» Erotic » My billionaire Rockstar, jewel crotan [best novels for teenagers .TXT] 📗

Book online «My billionaire Rockstar, jewel crotan [best novels for teenagers .TXT] 📗». Author jewel crotan

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"You know I'm just here to work and get this article done." I don't know why I jump to be so defensive.

"Nobody is questioning their work ethic and professionalism. I'm just saying, it's time to move on. And you deserve some fun." Julia's tone softens as she seems genuinely concerned as a friend. I know she’s talking about that cheater, Mike, of course.

"I know, I know. Thanks, Julia. I'll try to loosen up and have a little fun, too," I smile at her in my tablet screen. She has been such a good friend, helping me so much through the disappointments of my last relationship.

"Oh shoot, I can't be late. How about I text or call you later?" I say to Julia, as I notice the time. "No problem, girl. Enjoy your fancy boat trip. We'll talk soon," she smiles and blows me a kiss before we disconnect.

I'm excited to be in this exotic and beautiful foreign country. As I step outside, the warm sun and tropical, natural smells fill my senses. I rush through the day, trying to pay attention to logistics and interesting facts given by the boat tour operator. I manage to take copious notes and snap a few interesting pictures.

But all day long, thoughts of him permeate my mind. Countless times, I find my mind wandering back to thoughts of him. His beautiful face, toned physique, sweet expressions and things he would say to me. I chide myself, reminding myself that I've only known him for a few hours. In fact, there was so much about him that I didn't know.

Although I manage to get enough notes and pictures from the day, it's hard to keep my mind on work. And I wonder, will he reach out to me tonight, as he said he would? The thought of seeing him again distracts me like no other, breaking any attention I have to the droning tour operator. Good thing I have a voice recorder.

My mind screams at me. It's too early, I'm just not ready! But when I think about seeing him again, feeling his strong hands in mine, his warm, toned body against mine, I shudder and can't stop grinning like an idiot. Maybe we could just have a little fun and enjoy our time together, like he suggested last night. I fight to keep my mind on the day's work. Why was he so distracting?

After a day of touring and talking with the other press tour attendees and guides, it’s finally time to go home. It felt like an extra-long day but at least I got the bulk of my work done, enough to write a few feature articles. I really just want to get home and jump into a shower.

You know what you want, my inside voice taunts me. I admit, I want to know if he's going to reach out to me again. Maybe it was a fluke, I shouldn't get my hopes up for a guy like him. After all, I just wasn't ready and the timing was terrible.

I realize my inner voice is telling me all of these excuses, to protect myself from the certain disappointment I would have if he didn't follow through. I convince myself to be practical about it. I am kind of on vacation, and I should enjoy myself! Perhaps I've had too many drinks, although it was only two, but I refuse to drive myself crazy over some guy I hardly know. I decide that it's time to move on and not be so hard on myself. If it's meant to be, or if it's not, I won't have any expectations.

As I get home to my bungalow, I come in and quickly get ready to shower and relax. But before I get a chance, I see a mysterious and beautiful package on the bed. As I approach, I see it is a gorgeous assortment of flowers and local delicacies with a note. 


"Hello beautiful. Thinking about you. I will call you tonight and pick you up for a little local fun in the nearby town. Perhaps another story for your writing? Ricky."

Then I hear a buzz on my phone. I look up a little startled. Taking a look, I don't recognize the number but the text message makes it clear.

"Belle, I'll pick you up in an hour. Wear a sexy dress. Looking forward to it. Ricky."

I grin from ear to ear. But how did he even get my cell phone number? I could have sworn I didn't give it to him last night. Maybe I was mistaken? I shake my head. And he wants a sexy dress, huh? I have the perfect black dress in mind. Although I'm curvy, this dress hugs my curves in all the right places. I'm rather self-conscious with most outfits, but this was a rare and perfect fit.

What did he have in mind for us tonight? Even if it was a quiet night, just sitting next to him and listening to his beautiful voice and looking at his handsome face, it would be a perfect night for me. My inner voices squeal giddily at the exciting thought.

In record time, I shower and get dressed. I apply some makeup and work on my hair a little. And before I know it, there’s a knock on my door.

As I open the door, I can't stop smiling at his handsome face smiling back at me.

"Wow, hello, beautiful Belle," he breathes in sharply, looking me up and down as though he is quite impressed. I flush and look down. He gives a light wolf whistle.

"Stop that, you're embarrassing me," I mutter sheepishly. I'm really not used to that kind of attention, especially from a man like him.

"What, you're absolutely beautiful. No need to be embarrassed," he assures me. "Okay, I don't want to make you feel embarrassed. Shall we?" He offers his arm in a gentlemanly gesture. I lock onto his sculpted arm and let him escort me out into the night.

When we get to the parking lot of the resort, there is a limo awaiting us. A good-looking, muscular and well-presented limo driver is at the door, holding it open for me with a nice smile. I shoot a glance at Ricky with a raised eyebrow. A limo? Where is he taking me?

"You pulled out all the stops, didn't you? Nice limo," I tease him with a smile.

"Oh, you have no idea," he teases me back with a winning grin. I smile but wonder what he means. So much mystery in the night and him, too. What is he hiding?

Within a few minutes of driving, the limo stops. The door opens, as the driver extends his hand to help me out. I look up and see that we are in front of a small local bar or club. It looks nondescript yet lively and popular with the locals.

"I figure since you are working on your travel writing here, that I'd bring you to some local flavor with the nightlife," Ricky explains. As we walk in, it feels like an authentic local club and bar, both with its decor and local Dominican flair. I hope I don't stick out too much as a foreigner. But I know I don't blend in.

The music is loud and pulsating. The sexy, Latin beats go on as he pulls me towards the bar and dance floor. Oh, a dance floor, my inner voice winces. As a kid, I loved to dance. Then as I got older and notably heavier and curvier, I've avoided the dance floor. I tell myself to relax and enjoy the moment.

Ricky turns around with two drinks, offering me one. I take it happily, as I look around the bar scene. It seems to be getting crowded quickly and more people are on the adjacent dance floor. Ricky pulls me off to the side so we have a little space.

"Do you want to dance?" he beams at me with a mischievous look.

"Um, sure," I grudgingly answer. But before I can get the words out, he grabs my hand and pulls me out to an open space on the dance floor. As if on cue, the music changes to a dramatic, pulsating, sexy Latin beat. He dramatically pulls me towards him, grabs my hips and does a sudden sexy move with me. I can't help but stare deeply into his intense eyes. I let my body go and flow with him and the music. Suddenly, I'm unaware of anybody else in the world, in that room, except for us.

Our bodies move in a perfect rhythm, moving along with this sexy beat as we hold each other close and gaze into each other’s eyes. I feel my pulse rising and my heart beating faster. Normally, I'm terribly aware of my size and body in front of other people. But this moment was different. As he holds me and dances with me, I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. And no other girl but me exists anywhere for him.

"Um, I'm not really a dancer. And everyone is staring," I whisper to Ricky in his ear. He gives me a sexy grin and laughs.

"Don't you worry about that, Belle," he whispers back in my ear. "They're all just jealous that I'm with you. You are gorgeous, and you know exactly how to move."

I shyly grin back at him with a raised eyebrow. But I know what he means. I’m determined to enjoy every moment with him, and simply live in the moment without expectations or a worry.

chapter four

 The club is dark and intimate. After a few drinks, I slowly get more comfortable on the dance floor with Ricky. I may be only 22, but I can't remember the last time I let go and had fun dancing on a dance floor. And with a gorgeous and talented dance partner like Ricky, I feel transported to another world. A smoky, sexy foreign world with impossibly hot exotic men like him. Actually, I haven't run into any other men like him.

I look around and keep noticing eyes on us. At some or all parts of the night, it seems like every woman here stares at Ricky. Is that what it would always be like with him? I still don't understand because he can clearly have any woman he wants, yet he wants me in his arms right now. It was strange to me, yet an incredible turn on.

We’re on the dance floor, and our bodies quickly learn to move together perfectly in sync, in a slow and hot sensual lock step. I feel sweat forming on my brow. And I don't think it's from the local heat and humidity.

Every time he moves his hips, grabs mine and pulls me close, I almost fall apart. I bite my lip and I feel it like explosions shattering inside my body. He has an incredible physical effect on me with every move and glance my way. My intense physical attraction to him is overwhelming and makes my body feel weak.

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