» Erotic » The Chronicles of Alion Book 1, Deu' Angel [rm book recommendations txt] 📗

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his dagger. Enzo falls right into Flora’s arms.

    ‘Forgive me.’ his last words. His eyes shut slowly, looking at Flora one last time. She begins to sob, crying like a beaten child.

    ‘No-no.’ Screams Flora, she cups a hand on his face and plants a kiss, her eyes are wet full of tears. ‘You killed him.’ Flora strikes Gregory at his face. ‘This is murder.’ She tries fighting him, but he binds her hands, holding her still. She tries letting herself loose but is consistently over-powered by the others. The troops drag her out from the cave into the field.

     ‘Enzo!’ she screams.

     Hoping he would come to her aid. She calls for him on and on but to no avail. Emptiness was all she felt there and then, her tears mirrored the flames from the torches. Her feet not its own, she looks behind, seeing how cruel fate could be. She sees its picture slipping from her further and further away.



                                 SEAL HER FATE


Her feet moving through a quick sandy ground, she flees from the scene of two mysterious men slain by her. A foreboding thought lingered in her heart, as she runs back to her hidden shack. She looks around her home, throwing her dagger to the naked floor. She searches every corner of the room, and lifts up a cellar door.

    ‘Come out honey, its safe now, mama is here now,’ Flora says.


    ‘Are they gone?’ Enola speaks.


    ‘Yes honey.’


     ‘I was so scared mama.’


     Flora Bradley and her thirteen-year-old daughter had no other choice but to leave their safe haven once more. The hunters and werewolves sought Enola’s timely demise. Enola shape-shifted into a human wolf like creature at age three, a hybrid child having the blood of a hunter and the genes of a wolf, the news went through the lands. Her fascinating nature seems a threat to their existence, and so repulsive they felt. Flora and Enola travel far away from Hobo to a land called Dahr Lotos. In their cryptic world, Enola stays hidden from the eyes of men as Flora works as a waitress in a tavern.

     ‘Where’s my ale?’ a drunk speaks to Flora.


    ‘On its way,’She says.


    ‘I would have you lie with me tonight,’ He says. He forcefully pulls Flora towards himself assaulting her.


     ‘Let me go!’She screams.


     ‘Unhand, the lady, Sir,’ a man speaks from a table nearby. He walks calmly as he approaches them. ‘I’m sure your sick wife awaits your presence at this late hour,’ he says. The drunk tries to hit him, but he impedes his fragile cocked fist, throwing him to the ground. He puts him out from his blurry vision.


    ‘Pay no mind, to the petty old drunk. I’m Dustin, Dustin Livingston. I haven’t seen you here before. What brings you to the land of filth and piss?’ he says.


    ‘Work,’ she replies as she walks back towards the bar. He holds her by the hand gently,


     ‘If you need anything, be sure to ask. I’m quite known around here, and very easy to find.’ He smirks.


    ‘Thank you, but I need no help,’ Flora says.


    Back at Hobo.


    ‘Have faith father, he still lives, this I know.’ Declan says.


     ‘You live on false hopes my boy. If he be well, what has become of him all these years, that he forgets his people, his family? I have lost faith my son. He is never coming back home. He is dead- dead and gone.’ Earl speaks as he drinks his wine.


     The hunters assemble; sitting as equals. They skim a plot to bring Flora and her abominable child back to Hobo. All yelling, Gregory looks at each hunter with disgust.


      ‘Patience people.’ Sir Gregory speaking. ‘We’ve tried every possible means to kill the child, but over time failed.’ He angrily slams the table, screaming at them all, being vexed by the continuous outcome of events. Then he poises and speaks calmly to them all.


     ‘It’s time for a different mode of approach.’  


     ‘And what do you suggest?’E lvis Bradley asks.


      He smiles at Elvis, ‘We play a game.’ He stands smiling as he takes his leave with an unknown visitor.  They could see him whisper, “I shall bring them all to their knees”, he says.


     Enola never ceases to ask for her father.


     ‘Mother, when is Papa coming home?’ she asks.


     ‘Papa will come home soon honey, his just really busy that’s all.’ Flora hides the mystery of Enola’s nature from her; though Enola quite knew she was different from other children her age, also Flora refusing to speak of anything which concerns her father. She kisses Enola on her forehead and sings her to sleep.


     Later that night, Flora decides not to have dinner, she goes out to the meadow, the pale moon casting its light on the grass and wildflowers, there in the middle of it stood a wolf, its colour bared the symbol of innocence. She blinked, rubbed her eyes and blinked again, as the wolf stares at her, looking closer she sees a man.


      ‘Enzo, you’re alive?’ ‘Enzo, Enzo, you don’t know how hard it has been.’ She ran across the grass, desperate to meet him. He smiled at her as he wipes the cold tears from her face with his finger,


     ‘Sorry my love, I didn’t mean to take so long.’ She hugs him tight, kissing him on his lips; her soul ached for his return.


     ‘The day you died, I died with you; my heart beats for only one thing now.’


     ‘And what’s that?’ Enzo inquires.


     ‘We have a child, a girl.’ ‘Her name’s Enola.’ Flora speaks. Enzo kisses Flora,


     ‘Say nothing more, my love.’


     ‘I’m here now, it’s all that matters.’ he lays her gently to the ground, her eyes widened as she caught the deliberately flirtatious innuendo. As he watched, her cheeks blush. And about the same time, a little frown line appeared between her brows.


     ‘Is this real,’ she said slowly.


     ‘Don’t you feel me?’ he said.


     The air was colder than she had anticipated, the flowers tickled her skin as he kisses her gently, repeatedly on her thighs, he rolls up her gown, kissing his way up to her breast, caressing her bottom, and Flora sighs as she curls an arm around his neck. Now her breasts were pressed snugly against his arm. His fingers stimulating the warm skin of her hips, goose bumps surfaced all over her arms, her body throbbed with arousal, a few more inches and he would be touching her most intimate secrets, now she wanted him badly, so bad that she unzipped his trousers, pulling him closer to herself, as she holds his hard erection placing it at the entrance of her core. Even in the dim light she saw him pale. His expression was hard to read. But the dark eyes that gazed at him so solemnly judged him and found him wanting. He presses deep into her wet entrance, a feeling missed for decades; she gives a long, soft moan.


     ‘Don’t let go.’ he says. Both her legs crossed right above his waist, she pushes herself deeper into him, as he stands to his feet lifting her up, thrusting back and forth, slowly, repeatedly, so slow he was, she could feel him entering the depth of her soul, tearing her open, his face was so close to hers she leaned forward a few inches and kissed him. His lips where so cold, she felt herself get soaking wet, this wasn’t from me! Looking at Enzo, his eyes appeared white as he bleeds from his mouth down to his torso, fear enveloped her as Enzo pulls away slowly.


     ‘I’m with you, always and forever.’ He says. The pale moon light darkened on him as he disappears into thin air.



     Oh no! She gasps, waking from her dream. She cries pretty loud on her bed. Her dreams prove once again she had indeed lost Enzo. She remains tormented the remaining hours of the night till dawn. Walking to the tavern that morning, she sees Dustin in a fight with two men. Observing he was a good fighter, she stands watching in astonishment. He head butts one, knocking him out instantly. He waves at Flora, as she leaves his public display of masculinity.


     Flora arrives at the tavern and sees Olympia. Olympia happens to be Flora’s only friend since she moved to  Dahr Lotos. A sister she is to her, one she never had the privilege to enjoy.


     ‘Good morning,’ Olympia greets Flora.


    ‘Morning.’ She replies.


     ‘You seem not yourself this morning dear friend, home trouble?’ Olympia speaking.


    ‘More or less.' Flora says.


    ‘My dreams torment me,’ Flora cries out, leaning on Olympia’s shoulder. She pats her gently on the back,


    ‘It’s alright. Sometimes, we can’t change things, but leave with them as they are.  Everything will be fine,’ she says.


    Olympia’s words comfort Flora, helping her scale through the day’s work ahead. At dusk, the tavern is flooded with people, all yelling and cheering as they drank their ale. Flora prepares to go back home. She walks by the alley and notices she is being followed. She takes a different turn from the route leading to her home. Behind her still, the men linger at a distant pace from her. She takes a deep breath and senses they are werewolves.


    What next, this is bad! With nothing to defend herself, she knew for sure, she was in for something big.


    ‘What do you want?’ She yells.


     They remain silent, one turns into a wolf advancing towards Flora. She walks backwards slowly, attempting to flee, and bumps into something.


    ‘I guess this is your idea of not needing any help,’ Dustin says.


     He shoots an arrow right into the wolf’s skull; his aim so accurate, fast, and confident. More arrows loose in the dark, he sends three more wolves to the afterlife. The remaining pack dashes away.


    ‘Thank you, Sir, Thank you,’ she says.


    ‘We have to leave here now.’ he says.


     Flora mounts Dustin’s beast as they ride in haste to her home.


     ‘Wake up honey, we have to leave now,’ she says.


    They both pack up. Coming out of the house, Dustin sees Enola; such a beautiful child with long dark curly hair and deep sea blue eyes.


    ‘You have a child?’ he asks.


    ‘Yes, I do,’  Flora says. Enola walks to Dustin and holds him by the hand.


    ‘Are you my Papa?’ She asks smiling.


    ‘No little one, I am not,’ he says.  Suddenly there was a loud howl from afar; three dark wolves furiously races towards them.


    ‘Get into the house,’ Dustin cries, he stands his ground, aiming his arrow at them but he misses. They seem faster than before. Flora unveils her sliver sword from a sheet of wrapped clothes. She shields Enola behind her. She defensively fights off two wolves attempting to devour Enola. Meanwhile, Dustin gets entangled with a wolf. His beast comes to his aid stumping on the wolf’s spine, rendering it paralytic at the moment. He quickly jabs his dagger into its throat. The continuous roars,

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