» Erotic » The Love Triangle, Tati S [series like harry potter .txt] 📗

Book online «The Love Triangle, Tati S [series like harry potter .txt] 📗». Author Tati S

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Chapter 1

"Okay you can't be serious he's our English teacher Andrea," my friend Zia says hands on her hips. Okay so what he's our English teacher, he likes me I like him" I say sipping my soda. My name is Andrea and I'm 17 years old and I go to Richmond High School in L.A California. Zia sits beside me shaking her head "all these dudes that want to get with you and you choose Mr. Johnson?"
"Pretty much" my three other girls Kelly, Mia, and Maria walk up to us. "What's up?" Kelly asks sitting behind me on the bench "nothing much talking about Mr. Johnson" Zia declares raising her eyebrows at me. "Oh well, how is your boo thang Andrea?" Mia asks smiling at me "great, just great" I finish up my soda putting the can on Zia's tray. "Well I'm so glad we're in his class together so I can keep my eye on you, and you have on your cheerleading outfit, you know he loves when you wear it," Kelly mentions. I am the captain of the cheerleading squad and on game nights we get to wear our uniforms to school "yep" the bell rings and we get up walking to our lockers. At our lockers, as we're getting our books we hear whistling behind us, I turn to see Rob and the football team, I roll my eyes turning back to my locker. Rob is a guy I've gone to school with since Freshman year, he's always had a crush on me but I never gave him a chance because he was rude and a player. He's really handsome, tall, dark skin, hazel eyes, and has dreadlocks, but his personality is very unattractive. "So Andrea what are we doing after the game tonight?" I hear Rob ask from behind me "uh, nothing" I reply looking at him. "Oh, so it's like that?" He backs me into my locker putting his hands on my waist I sigh looking at my girls who were looking as annoyed as I felt. He moves his face closer to mine "move Rob I need to get to class" and with that, I push him away and walk off with my girls. "Gosh, he is such an asshole" Maria mutters "all of them are" Kelly seconds I laugh walking into English class, as soon as I walk in I look at Mr. Johnson he smiles at me and I wink, the bell rings and I sit in the third row where I always sit. "Okay class let's get started" he takes roll and starts his lesson, he then makes us take out our books and do our classwork for today, I take out my cell and text Sean, that's Mr. Johnson's real name. I text hey baby and after I send it I look up at him, he's looking down with a smile so I assume he just read my text. My cell vibrates, it was a text from Sean saying what's up I bite my lip holding back a smile texting back me and u 2nite after the game, your house and I send it. The first time I had seen Sean I tried my best to get his attention and so did many other girls and teachers. He is tall, brown skin, muscular, fresh hair cut with waves, and he looks extra sexy in a suit my cell vibrates once again, it was a text from Sean saying OK what u got in mind? I glance back up at him and he was watching me I look back down at my cell to text back oh nothing, I just wanna play some games in the bed and I laugh quietly to myself sending the text. I look at my girls who were also discreetly on their phones, my cell vibrates I check the text from him saying OK deal I look up once again to find Sean staring at me I lick my lips in a sexy way he smiles shaking his head.

At the end of class, I signal for my girls to wait for me outside the door and after everyone is out of the room I walk up to Sean. He gets up from behind his desk and puts his arms around my waist I give him a long kiss "I'll see you tonight" he whispers in my ear "OK" and as I walk away he smacks my butt I laugh walking out of the room. I used to worry about people seeing me and him together but we're careful so those worries have faded away. "I saw that Andy" Mia says smirking at me I'm guessing my other girls saw it too because they were laughing. "Y'all are stupid" we walk to our lockers, that was like our usual meet up spot "let's meet outside the gym after school" they all agree and we split up, I hurry to Math class so I don't have to hear Mrs. Davis's mouth. When I get to the door my best friend Shaq slips his arm around my shoulders "what up ma?" He asks kissing my cheek "you tell me, why weren't you at lunch?"
Cause I had things to do" I roll my eyes sitting in the seat next to his, Shaq and I have been best friends since Pre-k we told each other everything about everyone, he's more like a brother than a best friend "so how is Mr. Johnson?"
"I wish you guys would call him Sean around me" he shrugs crossing his arms "you know it's not right Andy" this time I shrug with a sigh "that's too bad, I really like him, he really likes me so we do our own thing." The teacher still hadn't come in "well I hope you haven't had sex with him" I smile secretly at Shaq and his eyes widen "I couldn't resist" he laughs in disbelief "that's messed up, you give the teacher some but when I try to get a hit you turn a brother down." I laugh punching his shoulder as a white guy walks in behind Mrs. Person and Mr. Kel our principal, and assistant principal. "Okay class Mrs. Davis is not going to be here today, but you do have a new student, Jake Little, um Andrea you and Jake have the same schedule so you can show him around, raise your hand, Andrea." I smile at Jake raising my hand he smiles back walking back to where I'm sitting all the girls were staring at him in awe as he sits next to me, I glance at Shaq who was smiling. "I will be subbing so take out your books and get to work, Andrea if you don't mind can you show Jake what to do?"
"No problem" I lean over to Jake "we're working on the Pythagorean theorem, piece of cake" he smiles a dazzling lopsided smile that made my stomach do somersaults "thanks"
"You're welcome" I sit back in my seat pulling my shirt down but it rises back over my stomach showing my piercing. I stand up pulling down my shirt and pulling my skirt up a little, then I sit back down looking at Jake who was totally checking me out.
I walk Jake out to his car after school "thanks for showing me around today"
"You're welcome, are you coming to the game tonight?" He shrugs smiling at me "I might just to see you jumping around in that little skirt" I laugh moving my long, black, silky hair to the right side of my shoulder. "Well I better get going," I say backing up "okay see ya later"
"Later" I turn around running back inside the school. Jake is beyond fine, tall, with curly hair that fell into his handsome face, his eyes were a deep blue, his smile was mesmerizing, and he smelled really good, I run into the gym where the team was already doing stretches I sit beside Zia. "Where have you been?" She asks glancing at me "sorry, I walked the new guy out" I didn't look at her because I knew she was giving me that look that for some reason always made me feel guilty. "You didn't"
"I did" I open my legs doing a split "bad girlfriend" I sigh "it was nothing, I just walked him to his car" she rolls her eyes and I stand up "OK guys let's start" we do our cheers while the girls and guys practice then its 4:00, time for the game to begin.

"They are good" Zia mutters beside me, she was talking about the other basketball team, we get up to do our cheer for the second half. Kelly starts the cheer off I stand way back and so does another girl on the team named Brittany. We were going to do cartwheels then when we got to the front do a split and finally it's our turn Brittany and I smile at each other then start to do our cartwheels, when we do our split the crowd goes wild. "Whoo," I yell touching my toe and run back to sit on the bench "okay I'm in serious need of something to drink," I say with a wiping my face with my towel. Sean was working the concession stand as he did at every home game "just so you can see Mr. Johnson" Mia says as she and Zia follow me "exactly" I take two dollars out of my wallet and walk to the back where the concession stand is. My dad was out there talking to Zia's dad who I called Uncle Marc, I run up to them but my girls stay in line "hey daddy, hey Uncle Marc" I give them both a hug. Zia and I have been best friends since we were born her parents and my parents went to high school and college together. Zia and I call each other sisters, not best friends, just like Shaq and I "you did good out there pumpkin" my dad says "thanks daddy, where's mommy?"
Work, are you going out tonight after the game?"
"Yes, so I won't be home until later," I say smirking "OK" I look at my girls who were second in line "well I better go, bye daddy, bye Uncle Marc" I give them a hug and blow them a kiss before running to where my friends were. "They were about to talk you to death weren't they?" Maria asks laughing I laugh with her "couldn't let that happen" we move up and I smile at Sean he smiles back. "Hey ladies what can I get you?"
"I want a soda" Maria states "just a snicker" Zia declares "well I want a soda and a big piece of you" I flirt leaning in closer with a wink he laughs shaking his head. Zia hits my arm I sigh rolling my eyes "thank you" we say in unison I knew Sean was looking after us so I give him a sight to see. I start shaking then I hold up the back of my skirt I laugh looking back at him and he was laughing too "dude" Maria says laughing also I shrug strutting out.

After the game, I'm one of the last ones to leave, the cheerleaders and basketball players help clean up the gym after most games. "I am so glad its Friday," one of the basketball players Billy says sweeping the trash up slowly. I laugh "you and me both, that's why I'm about to go," I say blowing him a kiss he just frowns. I go into the locker room assuming I was the only one in there, I guessed wrong "hey sexy" I

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