» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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Chapter 1

Nazario Leone sat in his office and looked out the window at the Seattle skyline. He thought back at how wonderful his life and turned out and it was all because of his family. It wasn’t just his wonderful wife, Rosa, who was the love of his life, or their only son Kane, but also the family of men and women who were a part of his mafia family, all of whom he had taken the vow to protect. He had been given the reins of the family from his father at the age of 25 and he had planned on turning over the family to his son when he turned 25, but Kane still had not met the most important detail to take over the family. Kane had met every demand that Nazario had put before him and exceeded each one. However, the demand that still needs to be met was the one that had been passed down from one Don to another. It was critical that it happened because it showed the family that the leader was just that; a leader of a family. The Don of the family had to be married.

Turning around toward his desk, he looked at the photo of Rosa. He hoped that Kane would have found someone like her with whom to share his life. Rosa and he had been very proud that he had decided to not only to follow in his father's footsteps to become the head of the family, but also that he’d studied become a Dom. Yes, Nazario Leone was the Don of the Italian Mafia in Seattle, but was also a Dominant. His father had been a Dominant and so had his grandfather. Being a Dominant gave Nazario the discipline and drive to be a very powerful Don. He was patient, not quick tempered, and always looked ahead for the best solution for a problem. He had met Rosa at a play party given by his parents, and immediately knew that she was the one for him. He first saw her when she was in a waiting position in a beginner submissive class that was being held during the party. Rosa was the daughter of one of his father's friends, who was also in the community. Seeing her naked except for her panties with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and sitting on her heels with her legs open, waiting for a master to take control of her was almost too much for Nazario. She was exquisite. After the class ended, he went to her and asked if she would like to go somewhere and talk.

Rosa Morin knew who Nazario Leone was and was shocked he had come up to her and asked to talk to her. She had known about her family being part of the BDSM community for a few years and she had read a lot of material concerning the lifestyle. After studying for a while, she realized that she had submissive traits and needed to find a dominant to make her feel complete. So just a short time later, there she was, on a couch with a glass of white wine in her hand, listening to the man who would make all her fantasies come true.

Nazario Leone and Rosa Morin began their Dominant/submissive relationship that night, and a few short weeks they realized that they were in love. They got married in a large wedding, fit for the future Don of the Leone family and then, later in the evening, a small collaring ceremony was held with Nazario’s mentor and his submissive as witnesses. Rosa’s left hand held her wedding band that showed the world that she was married, but, around her neck, she wore a diamond collar that showed the community she was owned by Nazario Leone.

After Nazario and Rosa's wedding, Nazario's father handed the reins over to Nazario and he became the Don of the Leone family. Nazario and Rosa had been married for two years when, one day, he came home to find Rosa waiting for him by the door in nothing but high heels and her collar. At her feet sat a small gift bag.

"My pet, what is going on?" Nazario asked.

Rosa waited to answer, knowing that Nazario needed to give her permission when she was in sub mode.

"You may answer," Nazario said with a smile. 

His little sub always worked hard to please him and, oh, how she pleased him.

"Your pet has a special gift for you."Rosa said as she picked up the bag and handed to Nazario with her head still down. 

She had learned, over time, to always keep the rules that he had set for her.

Nazario took the bag from Rosa’s hand and opened it. He took the item that was wrapped in tissue out of the bag and began to unwrap it. It was a piece of paper that had been rolled into a scroll with a pink/blue ribbon tied around it. Nazario unrolled the paper to find it was a doctor's report, but the word that beamed off the paper was the word PREGNANT.

"Rosa, is this what I think it is?" Nazario asked.

"Yes," Rosa said, head still facing the floor.

Nazario dropped the bag and paper and picked Rosa up from her kneeling position. Tears running down his eyes, he took his finger and pulled Rosa's chin up so he could see her eyes. They were also filled with tears.

"You have made me the luckiest man in the world."

"I am the lucky one."

During the next few months, Nazario and Rosa kept the baby a secret until they were certain that everything was fine. During Rosa's 2oth week, an ultrasound was set up to find out the sex of the baby. It was then that they found out that they were having the next leader of the family.

Nazario and Rosa set up a party, invited all the family, and announced they were having a baby. The family was excited and happy for the couple. After the announcement to the family had been made, Nazario took Rosa to a party being held by another Dom, who was a good friend of Nazario's, and it was there that he made the announcement of the pending birth of his child to the community.

The months that followed were filled with love and excitement about the upcoming birth of their child. A nursery was prepared with everything a little baby needed, and more was on the way from friends and from Nazario himself. One night, as Nazario and Rosa slept in their bed, Rosa awoke with a feeling of wetness below her. She rolled out of bed. When she stood, a gush of water flowed out of her.

"Nazario...NAZARIO!" Rosa yelled.

Nazario heard his name being screamed, and he instinctively reached for his gun. When he turned on the lamp by the bed, and looked over to where he had heard his name being yelled, he saw Rosa standing beside the bed with her hand wrapped around her very large stomach.

"Rosa, what is wrong?" Nazario asked.

"My water broke, it's time."

Nazario jumped from the bed, gun still in his hand, and ran to the door.

"Tony, get the car." Nazario screamed for his driver.

"Nazario, you can put the gun away." Rosa giggled.

Nazario shook his head and put the gun on the bed.

"Get dressed; we need to go the hospital." Rosa said as she turned to change from her wet gown.

They were dressed and out the door to the hospital in less than five minutes. Nazario's men followed to make sure nothing happened to their Boss and his family. They arrived at the hospital and were taken up the birthing suites. The hours ticked by and Rosa suffered through each contraction. Finally, eight hours into labor, the baby’s heart rate bottomed out. Her doctor quickly decided they needed to take the baby now. She was quickly prepped for a cesarean and wheeled to the operating room. Nazario wasn't allowed to go in; he had to wait outside in the waiting room for the news of his wife and child. He never had been so scared in his entire life, but the thought of not having Rosa in his life scared him. She was his anchor in life; she kept him grounded and he couldn't see how he would survive without her. He prayed and prayed that she and their child would be okay.

"Mr. Leone." Dr. Grady said, as he removed his surgical cap from his.

Nazario jumped to his feet. "How are Rosa and the baby?"

"The baby is great; it’s an eight pound, six ounce boy with a head full of hair. Mrs. Leone is currently in recovery. Mr. Leone, I must let you know that she lost a lot of blood due to an issue with her uterus. We tried everything we could to stop the blood, but the only thing we could do to make it stop was a total hysterectomy. I am sorry."

"What does that mean?" Nazario asked.

"Mr. Leone, she will not be able to have any more children. I am sorry."

Nazario looked at the doctor and let the words sink in. Rosa was in recovery, his son was fine, but they would never have another child. Was it important? No, as long as he still had his Rosa and their boy. He would have loved more children, but as long as he had them, nothing else mattered.

"When can I see her?"

"I will take you back in a little while. In the meantime, would you like to go see your son?"

"Yes, please."

Dr. Grady led Nazario down the hall to the elevators and went down to the third floor where the nursery was. Scanning his ID at the door, he opened it and led Nazario to the bassinet where his son lay.

Nazario stood beside the bassinet and looked down at his son. He was wrapped tightly in a blue blanket and had a little blue cap on his head. Nazario reached down and gently caressed his little cheek. "I promise you that I will always love you and keep you safe."

Later in the evening, Nazario was allowed to visit Rosa. After a while, he broke the news about not being able to have any more children. Rosa was, of course, disappointed in herself, but Nazario assured her that it didn't matter. As long as she was alive and healthy, that was all that mattered.

Nazario and Rosa finally made it home after spending a week in the hospital. They brought their precious baby boy, whom they named Kane Anthony, and began their life together as a family.

The years passed by and the Leone family was filled with love and happiness. Kane grew up into a bright and very good-looking young man. Nazario groomed Kane to be able to take over the family business one day. The family business involved gun selling and protection services, but also several legal businesses. They owned many restaurants, office buildings, and nightclubs. They also owned five BDSM clubs in Seattle and were known in the community as some of the best establishments in the area.

Kane was told about the community that Nazario and Rosa were members of; he also learned that they were still in a dominant/submissive relationship after all these years. He was shocked, at first, but after long conversations with his parents and other members of the community, he learned that the traits that his father had they made him a dominant were traits he shared. Therefore, he began to train to become a Dom himself.

Kane became a very sought out Dom, submissives always tried to be noticed by him. He was well known for his Shibari, or intricate rope tying, and his complete dedication to being a hard, but fair Dominant. Kane would take on a submissive, but after a few months, he ended the arrangement.

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