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up. They are humans too. Myself or you would do the same if were in their place." He added then put a bag of ice on the burned spot.

Hearing that, Katty and Emily thought that Nicky wasn't as bad as they thought he was and appreciated what he said. The next and last one was Anna. Nicky puts the iron stick in the fire again and then goes to her. He put a rubber stick in her mouth and blindfolded her. And when the iron symbol got hot enough to be used, Nicky took it and before he put it on her body, he kissed the right side of her neck. In that moment Anna knew that the mark will be there. She got herself ready and then in an instant, Anna felt a terribly hot feeling on her neck. The girl bit the rubber stick so hard that it smashed it. Her muscles were so hard that some veins on her boobs and neck got so visible and big. But she didn't leaked any sound. After three seconds the boy throws the iron stick and took of the blindfold. Anna had tears in her beautiful eyes. Nicky removed the smashed pieces of the rubber stick from her mouth and kissed her on the forehead.

"Am....I...a good" Anna asked tearing up hard.

"Yes, sweetie. You are a good girl. And a brave one too." Nicky responded then kissed her lips.

The girls were so shocked that Anna stood so quiet having that awful feeling of burned flesh. Even Zoey was surprised.

"Holy fuck! That's a tough one." Zoey said.

After all this was done, Nicky gathered the girls in a room. Inside the room there was another little room where Nicky wanted to talk with the girls in private. First that entered was Katty but instead of Nicky, Zoey came in. When she saw her, Katty backed up a little.

"I've talked with Nicky and even if you are his I am the one owing you."

Hearing this, Katty starts to cry. "No....I don't want to be beaten like Emily!"

"Huh. Acting tough outside but you are so soft on the inside." Zoey said coming close to her and grabbed her waist. "Don't worry little bunny. I won't make you suffer. I will you." She added then softly kissed her lips. "You won't be treated like her. All you have to do is to please me in bed, clean after the mess that Emily will do and do what Nicky and I say. Okay? And you will be okay."

"O-Okay." Katty responds sobbing.

"That's it little bunny. Good bunny."

The next one that enters is Emily with Nicky. When they got inside, Nicky grabs Emily's hips and looks at her boobs.

"You know, I chose you because of your big boobs and the addiction you have for pain and sex. I want to use you to release my stress and anger. So, you can hate me for all the things that I will do to you but just so you know..... I'm very sorry for it."

Emily takes a few seconds of silence and then hugs Nicky. "It's okay. I don't blame you at all. This is my purpose in life and I accepted it. So, yeah. You can do whatever you want, fuck me, beat me as hard as you want, so hard to make me faint...but I have one condition...please.....please don't kill me, master." Emily responded and at the end of the phrase she starts to tear up.

"I won't, you kinky little slut. I won't kill you. Don't worry."

When Emily leaves the room then Anna enters too. After she closes the door Nicky immediately hugs her.

"I'm so sorry for what I did to your beautiful body."

"It's.... Okay. I'm yours after...all. Plus, it will be just a scar like the ones I have on my belly and legs."

"You don't have to worry about those scars. I will put you to get tattoos over them."

"A-Are you serious?" Anna asked shocked.

"Yes. I want you to be the most beautiful girl in the world."

"But....but I'm a slave."

"It doesn't matter, sweetie." The boy said then kissed her lips. "From now on you'll be sleeping and staying in my room. Okay?"

"Are you....really going to to stay there?"

"I don't allow you....I want you there."

Hearing this, Anna felt how much he cared about her and that all the attention that he had was for her. So she hugged him and thanked him.

After the discussion, and when the pain wasn't that awful, Nicky gave the girls clothes to take on and brought them to the kitchen to eat for lunch. After that Nicky presented Katty and Emily a room where they would live from now on. Katty wasn't so happy about it but it was better than living in that cell in the basement.

Being all set, Nicky went in his room with Anna for some alone time. He took off her clothes and began to suck her breasts. Nicky got hard so Anna unzipped her pants and began to jerk off his junk. The boy was surprised that Anna wanted to do that.

"Are you ok with this?"

"Yes. You just stay there and suck my boobs." Anna responded.

It didn't lasted long for Nicky because he got so horny that he ejaculated on Anna's stomach in just ten minutes.

"Fuck! I'm cumming so fast when I'm with you, Anna."

"Why?" The curious girl asked.

"Maybe because you are my favorite."

"I'm...glad to hear that." Anna said smiling.

When Nicky cleaned Anna from the semen that was on her, the two of them snuggled in the bed until the night came and had to go to sleep. This time Anna wanted to hold Nicky so she put him to stay with his face on her boobs when she hugged him. And like that, the two of them went asleep like that.

Anna now felt secured and surrounded by warmth. She never wants to lose this feeling and decided to do anything to have it for the rest of her life.

Take this notice, having a sex slave or a slave can be good for your own good but sometimes having a slave could make you have some difficult times.


Text: Laura XO
Cover: Allon :P
Editing: Laura XO
Publication Date: 08-04-2018

All Rights Reserved

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