» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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his apology.

"Zachary, what would you have done if it was someone else and you had seen that happen?"  Nazario said as he stood up.

"I would have killed him in a second."

"Well, you are just lucky that Kane has so much restraint."


"Zachary, I know this is hard for you; shit, I can't even imagine, but we have all taken oaths to protect the family, even from our own.  I hate to say this, but Kurtus is going to go ballistic when he finds out about Ara, even more so when he finds out about the merger, if Kane and Ara decided to go that route.  We are going to have to pull out all the stops to make sure he doesn't try to do something to either one…or worse…both of them." Nazario said.

Zachary knew this; he just did not like it.  Fuck, what was he going to do about Kurtus? He also knew he was going to have problems with Sebastian.  Zachary had spent years and years of covering up both of their wrongdoings. Yes, even in a crime family there were certain things you didn't do.  Zachary often thought about what he did wrong with Sebastian, but he came to conclusion that some people were just evil, and his son was one of them.

"I understand what you are saying, but you have to realize how hard this will be for me."  Zachary admitted.

Kane continued to exude his Dominant persona.  "I won't do anything now, but if he makes one move toward Ara, he is a dead man."

"Agreed."  Zachary said, putting out his hand to Kane.

Kane shook Zachary’s hand; a deal had been made.  "Zachary, Ara and I will talk about merging the families and we will get back to you."

"Make it quick; I want everything to be in place if you decide to agree to the merger.  I want it to take place after your wedding, when you receive the family from Nazario."

"We will let you know."  Kane said.

"Okay, I need to get going, but, may I say, even if it was a surprise, congratulations.  I can think of no other man who will be able to take care of her like you will."

"Thank you."  Kane said, turning and holding out his hand to Ara.  Ara took his hand and stood beside Kane. "I promise to love and protect her with my last breath."

“Zachary, thank you."  Ara said.

"Ara, I hope that one day I will earn your trust to call me Grandfather. I also hope that you will allow me to introduce you to your Grandmother.  She is going to just love you like I do, sweet child." Zachary said, as he walked over to Ara, and placed a kiss on her head.

"Maybe someday."  Ara whispered.

"Zachary, thank you for coming; I hope something can be worked out."  Nazario said.

"Me, too."  Zachary said as he turned and walked out of the living room.

Once Zachary and Tony were gone, Kane relaxed and pulled Ara into a hug, holding her tight, burying his face in her hair, and taking in her sweet smell.  "I love you."

Ara, whose arms were wrapped around Kane’s waist, squeezed tighter.  Her hands brushed over the gun that he had in the back of his pants. This was going to be her life.  Yes, it would involve some illegal activity, but in the short time she spent with Kane and his family, she knew that she would be loved and cared for above all else.  She was going to have to step up and be strong, confident, and decisive if she and Kane decided on the path of joining the families. But, she wondered if she could be both a Donna and a submissive?  Being a submissive was in her nature, like the air she breathed, but being a Donna was something she never thought about. Zachary was right, she could run a business. If running the family business was truly was the same as a legal one, she knew she could do it well.  But she didn’t know if she could handle the guns and killing people part.

Kane had felt Ara’s hand brush against his gun and wondered what she was thinking about.  Today had been a roller coaster of news for her and she took each hit with poise and dignity.  Even though he knew she was a natural submissive, he could sense the strong, intelligent Donna hiding within her.  He could teach her the ways of the family business and he was sure that Rosa would be more than happy to start training her on how to use a gun.  Ara holding a gun, Ara firing a gun; fuck, he was hard again.


"Baby, are you ready to get out of here?"  Kane whispered in her ear.

Ara nodded, but still continued to cling to him.  He was her anchor, her strength, her soul, and she hoped that she could dig deep inside and be the woman that he needed beside him if they decided to become the next rulers of both families.  Giving him one more squeeze, she let go and stepped back.

Kane quickly grabbed her hand and brought it up and kissed each of her fingers.  "Mom, Dad, we are going to go now. We will talk and we will let you know our answer."

"Kane, Ara, I know this is a tough decision, but I think this could be a great thing for the family. But what has me worried are the reactions and subsequent actions of Sebastian and Kurtus."

"It makes me worried, as well."  Kane said.

Rosa came over, put her arms around Ara, and gave her a hug.  "I am so happy. We will get together soon and start planning this wedding; that is, if it is okay with you."

"Oh, Rosa, I would love it."

"Great, then soon."

"Yes, Mom, soon, because I can't wait to marry her."  Kane smirked.

Kane and Ara soon left to head back to the apartment.  Kane made plans with Erik to move into an apartment a floor below his.  Once back at the apartment, Ara noticed that Janetta was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Janetta?"

"She has the weekends off; my cute little submissive is going to be taking care of my needs from now on."

Ara's eyes grew large and pupils dilated and she broke out in a sweat. Fuck, this was what she had been searching and waiting for so long, and now, the time had finally come.

"Yes, Sir."

Kane looked at his watch.  "Okay, my sweet, it is four o'clock; I want you to take a shower, leave your hair down, don’t put on any makeup, and be in only a pair of panties and  in your waiting position outside my playroom door at five o'clock on the dot. For every minute that you are late, I will spank you for each minute, and it will be for punishment, not for pleasure.  Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, then get going, my sweet."

Ara rushed up the stairs and, instead of going into the bedroom she shared with Kane, she headed to the submissive bedroom.   Kane had explained that it would be a good idea to get ready for playtime in this room to help get her into her submissive mindset.  She quickly went into the bathroom and began to get ready, per Kane’s specifications. While she was in the shower, she wondered what kind of scene he would do.  Thinking of the many different scenarios made her even more nervous than she was before. What if he was disappointed with her performance in the playroom? Getting out of the shower, she made sure she was free of body hair, silently thanking Katrina for taking her to the spa earlier in the week.  After finishing drying her hair, she went into the room to find that Kane had left a pair of white lace panties on the bed for her. Pulling the panties up, she checked the time. She still had another ten minutes. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she began to clear her mind of all outside thoughts and began to drift into her submissive mindset.  She was Kane's submissive; she trusted him, and knew that he was in complete control of her body, mind, and soul. Taking a few deep cleansing breaths, Ara stood with her back straight, and walked to the playroom door. Finding a mat, she lowered herself down to her knees, legs wide apart, head down, and her hands behind her back, as she waited patiently for her Master.


While Ara was getting ready, Kane headed to the playroom to set up the scene he’d planned.  Tonight was going to be about feeling. He made sure he had everything he needed laid out, and then turned to look around the room.  While most Dominants liked a dungeon-like room, he liked having windows to allow the natural light to shine in. The last thing he prepared was the music for the section.


Once everything was perfect, Kane stood in the middle of the room and began slipping into his Dominant persona; he began clearing his mind of all outside thoughts and concentrating on his submissive.   Then, he began chanting the three words that he lived by in his Dominant life: Confidence, Control , Sensitivity…Confidence, Control, Sensitivity...

Picking up the leather collar he was going to use until he collared his little pet permanently, he walked out of the room to find her waiting.

As he rubbed her head with his hand, he asked, “Why do you come here?”

Ara remained silent, waiting for permission to speak.

“Very good, my pet, you may speak.”

“To be pleasing to my Sir.”

“Come with me.”  Kane said, offering his hand to Ara.


He helped her to her feet and led her into the playroom, her eyes remained downcast. They stopped in the middle of the room where he placed another mat.  “On your knees.”

Ara dropped to her knees and continued to hold her head down.

Kane walked around Ara, slowly running his finger lightly over her shoulders down her arm and over her nipples.  Taking his finger, he raised her face to look into her eyes. “Do you remember your safe words? You may speak.”

“Yes, Sir.  This girl knows her safe words.”

“Good, now I want you to see my prized possession; he wants you all the time.”  Kane said, ripping open the buttons on his jeans.


Placing his hand down his pants, he stroked his hard cock while never taking his eyes off Ara.  He saw her pupils dilate, and her breathing shallow and quicken as her skin broke out in goosebumps.  Ah, his little pet wanted his cock. “Do you want it?”


Ara nodded.

“Then take it out and give it a lick.”

Ara, with a shaky hand, reached for his jeans and pulled them down his legs, leaving him in his boxer briefs.  Grabbing the top of the boxers, she pulled them down until his hard thick cock bounced out. Then, she leaned forward and took a lick from base to tip.  Yum. As she reached to take his cock in her hands, Kane stepped back.


“Did I tell you to touch it?”  Kane asked.

“No, Sir.” Ara whispered, hanging her head in a downward position.

“Did I give you permission to speak?”

Shit, shit, shit…Ara thought.  Shaking her head no, she settled back and tried to calm down.

“For that, my pet, ten licks with my favorite paddle before we start.  Up and over to the bench.”

Ara got to her feet and walked over to the bench and laid face down.

Kane hadn’t wanted to start with a punishment, but he needed to start their relationship by being consistent and that meant ensuring Ara followed his commands.  Walking over to the wall, he pulled off his favorite paddle; it was long and narrow with holes about three inches apart. When he arrived back at the bench, he laid the paddle in front of Ara’s face.


“I will give you six warm up spanks with my hand, and then you will receive ten with the paddle.  You will count

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