» Erotic » Always Entitled to Nobody, Deucy Jones [spicy books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Always Entitled to Nobody, Deucy Jones [spicy books to read .txt] 📗». Author Deucy Jones

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Meet the Author and Characters

Wassuh? How you doin'? You not gone say nun? Imma just assume you said 'Bihhh I'm great'. ANYWAYSSSSSS, I'm the author, as you can tell from the title of this chapter, and I wanted to let you all know... YES, THIS IS A GROWN ASS BOOK. IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, TAKE YA ASS TO BED. There will be a lot of slang in this but don't worry I got y'all. Uhhhhh... what else? Umm... The first story that I will be completing so don't judge me if I take too long. I'm 18 tryna figure out where i fit in the world and tryna get a decent job....sleep doesn't exist anymore lol. Each chapter will have a minimum of 1,000 words so of course there is a lot of drama. Annnnnnnndddd that's it. Enjoy my book, nasty muhhfuckahz. Love y'all, make sure you comment and ask questions about my story if there is any confusion. Ooooh and share it with friends, too.




These are the characters that you gone see throughout these first few chapters. Make sure if you want to see what they look like or how I would visualize them, look each person up if you want to. Each name that is written in BOLD FONT in this list is just how i would picture each characters body type.


Ravie Loso as Nylah, 17 yr/o - Main character and Noah's 'twin' sister


Rotimi Akinosho as Noah, 17 yr/o - Nylah's twin brother 


Regina King as Bianca, 34 yr/o - Nylah's "mother"


Beau Casper Smart as Nico, 28 yr/o - No information will be given just yet


Jacione Fugate as Domonic, 17 yr/o - Another main character


Anabella Carrasco as Laniyah, 16 yr/o - Nylah's bestie, Lyllian’s younger sister


Giselle Lynette as Lyllian, 17 yr/o - Nylah’s bestie, Laniyah’s older sister


Lucas Coly as Izayah, 16 yr/o - Dominic's younger brother


Aaleeyah Petty as Ty'tiana, 18 yr/o - No information will be given just yet



****side note- JACIONE FUGATE IF YOU EVER SEE THIS MARRY ME. That is all. Had to just put that out there and let it be known i called dibs.


 Nylah's POV


Spiteful Bitch-"Get yo ass up!!!"


I opened my eyes slowly and remembered that I have to start school again. I groaned as I sat up on my bed.


Me-"Ight, dammit! I'm getting up! Stop allat damn yellin'."


S.B.-"Just hurry up and get yo fat ass out this house. I got shit I need to do and you don't need to ruin my plans."


I just rolled my eyes and ignored the woman who accidentally helped conceive me. I swear I fuckin' hate her druggie ass. I don't know what the hell my dad saw in this bitch. Maybe she doesn't have a loose pussy. I got up and picked out an outfit from my dresser. I pulled out some plaid pink leggings and a pink shirt. Hmmm...Should I really do a pink day...Nah. Hopefully, Izayah's there, I thought as I turned on the hot water. I went back to my room and got my favorite nude grey shirt that fit me tight, faded grey jeans, my red velvet Jordan 11s, and a cute thong from Pink. I took my time in the shower and slowly got dressed because I had a good bit of time before I had to leave. As I'm getting dressed, I look in my full-length mirror. Hopefully, nobody bothers me today. I finished getting dressed in just enough time to grab something quick to eat. I ran into the hall and slid down the spiral banister. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an orange only to hear this bitch mouth again.


S.B.-"Hurry the fuck up and leave! You takin' too damn long. And don't be goin' on my banister like that no more. Fat ass might break it. Save that shit for when you go to the strip club, you hoe."


Me-"Shut the fuck! Don't nobody care about your dick appointment, damn."


With that, I walked out of the house with my book bag, iPhone X in hand, and applying lip gloss as I walked to my car. I have a beautiful car. I saved up all my money just for it to finally be mine. I hopped in my cocaine white Bentley as soon as I noticed my birth-givers boyfriend, Nico, pull up. What the hell he lookin' at? As if on cue, he walked up to my car and tapped on the window. I only rolled it down an inch which is more than I should have.


Nico-"Hello, gorgeous. Where's yo mama?"


I notice that he was lookin' hard at my titties. Damn, I should've worn a different bra.


Me-" I don't know but I do know some druggie in the house waitin' on yo old perverted ass."


All he did was laugh at me, which made me want to put my hands on him.


Nico-"Baby, don't act like you don't love me. I can please both you and yo mama. All you gotta do is ask."


I just rolled my eyes and rolled the window up. He was still leaning on the car, so I decided to pull off anyways. I arrived at my usual parking spot at the little convenience store a block away from school. I walked the rest of the way to school and went into the school building.


Me-" I can't believe this my last year here... It's about damn time."


I walked through the halls with my beats around my neck and tried to avoid all the stares and ignore all the comments.


?- " Who does this fat bitch think she is? she got stomach for days."


?- " Girl I don't know what she thought she was doin'. Who let her out the house like that?"


I rolled my eyes and moved on to my locker. I unlocked it and put my books inside and only grabbed my phone since I have study hall for the first 3 blocks. I was about to put the last book in there only for my locker to be pushed shut by the head bitch herself.


Me- "What do you want, Ty'tiana?"


Ty'tiana- "Why were you walking with my man, you slut?"


Me- "Which one?"


Ty'tiana- "Don't play dumb, you fat hoe. Why were you walking with Noah?"


Me- "Because he's my twin brother."


T- "Ain't no way he's related to you cause he's so fine and you're so fucking ugly. Stop dreaming odd fantasies about my nigga...," she paused as she stepped closer to me," Or else."


I stepped closer to her with the largest smirk on my face.


Me- "Why would I have fantasies about my brother? And if he wasn't blood-related, he would be in my bed every night because apparently yo hoe ass can’t even suck dick right and yo walls wider than the Grand Canyon. Such a shame your body can't match allat talk about how good you are in bed. On a whole other note, why would I have fantasies about someone who still answers to Pookie?"


T- "He would never answer to that. Stop making things-"


Me- "Pookie, come here."


I watched her eyes get big as my brother, Noah, walked over to us.


Noah- "Wassup, big sis?"


Me- "Nun... one of yo luh hoe ass girly friends thinks we got something goin' on."


Noah turned around and looked at Tytiana in disgust. Then he bust out laughing.


Noah- "First of all- that's my older twin sister. Second, THAT'S MY SISTER. I don't do no incest shit. And finally, if she wasn't my sister she would be my wife by now cause she smart, loyal, she can cook, and she's thick as fuck. Stop telling people we together. We fucked once. Even though you loose as fuck, I would've done it again if yo ass ain't give me chlamydia. If you ever disrespect her again, it's over for yo luh hoe ass. Now get the fuck outta my face."


I stared at Noah like he went too far, but when I saw the look on her face, it was worth every last breath. She had her mouth hanging open and she was red in the face like she couldn't believe someone stood up for me.


T- "Why are you defending this pig? She has done nothing but brought misery to our relationship. What the fuck is so special about her?"


Noah- "Pause. There is no relationship between ME and YOU, bitch. She's my sister. She got me like I got her."


As soon as he said that, I slowly put my bag down because I knew what was coming next. Ty'tiana was getting madder by the second and her face was all red with anger and hate. She took that usual step forward, ready to swing, but before Noah could react, I pushed him out the way so she wouldn't hit him. I hissed with pain as I felt the cold metal go across my face. I looked down at her hand and saw she pulled out a switchblade. This bitch really tried to cut my brother?! All I saw was red and I couldn't hold in my anger anymore. I grabbed her by her loose ass weave and dragged her on the ground, making her drop the knife. I saw her desperately reaching for it as I punched her repeatedly, blow after blow, even after I felt something pierce my side. I felt two hands grab my dreads and yank my hair but that didn't stop me. I just grabbed the other girl and was swinging in both directions of them until I felt my brother grab me and pull me away.


Noah- "Sis, stop. It's over. You don't have to do anything else just chill."


Me- "But she tried to- "


Noah- "I don't wanna hear it. Go to the bathroom fix yourself up."


I looked down at my hands and saw blood and blonde tracks. What did I do? I ran out of the school and into the parking lot where my car was. My hands were shaking and my breathing was too fast. I'm having a panic attack! No, not now! I couldn't control my breathing and everything was starting to get dark. Just when I thought I was about to pass out, Noah came and unlocked my car door grabbing me.


Noah- "No, sis. You gotta breathe. Breathe for me, babygirl."


I looked at him, still shaking. I tried to control my breathing but it only got worse when I caught a glimpse of my hands again.


Noah- "No. No. NO! Nylah, please, focus on me, please..."


That was the last thing I heard before passing out.


Noah's POV


Oh no, man I can't lose my sister. I felt her body going limp and I started screaming for help.




I noticed people just pulled out their phones and started recording. What the fuck is wrong with these people?! I grabbed one person's phone and called 911.


Operator- "911 operator what is your emergency?"


Me- "My sister needs an ambulance. PLEASE! HURRY!"


Operator- "Sir, please, calm down. There is an EMT right around the corner from you we're sending them over."


I was sitting there shaking, thinking this was all my fault. I should have never let her get like this. I should've stopped her. As I try to

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