» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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down my spine.

I hadn't yet decided if they were from fear or something else; the second option was firmly shoved out of consideration.

My cheek nestled into his cool, firm chest and I almost laughed at how... Casual... This was. Him hugging me and stroking my hair like we were a couple. My anger quickly bubbled up again; I would be damned if I would let him win submittance from me so easily.

I began struggling in his grip, putting my hands flat against his chest and trying to push him back, attempting to break the relaxed yet unbreakable embrace of his arms around me. Kaleb really didn't budge much, but it made me feel like I was accomplishing something. He looked down at me, raising an eyebrow at my fruitless struggles.

"Mm pet doesn't like my hugs?" I glared up at him, frowning. I was sure my face was becoming flushed with irritation, because my cheeks felt hot from the rage I felt. My reply was much louder and contained a bit more venom,

"I'm not your fucking pet!"

The vampire snorted in dismissal, his fingers threading more roughly into my hair and tangling into a tight grip on the base of my skull. Kaleb tilted my head back to look him in the face, some strands of silky black hair almost hanging over his dangerous eyes. His lips drew steadily closer to my ear as he spoke, the chill of his breath raising goosebumps over my flesh again.

"Yes you are, my girl. You said so yourself when you were screaming for me to fuck you." My cheeks grew even hotter at the memory, an involuntary shiver coursing down my spine and a tingling beginning to grow in the apex between my legs.

I bit my lower lip, swallowing hard and looking back up at him. Those rich, crimson eyes looked back down at me, fully capturing my gaze as a small smile spreading over his lips.

"Mmm you remember now, don't you, pet? Remember how I felt inside you... How it felt to finally let go and submit to me..."

Kaleb's inhumanly cold hand began stroking down my side as he spoke, his fingertips caressing my thigh and leaving goosebumps in their wake while the other stayed firmly knotted in my hair. His fingertips traced down the side seam of my shirt and onto my hip.

They continued toward the inside of my thigh, wasting no time in sliding up and into my jeans. He gently hooked his index finger into my panties and tugged them to the side with ease to expose my sex.

Chills ran down my spine yet again and my temperature rose in a mix of terror and excitement that was starting to become familiar. I shut my eyes tight, pressing my thighs together in an attempt to hinder his hand from searching any further. My voice was a small squeak when I spoke,

"Please... Please don't..."

There was a silence for a few seconds before his hand withdrew from my pants. Kaleb's grip on the base of my skull relaxed and he combed his fingers through my hair, untangling them.after freeing up his hand, he wrapped that arm around my waist and pulled me closer, gently and lovingly.

Opening my eyes, I saw his expression soften a bit before he lowered his face to mine and kissed me again, deeply. My heart stuttered in my chest and my knees went weak, trembling just a bit.

His other arm slid beneath my knees, pulling me up and laying me on my messy bed. The vampire climbed in with me, curling his body against mine and stroking my cheek as he pulled me tight against him.

My scorching skin nestled against his chilled flesh. It was oddly intimate, but at the same time I couldn't have moved away if I wanted to. I was being cuddled... And dominated...

"Why are you fighting me, pet?" He murmured quietly against my neck, nuzzling my pulse and brushing his lips over my earlobe. I closed my eyes, sighing softly and forcing myself to relax as I replied,

"Because I don't know... What to think of you..." He began kissing down the side of my neck, his fang tips tickling my sensitive skin. His hands caressed my sides, brushing over my skin and sliding up underneath my tank top. I closed my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest and my nerves tingling.

"You're mine, darling. Your body knows it. You just need to accept it..." Kaleb whispered against my neck, his right hand caressing over the soft skin of my stomach and his left caressing my thigh outside of my skinny jeans.

I wanted to give in... What he said was true, but a stubborn, niggling part of my brain wasn't about to just submit to someone who was still more or less a stranger to me.

He nibbled on my collarbone, biting softly and scraping his sharp canines gently over my flesh. Goosebumps prickled over my skin, which was becoming more sensitive as he continued to tease it. The sound of his voice, close to my ear, back in the abandoned factory floated back into my memory,

'I could kill you now if I wanted... Tear open your throat and drink your life away...'

Kaleb's hand slid over my bra and he squeezed my left breast, his cold wrist pressed against my flesh over my racing heart. He was making it so hard to focus...

Why did he have to be so sexy...? The monster holding me to him was ruthless and willing to selfishly rape a girl because... What was his excuse... 'Because your scent was the sweetest I've ever smelled.'

His left hand pressed against the apex between my legs, his palm rubbing against the seam of my jeans and pressing it against my clit, using the texture of the fabric to tease me and make me more sensitive.

My eyelids fluttered shut and I must've moaned because he sighed against my nape and began kissing harder, his tongue darting out occasionally and swirling over my searing flesh. My skin was becoming sensitive enough that when a lock of hair shifted off my shoulder, I thought I felt each individual hair gliding lightly over my neck.

I quickly began to forget why I ever wanted to fight this... It was so good... I didn't have any experience with sex, but I'd never known someone could totally just... Take over your own body...

My bra slid up beneath my tank and I felt him tug gently on my nipple, rubbing it and rolling the sensitive peak as he pressed on my breast. As he continued, my brain was becoming foggier as the wonderful, pleasurable sensations became my focus.

There was something... I wasn't... Supposed to do... Something I told myself... Not to feel around him... Some way I was supposed to act... Or not let him have...What was it...?

My jeans were now unbuttoned and the fly unzipped, his hand slipping into my panties and his fingertips sliding into my folds, using just the right amount of pressure in just the right places.

Fuck it. Whatever it was, fuck it... It was too good...

I realized I had been making soft mewling sounds from his touches and moving my hips in time with his hand. My eyelids fluttered open and his tongue curled around my earlobe, drawing it into his mouth and sucking gently before he murmured into my ear,

"Close your eyes, pet... I love the sounds you're making..." Without a second thought, my eyes closed again and I tipped my head back, laying it on his shoulder and turning my face so my forehead nestled into his neck, just beneath his jawline. His lips pressed against my temple and I felt him smiling against my skin.

"Baby girl you're doing so well..."

Kaleb slipped a finger inside me and I arched my back a little, spreading my thighs and lifting my hips, inviting him in. His palm rubbed against my clit, his finger inside me quickly finding that sweet, explosive spot and rubbing at a maddening pace.

Soft whimpering sounds poured out of my lips as I started panting, my mind blank as I gave in completely.

I half-expected him to make some comment, but he stayed quiet and kept playing with me. His right hand kneaded my breasts, rolling and tugging on my nipples occasionally. Kaleb's hips pressed against my ass and I felt the hard bulge in his pants pressing against the back of my thigh. He began grinding on me, matching to my rhythm.

It was insane; almost like we were dancing, like sex with our clothes on. The other girls in the dorms talked about sex, but nothing like this...

Suddenly, the amazing sensation withdrew as Kaleb pulled his finger out of me and moved his hand away from my sex. I groaned softly in disappointment, goosebumps rising along my hip as his chilled hand caressed over it. I felt the moisture on his fingers as he rubbed over my skin, leaving a wet trail across my hip.

The vampire hooked his thumb into my jeans, tugging them down slowly. My nerves had become so sensitive that I thought I could feel every thread in the fabric as it slid down my thighs, over my knees, and slipped off my calves and onto the floor.

My panties were next, and he removed them with the same, deliberate slowness, teasing me. As my panties joined my jeans and the other rumpled clothes on the floor, the hand on my breasts stilled and withdrew, caressing over my stomach instead.

This was different than before... More couple-y. My heart began beating harder, my nerves on fire.

Kaleb murmured in my ear again,

"Turn around, pet." Nodding quietly, I lifted up on my elbow and turned, settling in to face him. His hands settled on both sides of my hips and he pulled me on top of him, hands sliding over my ass and down the backs of my thighs.

He pulled my knees up, making my hips press harder against him. My palms rested flat on his chest, my nails grazing gently over the fabric of his shirt. I looked down at him, biting my lower lip and still feeling fuzzy-minded. He leaned up, kissing my flushed cheek,

"I'm going to take you again, pet." He murmured in my ear, speaking in a gentle but authoritative voice. My heart began racing, the need for more stimulation becoming greater as I felt the warm bulge in his pants pressing against my clit.

Almost as if sensing my thoughts, he grabbed my ass again, pushing my hips down on his and making me grind. His erection rubbed and pressed against my clit through his jeans, drawing a moan from me and sending shivers up my spine.

He cursed under his breath, kissing along my neck and almost devouring my skin. His fingertips dug into my skin as he gripped my hips roughly, squeezing them.

"I'm going to fill that tight pussy of yours. I'm going to make you scream my name and beg for me to let you cum."

I squeaked a little in surprise as he flipped me over, pressing my chest into the mattress. My mind began to clear as I felt a little afraid and I looked back at him with wide eyes.

His movements were fluid and almost predator-like as he undid his jeans and pulled them off, his gaze riveted to my ass. His jeans joined mine on the floor gone, his boxers rapidly joining them
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