» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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glances at me, one of them even raising an incredulous eyebrow as I passed. Pulling out the chair and cringing as I squealed against the worn tile floor, I flopped into my normal seat beside my friend, Becky, and began pulling out my books.

It wasn't for a few moments that I realized she was staring at me. I raised my eyebrow and smoothed some stray hairs back into place self-consciously, squirming under her gaze and still panting a little.

"What...?" She looked at me wide-eyed for a few more seconds before leaning close and smirking a little, whispering,

"Somebody had a good time last night."

My brow furrowed and I looked at her, confused.

"What do you mean...?"

Becky grinned and leaned over to retrieve her bag from the floor. She set it on the table top and took her compact out of her sparkly, over-stuffed, black purse. She opened it to me and held the mirror angled to my neck.

I gasped, my mouth falling open in disbelief. A large, deep, dark purple hickey marred my neck by my collarbone. Immediately, my cheeks flushed and I slapped a hand over the bruise, turning away from her and dropping my head to the table top.

As I tried to remember how the hell I had gotten such a mark, my brain started to buzz and a maddening humming sound rose in my ears. The sound of the professor's voice dulled and slowed as if traveling through syrup. The presence of the other students faded; even Becky was forced out of my reality as my brain went into overdrive and my focus shifted to the storm in my mind.

In the next few moments, all of the previous night's events came rushing back to me... The factory, the chains, the man, the rape... The hickey...

My face red and heart pounding with shame, I got up and left the class, stepping outside into the hall. The professor continued teaching, but I felt a few pairs of eyes follow me as I strode up the aisle between the tables.

The heavy wooden door clanged shut behind me and I leaned my back against the wall just around the corner, sliding down until I was sitting. Hugging my knees to my chest, I didn't really fight the urge to make myself small on the dusty floor.

I wanted to cry as all the memories from last night exploded back into my memory and spun me into a whirlwind of emotions. He had taken my first kiss... He had taken my virginity... He had even left me with a huge-ass hickey as a brand of shame...

I shivered, rubbing my palms over my upper arms to calm myself. I wasn't going back into sociology class today... I was too embarrassed by my sloppy appearance and I didn't want anyone asking questions when they saw the tears on my face. I probably wouldn't do well in my other classes, either. Not today, at least...

After a while, I pulled out my laptop and emailed the rest of my teachers for the day that I would not be coming to class. I was 'sick,' I claimed... It was half true, I felt like I was going to vomit.

Closing the lid and neatly packing it back into the bag, I pulled the heavy back pack into my lap and hugged it. I rested my chin on it, the rough and durable fabric of the bag felt a little comforting, as well as the weight of it in my lap.

After a few quiet minutes passed in the empty hallway, I finally got tired of having a pity party on the floor and stood up, throwing my back pack over my right shoulder. Turning on my heal and heading toward the stairs, I began skulking back to my dorm room.

The nice thing about the Science's hall was that it was lit mostly by sunlight; warm sun rays beamed over me as I descended the stairs. Exiting the building, a cool breeze swept over me as I chose the shortest path to the dorms.

I looked down at the sidewalk whenever a stray student passed; there were still tears brimming in my eyes and blurring my vision. My hair fell over the hickey, hopefully covering the dark bruise with a curtain of still-damp red locks.

The initial shock and hurt began to fade, then slowly turned to anger and resentment. I couldn't believe I let him touch me, let alone... Nevermind. I seethed inwardly, especially when I realized I was sore between my legs.

My hands clenched into fists at my sides, my eyes narrowing as I felt helplessly angry. What the hell was I supposed to do now!? I couldn't tell anyone, nobody would believe me. I had showered too; my clothes from last night had also been destroyed and apparently didn't make it back to my dorm with me, so there wasn't even any evidence left to file a police report.

I heard someone walking behind me and I sped up, my eyes tearing up from frustration and defeat. I wasn't about to let someone see me cry like a little girl. The steps on the pavement behind me sped up to match my pace and I felt a cold hand come to rest on my shoulder.

My heart leapt in my chest with fright- it was him! The sole of my shoe ground on the pavement as I spun around, fist primed to break his jaw, but I stopped dead in my tracks.

It was Becky, my friend.

I let out a sigh of relief as I saw her soft brown eyes and her concerned expression, her skin a comforting mocha color rather than deathly pale. She stepped closer and spoke softly,

"Girl, what happened? It's not like you to leave class like that..." She pulled her hand off my shoulder and I stepped forward, hugging her. Her soft and curly hair brushed my cheek and her soft perfume helped soothe me.

Becky was my dear friend; she was always honest with me and caring, sometimes reminding me of a mother hen taking care of her chicks. A little surprised, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back. I laid my cheek on her shoulder, murmuring,

"I don't know... I feel strange..." I felt bad for lying, but how are you supposed to tell someone you were fucked by a vampire in an abandoned factory? She patted my back.

"Are you gonna be in class today or do you need me to pick up your homework?" Becky knew better than to pry, just hugging me back and helping me calm down.

"Would you pick it up for me please? I'm not feeling well... I think I'm going to go lie down." Stray hairs tickled my face, the cool breeze stirring them into life as I looked down again. Becky was silent for a moment, before she made a little 'mhm' and began fishing around in her purse again.

"Here... If you're gonna get busy again you should keep some of these around." She held her hand out, a sample bottle of 'morning after' and a few Tylenol tablets in her hand. I rolled my eyes, holding out my hand as she deposited the pills into my palm. She grinned, pointing at the hickey.

"Next time girly, tell him to leave one in a less obvious place." With that, she shouldered her purse and turned on her heel. With a wave, she began walking back toward the main campus. I couldn't help a small smile as I began walking back to my dorm.

A few minutes later, I padded down the hall toward my dorm room, the smell of heavy perfume and microwave popcorn coating the brick walls and tiles floors. Nobody else was around in the hallway; not even the custodian, who had finished cleaning the bathroom while everyone was in class.

The strong smell of cleaning solution cut through the regular smell of the hallway; my dorm room was right across from the bathroom.

The rubber soles of my shoes squeaked on the drab tile of the floor as I half turned, stopping in front of my door, pulling my lanyard out of my pocket, I held up the brass key to my room and lined it up with the keyhole in the heavy old handle of the door.

As I tried sliding the key into it, the heavy wooden slab slid open on silent hinges. I guess my roommate had gotten here first.

As I stepped inside, something immediately felt wrong, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. A sort of cold chill whooshed past me, raising goosebumps in its wake as the door closed and locked behind me, seconds before I heard that terrifying voice...

"Hello, pet."

My feet seemed to freeze to the floor, my blood hardening into ice in my veins. There he sat, right on my bed as if he belonged in my dorm room. He smiled calmly at me, irises a deep, bloody crimson.

The asshole was even leaning back a bit, his DC's kicked off his feet under my bed. He looked extremely casual and laid back, wearing a tight, long-sleeved, black T-shirt with grey swirling smoke patterns stained into the fabric. His jeans were ripped over one knee; probably an old, favorite pair.

Just as quickly as it had come, the fear evaporated and was replaced by the growing anger and resentment brewing in the pit of my stomach. I stepped forward, muscles tensing as the rage and hurt grew. The man simply raised an eyebrow as I began to speak in a low, angry tone.

"Who the hell do you think you are, prancing around and taking what you want!? You make sick!"

The bed creaked and I heard fabric scuff the floor; the next thing I knew, he had crossed the room in a trice, his hand was around my throat, and he pinned me roughly to the wall as his hips locked over mine.

His inhumanly cold hand rested on the base of my throat, making sure I couldn't look away from him. Those eyes borred into mine and he leaned down, kissing me hard and hungrily.

My racing mind halted, freezing up and going blank again as my eyelids fluttered closed. I didn't realize I was so tensed up until I started to relax, sighing softly through my nose. Even though his lips were cold... They were soft and comforting.

He chuckled quietly and pulled away, his hand moving from my throat to my cheek, the contact becoming more tender rather than dominating.

"I came because I was worried about you, darling. I do take care of my pet, you know..." Pulling away from the wall, he pulled me into him and laid his cheek on my forehead. Though I really didn't want to be so close to him...

He smelled really good and his body felt nice and solid against mine. Still, I was totally unsure what the hell to do, so I just stood there stiffly and awkwardly. It wasn't long before I decided to voice a question I had been pondering for quite some time. Speaking softly, I attempted to look up into his face.

"I don't even... Know your name..."

He nodded, stroking my hair through his fingers in a strangely intimate gesture as he met my gaze.

"I'm sorry... I never told you, did I? My name is Kaleb." With a nod, I lowered my gaze from his intense eyes; even when he was relaxed, they sent shivers
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