functionality, the necessary table record is obtained. Like other types of internal tables, hashed tables are also used to extract data from standard SAP database tables by means of ABAP programs or ABAP objects. However, unlike other types of internal tables like standard or sorted, hash tables cannot be accessed using an index. As with database tables, hashed tables also require a unique key.


Low Earth Orbit (LEO)


Low earth orbit (LEO) is a designation for communication satellites whose locus extends from approximately 300 miles above the earth’s surface up to an altitude of 1,491 miles. A non-terrestrial network (NTN) of LEO satellites is called a constellation or swarm. LEO constellations can provide satellite broadband service to areas where it otherwise would be too costly or even impossible to lay land lines. LEOs, which are not fixed in space in relation to the planet's surface, are known for providing faster throughput and having less latency than traditional geostationary (GEO) satellites because they orbit over 60 times closer to the Earth's surface.

LEO orbits are typically less than 2,400 km (1,491 mi) in altitude. Geostationary (GEO) satellites orbit around the equator roughly 36,000 km (22,369 mi) above the Earth. Geosynchronous Transfer (GTO) is an elliptical orbit into which satellites are often first launched in order to reach GEO.


Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)


Fixed wireless access (FWA) is an alternative way for an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide small businesses and homes with last mile connectivity.  Fixed Wireless Access uses radio waves to create a connection between a Point-of-Presence cell tower and an external antenna located on the customer's home or business. When the antenna picks up a radio signal, it forwards the signal wirelessly to a special type of modem that converts the radio waves into WiFi signals.

As 5G coverage expands, FWA is expected to provide ISPs with a cost-effective alternative to DSL, fiber optics and cable, especially in geographical locations where it has been cost-prohibitive for ISPs to lay cable or fiber. Because FWA can provide high speeds with low latency, it's expected to compete with satellite connections in many parts of the world and help reduce the digital divide now that 97% of the world's population lives within reach of a mobile cellular signal.


Blockchain (Distributed Ledger)

A blockchain is a tamper-resistant distributed ledger that's used to validate and store digital transactional records. No single authority is responsible for maintaining a Blockchain. Instead, computers in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network each store a copy of the ledger and transactions are verified through a decentralized consensus mechanism.

Transactions are stored in permanent, time-stamped units called blocks and each block is connected (chained) to the previous block with a cryptographic hash that is created by using the previous block's contents. The hash links make it impossible to alter data in one block without making changes to each subsequent block in the chain at the exact same time. Essentially, this means that any attempt to alter or delete information will break the cryptographic chain and immediately alert all nodes in the network that there is a problem.

Blockchains can be public or private. In a public blockchain, anyone can view the ledger and participate in the consensus mechanism. In a private Blockchain, the consensus mechanism is restricted to certain nodes on the network and views of the private ledger may also be restricted.

Originally created for digital currency, Blockchain is now being used by many types of businesses as a decentralized database technology to support smart contracts as well as records management for health care and identity and access management (IAM).


Internet of Behaviors (IoB)


The Internet of Behaviors (IoB) is an area of research and development (R&D) that seeks to understand how, when and why humans use technology to make purchasing decisions. IoB combines three fields of study: behavioral science, edge analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT).

IoB platforms are designed to gather, aggregate and analyze data generated from a wide variety of sources, including household digital devices, wearable computers and human online activities. The data is then analyzed in terms of behavioral psychology to look for patterns that can be used by marketing and sales teams to influence future consumer behavior.

An important goal of the IoB is to help marketers understand and monetize the massive amount of data produced by network nodes in the Internet of Things.


USB-C Connector


USB-C (Universal Serial Bus Type-C) is an industry-standard for transmitting both data and power over a single cable. The benefits of USB-C include

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