» Erotic » The Chronicles of Alion Book 1, Deu' Angel [rm book recommendations txt] 📗

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howls and the frightening sight of danger began to trouble Enola’s senses, seeming like she was holding back on unleashing her fury; but with a sudden outburst of rage, she screams aloud as she howls, shape-shifting into her hybrid form. In a flash, she throws a wolf, crashing it into the house, she moves so fast. She is hardly seen by anyone. In a glimpse, the wolves were all dead. Flora was petrified by Enola’s super strength and speed. She looked pale white, with long claws and razor sharp fangs in place of her premature teeth.


    ‘What in the world is she?’ He says, looking afraid. ‘This is no child.’


    Flora shuns him. ‘She’s my daughter.’ She walks up to Enola, as she slowly takes a knee in front of her. She strokes her hair gently, and cups her cheek; her eyes were a spiting resemblance of her fathers. ‘It’s ok honey. Mama’s here.’ She sings a song. Enola comes out of her form and collapses.  Dustin speaking from a safe distance,


    ‘As much as I would love to ask questions, we have to leave now, I know a place. You’ll both be safe there,’ He says.


    With no thoughts of her own, she follows him blindly. They ride continuously for days. They stop to camp at the Shires of Arkenia. Enola sleeps, while Dustin and Flora engage themselves in a deep conversation.


    ‘How did all this come to happen?’He asks.


    She gives him a brief history of the events leading to this present moment.


    ‘It doesn’t seem all that bad, you still have her, your priceless jewel.’ he cups a palm on her cheek as he leans further to her. With his lustful eyes, he gazes into hers and goes for a kiss. Floras lips got frozen. She slowly pulls away.

    ‘I can't…, I just…’ ‘Why do you help us?’ Flora questions him. Then a faint voice is heard behind them.

Enola speaks to herself.


    ‘Who are you? Papa, we’ve waited for you, for so long.’


     Flora crawls to Enola, her eyes wide open with her pupils looking dilated, as she speaks.

     ‘Honey wake up, wake up, what’s happening to her?’ She shakes Enola repeatedly but she    remains trapped in her sleep. Dustin notices the mysterious beam of light from the moon shining on Enola.


    In a dark room, a man groans furiously.


    ‘Tell her, say it.’ Gregory speaks. ‘Tell her you’re alive.’ He punches him on the face. A sorcerer conjures a spell to send a message through him to Enola. Chained like the beast he is, he was locked up and tortured secretly for years by Gregory. The sorcerer manipulates his thought, speaking telepathically to Enola.


    ‘I’m here my love, come to me. Come back home,’ He speaks. He groans, breaking the spell.


    ‘They will never come, Flora knows better.’  Enzo says, as he comes out of the shadows.


    ‘Oh yes, she will come, she dares not resist such a thing. You’re alive, that’s all that matters to her,’ ‘And when they do eventually come, I’ll see to it that you and your precious child drown in your own blood.’ Sir Gregory laughs loudly. ‘That would be a second death for you, how devastating?’ He concludes.


    Enzo growls. ‘You lay even a finger on either of them, you’re dead. That, I promise you.’ Enzo says.


    Sir Gregory leaves the cellar, locking him in a dark cold world, beneath the city.


    ‘What just happened?’ Flora asks.


    ‘I presume, she was under some kind of spell. It was meant to be a message. I have seen the likes of this before. But from whom?’ Dustin speaks.


    ‘It’s Enzo no other but him! We must go to Hobo at once,  I’ve to save him.’ She says.


   ‘That doesn’t seem wise, you know,’ Dustin says.


    ‘I will not lose him the second time.’ Flora utters.


    ‘It’s obvious you’re being lured into a trap. You would risk your life and that of your daughter’s for what?’  Flora gives a second thought on her quest to rescue Enzo.


    ‘My friend will take care of the child; you need not to worry of her safety.’ He says. Dustin is unsure of what feelings he has for Flora. He decides to help.


    The dark wolves all assemble once more; Enola still remained a threat to them. ‘The child still lives, my liege. The stench of her presence fills the land.’ A shifter speaks.


    ‘Find her, kill her. This time, no excuses, or they will be your last.’ The Alpha speaks.


    Flora walks in the street of Hobo, covering herself with a red cloak; Edward walks besides her pretending to be her lover. They know not where Enzo is being held captive. Flora decides to visit her old home.


     ‘It’s empty, no one lives here anymore.’ She says.


    ‘Is this your home?’ He asks.


     ‘It was.’ She says, as she walks to a portrait; pictures of happy moments mirrored in her thoughts. She sees her younger self with her beloved parents. A rain drop falls from her left eye, as she looks at the portrait of her family.


    ‘My, my, my, you did come. I knew you would.’ Sir Gregory speaks. ‘Coming here all alone? How brave of you sweet pea? And all for what...’ He laughs as he walks done the stairs. ‘Do you want to hear a little story? Yes of course, you would. Once you where being dragged away, I thought to myself of all the possibilities of having control over a wolf, I consulted the Solice, masters of the dark art. I brought your beastly looking lover back to life; hoping I could tame him. But he proved repulsive. It wasn't easy, but I did make it happen.’ He applauds himself.


    ‘Here’s your money, hunter.’ He throws a bag of gold at Dustin’s feet. ‘As promised, a hundred and fifty gold pieces; for both mother and child.’ Sir Gregory says.


    ‘What’s the meaning of this?’ Flora asks. She looks surprised feeling betrayed. She unsheathes her sword and points it at Dustin. ‘I’ll kill you where you stand.’


    ‘I can explain all this, just hear me out.’ he says.


    ‘You tricked me,’ She says. ‘Everything about you was a lie.’


    ‘Oh, yes he did. He is merely a bounty hunter I hired to seek you out, dear one, and to keep you safe from harm of course.’ Gregory says.


    ‘Take back your money. I have no need for it.’ He throws the bag of gold back at him.


    ‘I’m so sorry. I should have told you this sooner. I…’ he stutters.


    ‘Shut it,’ She says.


     ‘Trust me, Enola’s safe.’ He says.


    Flora attacks Sir Gregory, both swords clashing hard, creating a thunderous musical clap. Dustin comes to her aid. They both team up, fighting against Sir Gregory. A troop of soldiers comes in, surrounding them. The fighting stops.


    ‘Lay your arms and I’ll spare your lives.’ Sir Gregory speaks.


    Both surrendering, they drop their swords giving themselves up.


    ‘I will not have this.  I’m no coward!’ Dustin pulls a hidden dagger from his belt. He evades the troops, with a vociferous scream. He charges at Gregory.  Gregory plunges his sword right through Dustin. A sudden rage of climax, which ended badly for him.


    ‘You have no idea, who I am.’  Sir Gregory takes his head off, and throws it at Flora.


     ‘You dog,’ she says.


    ‘Take her away. We have a party to grace.’ He announces.


    Deep underneath the city, Enzo struggles to break free from his shackles. A familiar scent fills his senses; a feeling missed for decades. His heartbeat roared when the door opens, the tempo of his heart beats thrice its normal rate, his eyes filled with despair, as Flora is thrown to his feet.


   ‘Enzo, Enzo.’ She kisses his torn lips. ‘You’re alive.’


    ‘You should not be here,’ he says.


    ‘I had no choice. I would rather perish, than leave far from you, knowing you still live.’ She says. With her arms hanged around his neck, she kisses him some more. ‘I need you, we need you.’


    ‘Where’s our child.’ Enzo asks.


     ‘She’s safe.’


    ‘No, she isn’t,’ he snares harshly.


    She’s faraway from here,’ she says.


    ‘It’s time for a little family reunion.’ Gregory declares as he brings Enola in, with his hands on her shoulders. A tease of threat was seen in his eyes as he looks at Enzo. ‘Run to Daddy.’


     ‘How could this be, how did he find her?’ Flora wondered.


    He stretches out his hands and was given a sack coated red beneath its base, dripping with blood. He opens it up as he pours out his trophies. The faces seemed familiar; they were those of Dustin’s friend and his family.


    ‘You’re insane. What has become of you?’ she inquires.


    ‘Now that I have all your attention, let’s cut down to the grand finale. Shall we? Who dies first?’ He points a finger at each of them, as he continues his cruel disgusting speech, ‘I wonder, how about the little one? I love her so much. She dies first.’


    ‘Don’t you dare touch her,’ Enzo screams, struggling continuously, trying to break the chains. He growls, building up momentum.


    Suddenly, there was a cry behind them.


    ‘Help, help.’  A flame torch goes out, as one of the guards disappears. Green eyes shine in the dark hall. The troops turn around, wandering what just happened. The dark wolves sneaked into the city, tracking Enola down to the cellar.


     ‘They are here,’ Enola whispers to her mother.


    ‘Hide,’ Enzo tells Flora.


    ‘Where?’ There’s certainly nowhere to run to, they are trapped. With a loud roar, he begins to pull the chains from its roots. The wolves attack the troops, all fighting for their petty lives. Gregory, having no choice, joins the assault. He has to fight for his life.


    ‘Kill them all,’ he says.


      Enzo’s eyes turn green as he looks at Enola. He turns to his wolf breaking from the shackles.


      ‘Get on my back.’ He speaks to Enola telepathically. She holds her mother by the hand.


     ‘Come on.’


     They both mount him, he dashes right through the swarm, running out of the cellar. He runs fast along the streets of the city, gaze bore on them; for the people had never seen such a thing. He howls loudly as he passes through the city gates, he calls to his pack.


    ‘He’s alive, he’s lives still,’ Earl rejoices.


    Declan runs to his father. ‘Did you hear, Enzo, he calls for us, what are we waiting for?’ They both change alongside the others, racing towards Enzo’s howling call. Enzo was being chased by a pack of dark wolves, as he enters the woods.


    ‘We can’t out run them for long,’ Flora says.


    ‘He knows, Papa’s got a plan. He says trust me.’ He then stops.


    The place seemed familiar to Flora. 


    ‘This was where you first met,’ Enola speaks.


    ‘And how did you know this?’ ‘He told me.’ Enola smiles.


    ‘Get ready,’  Enzo says. The dark wolves were getting closer. Enzo charges, hurriedly intercepting them before impact, loud growls follows him. Earl and the pack dash right behind him. It was a night to remember forever. A night when victory was not determined by strength nor skill, but by love and the passion to fulfill destiny. They fought furiously in the dark woods, killing every enemy wolf.


    Enzo comes out of the shadows with his pack. They all head back to their camp, deep in the woods.


    ‘She’s my daughter,’ he says to Earl. He speaks to his father away from the hearing of others. Earl is not happy by the turn of events. Yet, he realizes how much he loves Enzo.


    ‘Welcome back,’ Declan says, hugging his little brother.


    ‘We celebrate tonight. My son is back, and I’m a grandfather.’ He stops speaking as he chokes, trying to breath, with an arrow in between his throat. He falls dead to the ground.


    ‘This isn’t over,’ Gregory yells as

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