» Erotic » A Sinless Betrayal, Cherie Benjamin [story books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «A Sinless Betrayal, Cherie Benjamin [story books to read .txt] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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my flesh feel ten times hotter than it was. The way his hands perfectly held my breasts and the way his lips felt on my neck…and how amazing it felt to be completely filled to the brim by him as he released his load into my body, having him shudder and whisper sweet things to me over my lips.

I'm lying on his arm and he pulls me closer to his body. We are not married, but I feel like we are. With the way he so valiantly defends me against other men…mate claimed me, and how he calls me his woman all makes me feel like I've been taken, and taken for good. He talks so brilliantly of a wife and his future children and I can't help but want to be a part of that fantasy.

He turns his face towards mine and kisses my cheek. "Now you're a fast learner," he murmurs with a hint of humour in his tone. It makes me smile. He always makes me smile.

"Who better to learn from than the king?" I ask, kissing him back on the side of his muscular peck. "You taught me everything I knew. When I came here I was just a burdurwa, and you vowed so strongly to change that. You panted after me like a mutt during mating season."

He chuckles because he knows it's true. "Watch that pretty little mouth of yours," he mockingly scolds me. "It got you in enough trouble today." Then he pauses and turns to look at me in bewilderment. "A…a mutt? Really, Elizabella? Is that how you see your king?"

When I don't say anything, he rolls onto my naked body and digs his fingers into my ribs. A scream of laughter rips through me. "Please, I beg you-!" I'm dying of laughter, my head was thrown back as he digs into my sides with his long, nimble fingers. The look of amusement is clear on his face as he sits back a little to refrain from crushing me under his huge, naked body.

My deep, hearty laughter echoes throughout the room. "What do you beg of me?" he asks. His tickling is merciless. He is, after all, the king of the barbarians; mercy is and never was an option.

My voice is seemingly gone, laughter replacing it. I cannot get out a word. I'm gasping, almost like I'm choking. He stops momentarily. "To stop the scandalous venturing with those fingers of yours, you beast!" I gasp out. He laughs, but he does not stop.

I manage to get a hold around his waist with my legs and try my hardest to flip him around. I manage to succeed in making myself the one that holds the upper hand over him and wrap my legs around his neck. His face turns red a little with my creamy white thighs slowly suffocating him. But he doesn't seem to be in distress. In fact, he looks pleased.

Before I can realize that I'm sitting on top of him naked and choking him with my legs, he grabs my bottom in his hands and pushes my most feminine place onto his mouth and gives me a firm swipe of his tongue. My eyes widen and I fall over his head, my arms reaching out to brace me on the pillows.

I try to get up, but his arms have come up around my thighs and he's got me locked in place. The teasing licks and his hot tongue doing wonders down there are almost more than I can handle. "Abigor! I yield!"

His lips wrap around my clit and he gives a firm suck, shaking his head back and forth quickly as if to say that it wasn't good enough. I'm so close that I can already see the stars in my eyes. "I shall never ever call you a mutt again, I promise you!"

And when he moans against me, my release has never been more powerful. He slaps my naked cheeks as I'm getting off of him and tumbling to the other side of the king-sized bed. "You taste like me," he states. "I would sup on our tastes combined for the rest of my life if I had the choice to."

My face turns bright red as I sit on the edge of his bed. I spot my clothes lying in a pile on the floor in disarray. I push myself to get off the bed and pick up the clothes. I redress in front of him. It seems that my embarrassment of my body has been completely reduced due to his constant reminders that I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever been with…and if my knowledge does not fail me, he's been with a whole lot.

While I'm slipping on my breast cloth, there comes a loud and urgent knock at the door. "Na Sarki," the voice comes. I recognize the voice almost instantly. It is Black Bear. "Mutanen bukatar yin magana da kai kan al'amarin game da sabon yaki fara a arewa!" (My King, the men need to speak with you about a matter concerning the new war starting in the north!)

Abigor instantly throws off the covers and ties his breechcloth around his waist, and slips on his deerskin pants. He does not bother with braiding his hair. Once my silks are pinned tightly together, I rush after him. His face is bright red and the distress is obvious on his face.

We rush down the hallways until we reach the 'special' room. The room where they talk about the raids and strategies. I follow him inside only to be given a look by several of the men, including Iron Coyote. "No women allowed inside," he hisses at me, forcing me backwards by puffing out his muscled chest and shoving it into my face. "This information is confidential."

I look at Abigor momentarily. "Go," he whispers. I nod my head, respecting his opinion, and his opinion only. I take my leave, heading down to the harem to see if Michelle is there.



I sit down at the end of the table and look at the model of the four kingdoms we'd built. It is like a game of four corners. Here we sit, in my great kingdom of Stauckana (or Barbarian Country as the common folk have a habit of referring to it as) in the very south, protected by a thick forest to the right of our castle, Castle Rock, called the Forest of Thieves and the Jungle of Bones to the left of us. It is where the men dispose of the dead bodies, and the great wolves have a habit of picking at the carcasses there, leaving numerous bones in their tracks. I know the forests like I know the back of my hand.

In the north, there is my Tiger Claw's kingdom of Bellechester. Called the iron kingdom, their fat old king sits his lazy ass upon an iron throne. The most abundant element in Bellechester is without a doubt their metals. The "Forked Sword" is the most desirable sword in all of the four kingdoms. It has three times the strength of a normal sword and cuts the three times deeper. The iron kingdom is also fond of using their three-pronged tridents, wielded out of the strongest iron to skewer three men at once.

In the east lies the land of Pateros, where fairly odd customs take place. Protected by the Vibrant Mountains, the people of Pateros are ruled by a queen instead of a king. The people there have taken to calling it the "Vibrant Queendom" instead of a kingdom. They are obsessed with colours, and each noble family would be dressed in all one colour. The queen's family favours the greens, and thus they never wear any other colour except greens. The noble families would all take on a colour, and the peasants who did not have a colour of their own would wear a dull coloured brown for the rest of their lives if they were lucky enough to marry into a colour-wearing family.

In the west lies Seattle, a kingdom revolved completely around the religion of their so-called moon princess and moon prince. They believe that the moon is their rightful ruler (which is complete rubbish) and so everything in the "Moonlit Kingdom" has to do with, of course, the moon. On their flag, they have the moon and the stars, and they paint pictures of moons and wear blue all the time. They are nature-centric as well, because of their belief that if mankind ruins the earth, their precious moon gods would come down and destroy us all.

I crack my knuckles and lay my elbows on the table. "Now…" I begin, my tone authorizing and king-like. "What is all this talk of a new war? I thought we just ended one."

For years, we'd been fighting with the "bitch queen" of Pateros because my prized dolt of a brother enjoyed raiding there the most because he liked the jewels and the colours the most out of any kingdoms. We won the war against Pateros and successfully got ourselves a whole new loot of colourful items to decorate the stone palace with.

Iron Coyote steps forward and points to Bellechester. "In the iron kingdom, King Phillip has married off his daughter, Princess Sera, to the bitch queen's weakling son in Pateros. Queen Amelie has made herself a new ally with King Phillip's kingdom by marrying Titus off to Sera. They are planning to join their forces and attack Stauckana."

I shrug my shoulders and light my tobacco roll from a candle. Leaning back in my chair, I put it into my mouth and take a long drawl of smoke, letting the rest fall from my open lips. "And we are worried why? We have defeated Pateros before and we can defeat them again."

Drinks of Waterfall shakes his head. "But this time it is Pateros and Bellechester combined. We've never fought against Bellechester before. We don't know their fighting technique or what kind of weapons they have. They could be lending their possibly advanced weapons to Pateros."

I lean forward in my chair and rake my eyes over the map and look at the models. "When are they planning to strike? Do you at least know of that?" I look up at my brother just in time to see him nod.

"They need three or four months to prepare for their supplies." Iron Coyote says to me. "Then I can only assume that they'd be attacking. The bitch-queen and the king both have no idea that we have knowledge of their alliance and plans to attack."

I nod my head and stick my cigar back into my mouth. "Good. That's how it should be." I place my hands on the map and place the model ship in the Barbarian Sea. The sea effectively stretches around the Vibrant Mountains, making us virtually invisible to the eye of Pateros until it's too late. "We can send the navy to attack and slow them down. I'm not so worried about Pateros as much as I am Bellechester. Drinks of Waterfall is right. We do not know what these foreign men are fully capable of, even though we've raided there countless times."

Most of the kingdoms don't have a standing chance against us. We have a population of over 450,000 whereas Bellechester has around 300,000, Seattle with 250,000 and Pateros with only 200,000. I scratch my chin, ignoring the stubble growing there. When combined, Bellechester and Seattle would have around 500,000 men, and the gods only know how many soldiers could be taken from that glorious number. This battle would definitely take a toll on us both.

Grey Hawk rubs his temples. "I need you to think of who would know the fighting tactics back at Bellechester. Either that, or we send someone to spy."

I frown at that suggestion and instantly wave it off. "We look nothing like the people from Bellechester or Pateros. Someone would get captured or killed. Not worth risking at all," I say. "Because then
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