» Erotic » Stepbrother three, jewel crotan [reading comprehension books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Stepbrother three, jewel crotan [reading comprehension books .TXT] 📗». Author jewel crotan

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chapter one


I couldn’t concentrate on anything but her.

Her hair, her smile, her soft skin and the curve of her hips. Those big tits and that tight little ass, shown off in a dress that was too small for her. She was driving me insane – so insane that I’d had to take her in the closet, let her know she was mine if I wanted.

Her pussy had been warm and wet, stretching out around me as I fucked her with my fingers. The head of my dick would have been better, and I imagined what it would feel like, sliding into my stepsister’s tight little hole.

My cock twitched in my pants. I shouldn’t have pulled her into that closet, shouldn’t have made her come like that on my fingers. But I couldn’t handle seeing her with that asshole Ruskin. He was a douchebag. And Avery was mine.

But she’s not yours, Cole. She can never be yours.

“Cole!” Kalia practically yelled in my face. “Are you even listening to me?”

“Of course,” I lied. I wasn’t listening to her. I couldn’t focus on anything but Avery. She was over in the corner talking to Jeffrey Adams now, although there were so many people in the room I couldn’t get a good look at them. It made me anxious as fuck when I couldn’t see Avery, even more so when she was talking to another man.

I took a swig of the drink in my hand and wondered how long I should let them talk before I went over there and punched him out.

“And you have nothing to say?” Kalia demanded. She was wearing a long black and gold dress, her blonde hair pulled back from her face to show off her bright blue eyes and delicate features. Every man who walked by stared at her, that’s how beautiful she was.

I’d fucked her the first night I’d met her, and any time I’d wanted since. I could leave with her right now if I wanted, take her to my apartment, or to hers, and screw her all night. But ever since my stepsister had come back into my life, Kalia did nothing for me. No one did. Except for Avery.

“Nothing to say about what?” I asked Kalia, stalling for time. The crowd across the room parted a bit, and I watched as Jeffrey leaned in and whispered something to Avery. My hand tightened around my drink. I didn’t like him getting so close to her.

“Cole!” Kalia raged.

I sighed, annoyed that I was being forced to deal with this. Sleeping with my assistant had been a bad idea, especially with my tendency to get bored of women so easily. And although I hadn’t made Kalia any promises, she obviously hadn’t understood. I hadn’t even invited her here. She’d shown up unannounced, claiming she saw it on my schedule and just assumed she’d be needed. She wasn’t completely wrong – usually I would have asked her to accompany me, but I’d brought Avery instead.


“You’re not listening to me.”

Yeah, no shit. “I am listening.” I wondered if I was going to have to fire her. It would be a shame. She was a good assistant.

“Then can you please answer my question?”

“Can you please repeat it?”

“I said are you coming over tonight?”

“No.” Jeffrey was leaning in even further now, and I watched his eyes roaming over Avery’s tits. I shouldn’t have let her wear that dress out of the house. But I liked looking at her in it. My cock twitched again, thinking about how it would feel to fuck those tits, to shoot a nice load of cum all over her nipples.

“Why not?” Kalia demanded.

“Because.” I was through making excuses. Excuses would just prolong the inevitable truth -- that I was done with her.

“You’re a real asshole, Cole,” she said.

“I know.” But I wasn’t listening, and she knew it. She followed my gaze across the room to where Avery was standing.

“What is she doing here?” she asked. “She’s only the second assistant!”

“I brought her.” I took another swig of my drink.

“For what? She doesn’t know how do anything yet.”

I shrugged. “Go home, Kalia,” I said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I drained the rest of my drink and set the empty glass down on a nearby table. And then I went to go get Avery.


Jeffrey’s breath smelled like beer, and I tried to pull away from him, but he herded me over to the side of the room.

“Relax, Avery,” he said.

I tasted bile in the back of my mouth. Relax, Avery. That’s what he’d said to me that summer day. I could still remember the sun beating down on my shoulders, the sky so blue, the humidity so heavy in the air that it made my clothes stick to my skin. That day, and Jeffrey, were the reasons I hated summer, why I got depressed when the sun was out, why I preferred days that were cold and gloomy.

“I am relaxed.” I tried as hard as I could to keep my voice even, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he was affecting me. I scanned the room for Cole, hoping he would see me and come over, but there were so many people here now that it was hard to keep my eyes on him.

I finally spotted him, still talking to Kalia over by one of the elegantly set tables. She was gesturing with her hands and talking animatedly – whatever their conversation was about, it seemed serious. Was Jeffrey right? Were they fucking? I imagined Cole taking Kalia into the closet, the same closet where he’d just been with me, sliding his fingers up inside of her, making her come. Jealousy burned through me, which was ridiculous. He wasn’t mine. And how could you be jealous of something that didn’t belong to you?

“Cole,” Jeffrey said, shaking his head in disbelief as we watched Cole with Kalia. “That dude gets so much prime pussy.”

“What do you want, Jeffrey?” I asked. I pulled my eyes away from Cole and Kalia, turning my back to them so I wouldn’t have to see what they were doing. If I saw him touch her, even just brush the back of her hand, I was going to go insane.

“Have lunch with me,” Jeffrey said, giving me an easy smile, the kind of smile you would give an old friend. But we weren’t old friends. Not even close. “Tomorrow. I know an amazing Italian place.”

“No.” I shook my head. “No fucking way.”

He leaned in close to me again, and I saw his eyes flick down to my chest. “If you want to keep your secret safe, you’ll do whatever I say,” he said, his breath hot against my neck.

I glanced over my shoulder, weighing the possibility of seeing something between Cole and Kalia that would upset me against the fact that Cole might come over here if he saw I needed help.

Kalia looked gorgeous – she was wearing a gold dress with black sequins down the sides that nipped in tight at the waist and accentuated her lithe figure. Her golden blond hair was swept back into a side bun, setting off the delicate gold earrings that dangled from her ears. She looked chic and elegant and effortless. I felt big and disheveled just looking at her.

“He’s not a good guy, you know,” Jeffrey said, catching me looking at Cole.

“What?” I forced my attention back to Jeffrey.

“Cole. I know you always worshipped him growing up, but he’s bad news, Avery. He’s not a good person.” He shook his head sadly, like I was a child who needed to be told the truth. “The sooner you figure that out, the safer you’ll be.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said. “And I don’t – didn’t -- worship him.”

“Oh, please,” Jeffrey said, grabbing a crab-stuffed mushroom off the tray of a passing waiter. “You loved Cole growing up. You followed him around like a little puppy.”

“I did not!” I was shocked. I didn’t love Cole growing up. I resented him. I hated the way the girls in my class drooled all over him, hated how he would show up at the neighborhood pool and cause all my friends to abandon their magazines and suntan lotion just so they could flirt with him. I hardly had any friends growing up, and the ones I did have, well -- I always had to wonder if they were only spending time with me because they were hoping it would get them closer to my stepbrother.

“Whatever.” Jeffrey shrugged like it was no big deal. He finished the rest of his mushroom and washed it down with a swig of the beer he was holding. “So, coffee tomorrow?”


“Really, Avery?” he said, sighing. “Can we just stop this little charade? Because I’d really hate for your big hero Cole to find out our little secret. I don’t think he’d like that too much, would he?” Jeffrey reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, sliding out a crisp white business card. “Call me in the morning,” he said, pressing the card into my hand. As he did, his grip tightened around my fingers, holding on for longer than was necessary.

“What’s going on?” a voice asked from behind me. It was Cole, his eyes flashing with steely suspicion as he looked down at Jeffrey’s hand in mine.

“Nothing,” I said quickly, pulling away from Jeffrey. I’d somehow ended up with his card in my hand. I wanted to drop it on the floor, to show Jeffrey that I had no intention of calling him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want Cole to know anything weird was happening. “I ran into Jeffrey and we were just saying hello.”

I smoothed my dress down, wishing I had a drink to sip, or something to hold in my hands. I felt fidgety and nervous.

“Nice to see you, man,” Jeffrey said, holding his hand out to Cole, who shook it.

“Nice to see you,” Cole said, but there was a hardness to his voice and his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

I wondered if something had happened between the two of them to make them hate each other. Cole hadn’t seemed upset when I’d brought up Jeffrey’s name on the way over here, but now he was acting like Jeffrey was the enemy. And all those things Jeffrey had said about Cole not being a good guy – it definitely hinted at some kind of bad blood between the two of them.

“Gearing up for the IPO?” Jeffrey asked easily.

“Yes,” Cole said shortly. “It’s been exhausting. So if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll call it a night.” He looked at me pointedly. “Are you coming?”

“Yes,” I said. I turned to Jeffrey. “It was good to see you, Jeffrey. Take care.”

As I turned and headed for the door, I let Jeffrey’s business card fall from my hand and flutter to the floor.

I was hoping that would be the last time I ever had to see him.

But something told me it wasn’t going to be that easy.


Once we were in the back of the town car, Cole pushed up the partition so that we were alone, separated from the driver. He didn’t say anything, and instead just turned and stared out the window, brooding.

The silence stretched between us, growing more and more uncomfortable. After a while, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I was just about to speak when Cole beat me to it.

“Stay away from him, Avery,” he said, his voice a dark warning.


“Jeffrey. Stay away from him.”

“I wasn’t… I

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