» Erotic » Suk On It, Laura XO [classic romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Suk On It, Laura XO [classic romance novels .txt] 📗». Author Laura XO

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New life.

What's the first thing you think when you hear about human trafficking? If you think about some gang of thugs, kidnapping a women to rape them and then sell them, well you are wrong.

Human trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar industry in the Unites States. And because of that, a lot of families sell their own children to become sex slaves in exchange of good money. The fucked up part about it is that the families sell their own daughters when they're 5-6 years old. That's a fragile state to start having sex with strangers. And it's unbelievable that some parents do that to their own children, but all of this is because of the money.

There is noted that it exists generations of families that practice sex slavery. More exactly, a man buys a girl, make her a sex slave, then have a child with her, preferably a girl, then he makes her daughter be a sex slave too. And after that you have a boy, to take on the "family business".

Overall, having a slave, is illegal and wrong. But there are some cases that the owners aren't that bad. You can do anything to a slave but the majority of people, people, who own slaves are using them for sex. And on this subject we are focusing the most.


It was 18 August 2018. There was a exhibition of slaves happening in Miami, Florida. At this exhibition Nicolas Hart was attending. He is a twenty year old male who became a billionaire when he was seventeen. His parents were working out of states since he was ten years old and send Nicolas money to take care of himself and what he did with the money was to invest in himself and then start his own business, involving web anti-hack security. In over a month, the boy had over five million dollars in his pocket. But you know what they say, either you have money or love, you have to choose.

Nicolas wanted to love, to have a relationship, then a family but his love life wasn't that good. He had been rejected by many girls and when he got rich, girls started to stay with him only of the money. And because of that Nicolas started to hate women and view them only as a sex toy. For three years, Nicolas had been sleeping with women who only wanted his money just to see how much of a whore some women can be when it's about money. This showed him that true love can never exist since money is the top priority in this world to survive.

Going back to the exhibition. He showed up at the event with his female friend, Zoey. She was a beautiful blonde girl, with green eyes and skinny. Zoey was Nicolas best friend before he got rich. She helped him with everything when he felt hopeless and was the only one who trusted him in everything he did. And now, as a reward and to thank her for behind by his side, he gave Zoey everything that she could ever want: cars, money, jewelry, everything. They were the same age and when they both hit eighteen, they began to develop a new style of friendship. Basically, they were best friends who had sex.

The reason why they attended this event was because both of them wanted to release their stress over someone and get away with it. But for Nicolas, it was more that this. He wanted someone to hold at night in the bed, someone who wasn't Zoey. Zoey is the type of person who could do everything for someone she cares about and the same is for Nicolas. They thought that being in a relationship with each other will make things very hard and they decided to remain best friends and fool around with each other from time to time because it wasn't such a big deal.

This kind of events are held somewhere secret, underground. When they arrived there, Zoey and Nicolas were shocked to see that the area was full of rich people looking for a slave. The "slaves" were having a chained collar on their necks and had their arms tied on their backs. Some of them looked clean and some of them were super dirty.

Nicolas separated himself from Zoey, and began to look around for potential girls. He walked around for a few minutes and was surprised that many of the girls being on sale were so beautiful. To see how this can be pretty gross, some of the girls could be tested in public to see if they're good or not.

After one hour of looking around, Nicolas saw a girl that caught his interest. She was a young beautiful redhead, with crystal blue eyes, big boobs, big ass and her abdomen was so skinny that you could say that she was a barbie girl. The girl was sad, she looked on the ground and you could see from her beautiful eyes that she was hopeless.

Nicolas came close to the girl and said: "How much is her?", putting her hand on her face then on her chest. The girl looked Nicolas in the eyes and her expression didn't changed. She was broken.

"She's an expensive one!" The seller said. "This one has no family, no one to want her. You can do anything to her. Her previous owner had her since she was a child. The only thing that he used her was to beat her. Also, she is a virgin so this can add up to the price."

"Like I said. How much?" Nicolas asks one more time.

"One million."

"Ok," the boy said writing a check. "And keep this in mind, how can you say that no one wants her since the moment I saw her I wanted her the most. And the things that you said about her, being a virgin. She is a very rare girl, so one million, you just got fooled. And one more thing, you were pretty foolish to put a price on this beautiful girl. A girl like her couldn't be bought but I was ready to give you one billion. Just so you to know...." Nicolas said then took the girl with him, leaving the seller in anger.

Now that Nicolas found the perfect girl he texted Zoey that he will go straight home with the girl that he bought. Zoey remained for a few hours because she wanted to look more.

The slave girl was completely naked and when they got to his car, Nicolas gave her his jacked to cover her upper half body. He was living in a big mansion near the ocean and when they got there, the girl was pretty surprised at how beautiful the place was. But knowing who she is, she'll probably never have a change to see a view as beautiful like this so she took advantage of it. Nicolas noticed it and then he tried to talk with her. She didn't responded back.

When they got to Nicolas mansion, he took the girl by the hand and went inside with her. The girl was pretty shocked to see Nicolas servants welcoming her with a smile on their face. Then she remembers what Nicolas told about her to the seller and for a slight of a second she thought that maybe she will have it easy this time.

Nicolas went with her upstairs to his room. Then he got her in his bathroom. He took his clothes off except his boxers and went with the girl in the shower. The boy started to clean the girl who was shocked to feel for the first time what warm waters feels like on her body. She was even shocked to see her owner cleaning her. After that, Nicolas brought her into his big bathtub, took some shaving cream, a razor and began to shave the girl's pubes, her legs, arms and her armpits. The girl was looking very carefully at how Nicolas was shaving her and how much delicacy was shaving her pussy.

After that they got back in the room and Nicolas started to touch her. He put his hands on her big boobs and began to squeeze them, kiss them and even suck on them. Then he looked at her ass. Nicolas slapped her ass a few times then he put her to sit on the bed. The boy looked more at her face, stroking it then grabbed her neck, squeezed it a little then kissed the girl on the lips. The girl kissed him back and made Nicolas feel a power that he never imagined being able to have it, over a beautiful girl like her. This is what slavery is and give to you. Power over people.

Nicolas took a scarf and blindfolds the girl then he takes off his boxers and began to jerk off his cock while kissing the girl. From time to time the boy touched her boobs with his junk to let her know what he wanted to do. She appreciated a little that he blindfolded her and because of that her kisses became passionate towards the boy. After seven minutes Nicolas came. He ejaculated all of his load on the girl's boobs then untie the blindfold and put the scarf back in the drawer. The girl looked at her chest being almost covered in cum then she looked at Nicolas naked and when she saw his dick, the girl went in shock. It was long, thick, with a big head and massive balls. She thought that he might destroy her when he will put it inside her.

The boy took out a silky white see-through blouse and gave it to the girl.

"This night you'll sleep with me in the bed. When sleeping with me you either wear this or wear nothing at all. During the day you'll stay locked in that room over there but I will bring you out if you are a good girl. If you try to do anything else than listen to me you'll regret it completely. Understood?"

The girl nodded her head slowly and took on the blouse. After that Nicolas went in the bed with her to sleep. Nicolas was naked and still hard so the girl felt his hard junk on her ass. His left hand was under her head and his right hand was under her blouse, on one of her boobs, and his lips were touching her shoulder. It was the first time the girl felt such warmth on her body. Leaving aside the hard junk on her ass or the hand on her boobs, all of that didn't matter for her. She felt warm, and this made her smile and cry. The girl didn't wanted Nicolas to hear her so she tried to keep it quiet. This was a special moment for her. She was so confused also because she was used to be beaten, tortured and treated so bad that seeing that this just happened to her, it was unbelievable.

In the morning, after they woke up, Nicolas brought the girl on the balcony and had her sit on a table there. After that a servant of the boy came with a big plate full of food and put it on the table. Nicolas took the coffee that was prepared for him and lights a cigarette. The girl was looking confused at him, not knowing why he didn't first started to eat the food. Then Nicolas looked at her.

"What are you waiting for. It will get cold if you don't eat it." He said puffing from the cigarette.

When she heard that she got surprised. It was strange for her to have such a meal but she took the fork and began eating. The food was so warm and delicious that after a few bites, the girl stopped and

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