» Erotic » Sleeping Forest, Renier Laroche [best e book reader txt] 📗

Book online «Sleeping Forest, Renier Laroche [best e book reader txt] 📗». Author Renier Laroche

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taste of poison

"That's too big!" Sarah squealed as Xavier playfully held up a large black dildo.

"What? I thought you would enjoy that one," he joked, smiling devilishly at her.

"Stop, I brought you here to help, not distract me from my mission," she scolded.

Hand in hand, they walked up and down the aisles of the ritzy New York sex shop. Bright overhead lights illuminated the shiny polished floors and rows upon rows of tantalizing sex contraptions. Xavier stopped in his tracks and eyed a deadly pair of strappy black stilettos with a six-inch heel.

"Not tonight," Sarah whispered in his ear. Pulling him down the aisles until she finally encountered what she was in search of, a vibrator. The possibilities were infinite, and she was both frustrated and excited at the selection. They decided to divide and conquer, each starting on opposite ends, picking the devices that caught their attention.

Sarah turned to Xavier with one small and one large box in each hand, "I'm torn between these two."

He laughed, "Well I think you need these four," he motioned to the armful of boxes he carried.

"Oh, no. That's far too many," Sarah protested. "I'm only going home with one."

"Don't be ridiculous. You have no idea what you're going to enjoy.

Look, this one simulates your g spot," Xavier said while holding up a small pink box. "And this one, well this one sucks your clit, and we all know your feelings on that," he grinned.

"Oh," she gasped. "Well, how could I not try that. You'll be sorry," she said eyeing Xavier. "You're the one who has to use them all on me tonight," she coyly smiled.

"ALL of them?" he stopped in his tracks.

"Yes, ALL. It was you who insisted on six. Who knows what I'll enjoy," she said mocking his voice.

Sarah took her bounty to the register and paid for her new treasures. Carefully tucking the sales receipt into her purse, she dumped the two sizeable white shopping bags and her oversized gold tote into Xavier's arms.

"Take these and let's find a cab. I'm too excited to wait a minute longer," she purred.

As they stood on the city street, Xavier struggled to hail a cab and manage all the bags. Sarah tapped her shiny black heels on the curb, watching in pleasure while he labored over the task. Once situated in the cab, she entangled her legs in his and Xavier leaned into her. Lightly pressing his lips onto hers, he traced the edges of her inner thighs and tucked his fingers underneath the hem of her skirt. Kissing Sarah deeply this time, he pushed aside her black lace thong, and his fingers glided over her wet heat.

"Oh," he moaned in her ear. "You really are excited."

They were at a point in their relationship where words were no longer necessary, she ran her fingers through his hair and passionately kissed him. He knew exactly how badly she wanted him. Stroking her wetness a bit faster, she knew his need for her was just as intense. Steam crept up the back windows as their bodies fervently moved together. The car halted to a stopped as they reached their destination. The cab driver looked at the two lovers entwined on his back seat and smiled. Sarah adjusted her skirt and hopped out of the car, leaving Xavier to pay the cab and wrangle the bags. As she stared at her reflection in the store window in front of her, she could see her lips had turned a beautiful crimson shade from their lascivious car ride.

She unlocked the door to her apartment and undressed as she walked to her bedroom, leaving a trail of clothing behind her. No need for their regular tango of two lovers undressing one another, they had business to tend to tonight. Xavier followed behind, dumping the contents of the bags onto the bed.

As he began to pull off his clothes, Sarah stopped him, "No need to undress. Tonight is MY night and my night alone. IF I deem your job well done, I'll consider rewarding you." She barked the command at him, ensuring there was no room for negotiations.

Naked and kneeling on her bed, she systematically placed in order the devices she wanted to try. She set down the purple dildo he had chosen for her as the first one to be tested. She had doubts over its ability to make her cum hard and opted to have the leopard print suction be last because of her high hopes of its capabilities.

"I'm ready for you to begin!" she called out to Xavier.

Xavier entered the room, and Sarah was naked and sprawled in bed against a mound of white pillows. She looked like the x rated version of the venus on the half shell. Her head was tilted back causing her blonde hair to cascade and encircle her face, while long creamy legs were splayed open, leaving no ambiguity over what she was after.

"I've ordered the toys in terms of my expectations. Start with the purple one and end with the leopard. I'm sure you're aware, but let me be clear. Your reward is based on how many times I can cum. Anything less than three will lead me to believe that you're not even trying and slackers get punishments, not rewards. What a disappointment you'll be to me if you don't bother to put your full effort into it and have to spend the rest of the evening licking those sex toys clean."

"That won't happen," Xavier said. "I'm here to serve you in every way," as he bent over her body, face so close to her heat he could just about run his tongue over her.

"No!" she shouted, pushing him away "You don't deserve a taste just yet."

"But, I wanted to make sure you were wet enough," he protested.

"I have other ideas for that. Put that dildo in your mouth and suck on it," she ordered, prodding at him with her toes.

Xavier hesitated for a moment but brought the large dildo up to his mouth and ran his tongue unwillingly over the outer edges.

"Really?!" Sarah protested "That's just pathetic. Make that dildo cum.

Treat it just the way I treat you."

Again Xavier brought the purple plastic dick to his mouth, this time inserting it in and sucking on it hard.

"So, do you like sucking dick?" she asked smiling. Xavier just nodded his head. "Good, now stop enjoying yourself and allow me my turn."

Kneeling between her open legs, he inserted the plastic dildo into her and hit the vibration button. The thing immediately buzzed to life, and Sarah started to moan.

They tried toy after toy, Sarah screaming in pleasure as Xavier made her cum each and every time. The line up of gadgets dwindled down to just one, and it was time she had some fun. Sarah noticed Xavier's rock hard dick protruding from his pants. She knew he loved every minute of watching her orgasm and took pride in the fact that he had done most of the work. Now, Sarah was going to flip the switch and make him wild. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face.

"I'm done with you now," she ordered. "You can go sit over there," she pointed at a reading chair in the corner of her room.

"I plan on doing this last one alone. Consider it a reward that I will allow you to watch me pleasure myself."

She took her time, allowing Xavier's eyes to follow her every movement. Legs spread wide, she carefully placed the small toy on her clit and hit the power button. The machine came to life and blew her mind. Sarah loved the real-life sensation of oral sex and this was about as close as you could get to it. As the little toy sucked harder and harder she could feel herself plunging over the edge. Xavier couldn't peel his eyes away from her. Never in his life had a woman masturbated in front of him and it brought him to the brink of his own ecstasy. She screamed in pleasure as her wetness dripped down her leg and her free hand glided over her body.

Turning onto her stomach, Sarah lay there in a state of pure bliss.

Xavier came into bed behind her and rubbed his erect cock along her leg. Oh, she hadn't forgotten him. For a moment she entertained the idea of allowing him to enter her. She denied his subtle request by turning off the lights and ignoring him.

"Thank you for a wonderful night," Sarah whispered as turned to face him so she could press her lips to his. Their bodies fully touched, his finding each of her curves and melting into them. Sarah kissed him deeply one more time before turning over and falling asleep. 

As she snuggled under the covers, she called over her shoulder, "Feel free to use one of my new toys if you get desperate." Xavier laid there, dick pulsating with need as Sarah's naked body relaxed with the sweet feeling of release. 

In the morning, Xavier woke to the beginning rays of the sun shining through the blinds. He reached over to run his hands down Sarah's body and found the bed to be empty. On her pillow, was a note in her handwriting:

"These toys made last night far too easy for you. 

Please return all of them. 

Bag is on the counter with receipt. 


P.S. I suggest you lick them clean.

Dirty used sex toys might be difficult to return."

Mistress Abella

 Even though the last few days had been the most miserable, anxious days of his life he found that once he had gotten to the waiting room he had become eerily calm. He felt like he had accepted his fate, and now that his former life was over, he had nothing left to be anxious about. A brown haired woman with a clipboard called his name from behind the desk, and he stood and followed her into a room that resembled a doctor's office. 

"So your doctor records and birth certificate check out, so you're all ready to go." She handed him the clipboard.

"When you're ready, sign the bottom line, but keep in mind that once you do, you are signing away your rights as a human being, and you can't take it back." 

Perplexed by the calm, collected manner in which he did so, he neatly wrote his name at the bottom of the paper, under a block of fine black text. The woman smiled as he did so.

"Please remove all your clothing and follow me".

He took off shoes, socks, pants and shirt, but hesitated, just for a moment, before removing his boxers. He shyly removed his last article of clothing, and as he did he noticed the woman staring straight at his cock. He reminded himself that she wasn't a doctor, and he didn't have any right to complain anymore. He followed her into the adjacent room, where he was greeted by a white, empty room. The woman left, locking the door behind her, and came back with a camera. 

"Ok, smile". 

She took a picture of his face.

"Ok, open your

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