» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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aspect of our lives.  Now, let us get you cleaned up and go dress shopping. I want my fiancée to look fucking hot tonight when we make the announcement."

Ara giggled as she slid off Kane's lap and made her way to his private bathroom, where she washed up and slipped her underwear back on.  Looking in the mirror, she noticed that her makeup was smeared and her hair had that ‘just got fucked’ look. Ara couldn’t help but laugh.  She now had Kane’s signature hairstyle…except his was natural. Quickly touching up her makeup and taming her hair, she placed her dress back on and walked back to Kane.  He was on speakerphone with someone; by his tone, he was very mad.

"Uriel, find that motherfucker now.  Not tomorrow, not next week or month but right the fuck NOW and when you do, you call me right away!  I will see you this evening, and I expect to have news by then." Kane said, frustrated that none of his men had found Wayland.

"Kane, is it okay if I bring Katrina tonight?"  Uriel asked. Ara raised her eyes to Kane, waiting for the response.

"Uriel, it is only for high ranking members and their wives."  Ara had heard this earlier.

"Kane, she will be my wife one day."  Kane pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.  Clearly he was going to have to repeat himself, something he was reluctant to do.

"Until that time, she is not allowed at any family ceremonies."  Ara glanced at Kane in understanding. She was listening, but she was also learning.

"But Ara is going."  Kane was quickly losing his patience, but Ara was trying to convey calm with her eyes to no avail.

"Uriel, I will not explain myself again.  Do I make myself clear?" Kane hissed.

"Yes."  Uriel answered, knowing that he had just overstepped.  He knew better than to question the boss. Uriel had told Katrina about his family, but not that he was second in command.  But, he knew he would have to once they got married. He would be expected to bring her to events like this one, and he didn’t want to explain why they referred to him as “Capo” at the event.

"Good! See you this evening, alone."  Kane said, hanging up on Uriel.  He turned to his lovely fiancée. She looked so damn sexy that his cock woke up for another round.  However, looking at the time, he knew they needed to get on their way. "Come, my love."

Ara accepted Kane’s outstretched hand and the proceeded out the door to find Erik waiting for them.

"Erik, we are ready to go."

"Yes, Sir."

They soon were in the vehicle en route to a boutique that Katrina had mentioned to Ara.  Ara had called her on the way to the office and they had planned to have dinner together the next evening to have dinner at her and Kane's home to catch up.  With all that was happening, Ara felt bad not keeping in touch with her more, but most of the details needed to be kept secret. Unfortunately, that also meant keeping things from Katrina.  She missed her friend; she hoped, once everything was finalized, they could get back to the close relationship that had once had. Katrina told Ara that this shop held the most amazing dresses and offered to meet her to help pick out something.  Ara jumped at the chance. She needed her best friend's fashion opinion.

As they neared the shop, Kane realized that it was the same shop where he had purchased a few dresses for some of his former submissives.  Fuck. Over the years, he’d had several submissives, but they were only for play. He never had any other type of relationship with them. They would arrive at his apartment on Friday evening and would leave on Sunday evening.  A few times over the years, they had accompanied him to a function at one of the clubs, and, as their Dom, he provided them with the appropriate attire. As a good Dominant, he always made sure that his submissives were well provided for.  He had set up accounts at local a spa and salon, so they could maintain their required personal grooming requirements. There were also accounts with several gyms and yoga studios to assist them in meeting the physical requirements of their submissive role.

However, all of his submissives, up to this point, were for contracted for the submissive role exclusively. There was no intimate relationship with any of them, and certainly not the person who held his very heart in their hands.  A few of them had wanted more from their relationship, but he had never felt any attraction towards them. One such submissive was Lauren McCoy. They had met at a Munch party at Diamond Knotts. Since Kane was in-between submissives, he didn’t think much about it, and began a submissive-only contract with her.  After the third weekend in the playroom, Lauren began to appear during the week at the club and would call and email Kane many times a day.

One day, when Kane was in a meeting with his father concerning family business, she barged into the office wearing nothing but a trench coat and heels.

Kane was extremely angry and terminated their contract immediately.  Lauren, of course, did not take the news well, but after Uriel spoke with her, she backed off, but Kane still saw her sometimes at the club.  He had heard she had begun playing with Kurtus, and that they were into some things that Kane considered extremely hard limits and would never even think about doing.  He might be a Dominant, but he had his limits, too.

They pulled up to the boutique, and saw Katrina outside the door, waiting.  Ben opened the back door with Erik standing guard; Kane stepped out and assisted Ara out of the limo.

"Ara, I've missed you so much."  Katrina screamed, throwing her arms around her friend.  They stood holding on each other, enjoying their reunion.

"Me, too, so much."

Katrina stood back and took a close look at Ara.  Something was very different about her. She seemed surer of herself and she gave off an air of confidence.  What was going on? Then she felt the ring on Ara's left hand. She leaned back in and whispered in her ear. "Is that what I think it is?"  Ara nodded.

"I will tell you later."  Ara whispered back, and then stood back, taking Kane's hand in her own.

"Katrina, it’s so good to see you again."  Kane said, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Same here, Sir."

"It's just Kane, and I am sorry about tonight.  I hope you understand."

"I do.  Maybe one day if Uriel every gets up the nerve to ask the right question I will be a part of the family."

"I'll give him a swift kick in the right direction for you,” Kane grinned.  He was relieved that Katrina understood, even if Uriel was pushing. Kane knew Uriel hadn’t told her about being the Leone family Capo; instead, he’d told her that he was working for a the family’s business.

"Come, you are going to love this place."  Katrina said, grabbing Ara’s hand and pulling her into the shop named Luly Yang.  It appeared to be a high-end designer shop.

Ara walked in and fell in love.  She immediately saw many items that she knew she had to have.  Looking up at Kane with a huge smile on her face, she noticed something was off.  Then a young, beautiful blonde-haired woman came toward them.

"Kane, darling, so good to see you."  The woman said, placing her hands on either side of his face and then placed a kiss on his lips.

Kane pulled away quickly, shit. His worst fucking nightmare was happening.  Not only were they in the shop where he bought clothes for former submissives, but one of them was kissing him right in front of Ara.

"Irina."  Kane said coldly, wiping his lips.  He then looked at Ara, who had a cold and deadly look on her face.  FUCK! Kane reached for Ara’s hand, attempting to recover from this cluster fuck, "Ara, love, this is Irina."

Who the fuck did this woman think she was?  How dare her touch or fucking kiss her man. Ara put on one of her sweetest smiles, wrapped her right arm around Kane's waist, placed her left hand on Kane’s chest to display her engagement ring, and turned to Irina, "Irene, so good to meet you."

"It's Irina."  She huffed. Then she noticed the very large diamond on the girl’s hand.  Surely, it was not an engagement ring. Kane Leone did not do the boyfriend thing; she should know. She repeatedly tried to get him to be more than her Dominant.

"That's what I said, Irene.  Can you give us a moment?"

"And who do you think you are?" Irina screeched indignantly.

"Someone you don't want to mess with."  Ara smirked. "Now go find your manager, I want to talk to them NOW!"  Then Ara snapped her fingers, and pointed to the back of the shop.

Trying to keep her composure, Irina turned and asked, "Kane, are you going to let her talk to me that way after what we had together?"

"Irina, go get your manager."  Kane said, hoping the she would drop it and leave.  Fuck, he knew he had a lot of explaining to do.

"Fine."  Irina huffed and stomped off.

Ara pulled her hand from Kane's back. As her hand grazed over Kane's gun, she gave it a gentle pull, not enough to pull it out, just enough to let Kane know that she could have pulled it out.  Pulling her hand the rest of the way, she turned to Katrina.

"Katrina, would you please give me and Kane a moment please?  Maybe you can find me something for this party tonight?"

Katrina was shocked by the tone of voice Ara used; she had thought she was Kane's submissive, but this was far from submissive behavior.  Shit, if she acted like this in public with Uriel, she wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week. But, as she looked at Kane, she knew he wasn't upset, more like ashamed.  "Sure, just come get me when you are finished."

Katrina walked away and Ara looked over at Erik.  "Erik, I need you to step outside for just a moment."

Erik looked at Kane, who gave him a nod.  He turned and walked out the door.

"First off, Kane, starting tomorrow I want to start my training with Rosa and Uriel.  Second, you will tell me who the fuck that was."

"I will make the arrangements with Mom and Uriel.  Ara, let's sit down for a minute, please." Kane said, motioning to the small couch.

"Ara, I....Shit..."  Kane stuttered raking his hand through his hair.  "Irina was one of my past subs."

One of his subs.  Ara knew he had had other submissives before her, but why the fuck didn’t he tell her that she worked here.  "Fuck Kane, why didn't you tell me that she would be here?"

"Baby, I honestly didn't know.  But, I have been here before; I purchased things for submissives."

"Damn, Kane, how many others am I going to run into?"

"Ara, you knew I had submissives before you.  But, Ara, you have to know that you are the only one I have ever been in love with and given my heart to."

Ara was so mad.  Kane was hers and that woman touched and kissed him, right in front of her.  Damn, she wished she knew how to handle a gun, because she would have taken that bitch out.  Okay, obviously some of the latent Donna traits were beginning to rear their heads.

"Kane, this relationship is only going to work if we are completely truthful to each other.  That being said, I believe you did not know that Irina worked here, but, as soon as you heard where we were going, you needed to tell me about taking all your submissives here.   Fuck, what makes this worse is that I really love their clothes."

Kane took

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