» Erotic » A Sinless Betrayal, Cherie Benjamin [story books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «A Sinless Betrayal, Cherie Benjamin [story books to read .txt] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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moment you touch me like that," I whisper to him in the darkness and security of our room.

The fire is the only light we see. Sometimes I can't sleep in the middle of the night, and he's found that he doesn't sleep well without me in his arms. The flames lick at the logs of wood, sending sparks up into the air. "I am assuming you cannot sleep," he replies softly. His voice is husky from slumber and gives me goosebumps all over my arms. "And if you're not by my side, neither can I. What is keeping you from your dreams?" he asks me, tucking a curl behind my ear.

I show him the records I'd gotten from the library. "They are about your mother and father. Their love story." I whisper to him. He becomes sullen as he looks away from me. I look down at the records in embarrassment and begin to roll them up. He places a hand over mine.

"Do not." Abigor looks me in the eyes. He is so beautiful. His chocolate eyes shine like honey in the firelight, his dark eyelashes framing them. "My mother and father's love story is the traditional love story. Man and woman meet, man and woman fall in love, man and woman marry. But you and I…you and I will have our legacy written on the walls of Castle Rock forever."

I place my hand on his hot cheek, my fingers tracing a pattern over his powerful jaw and into the dimple on his chin. He leans into my touch, savouring the feeling of my skin on his. "Most think me to be a monster," he tells me. "But yet you treat me like a saint. Your heart is full of love."

I prop myself up on my elbow, the strap of my nightgown falling down my shoulder. "And yours is not?"

"It wasn't before you came along," Abigor murmurs. "I used to share this bed with no one, suffer through the cold winter nights alone. I used to fuck a whore every day, feeling nothing but primal lust, beastliness. You, Eliza, make me feel human. You help me to forget my past."

I nuzzle close to him and hear his heart beating. He makes me feel like the most beautiful creature to step foot on the planet. He rolls over onto his back, pulling me with him. I'm straddling his waist, looking deep into those passionate pools of chocolate.

He presses his hot lips to mine. I part my lips, allowing him entrance into my mouth. Our tongues rub together as we attempt to get as close as possible to him. He tastes like mulled wine and mint leaves. He moans into my mouth. "It's been too long."

I nod my head. "I don't ever want to leave you again. I don't feel safe unless you're nearby."

He nuzzles his nose into my neck. "Then I shall always be nearby, so that you may always feel safe."


After sitting around tied to that barren tree in the early hours of the morning, Cordell had checked up on me to make sure I wasn't dead or dying. Kind of him, no? He brought me into his tent and started a small fire to warm my numbing fingers and toes.

I stare at him as he sits in his chair and inspects the riches that he'd stolen from one of the Hausa villages he'd burned to the ground. It is a ruby necklace. "Isn't it lovely, Elizabella? I would have given it to you but due to the circumstances…" He drops the ruby necklace back into his sack.

I look at him with disgust. "The gods give you riches yet you kill for more," I say. He looks at up me and dangles a sapphire before me. Right now I'd rather be in the freezing cold than sitting here with him, tied up. He was such a good man. This idea of the Silvertongue and deciphering the book of Azazel has driven him to the verge of madness.

I remember back in Bellechester when we'd sit in the meadows of beautiful wildflowers separating civilization from thick thorn jungles. How he'd smile at me and kiss my hand, flaunting me around the town like I was the most precious jewel. It's crazy how people can change. Now he's a monster. He tried to rape me, kill me…!

"The gods favour me. They'll give me what I want—"

"Want, want, want. Everybody wants something. Seattle wants peace. Pateros wants a naval war. What, exactly, do you want Mason?" I spit at him, my eyes narrowing.

He looks taken aback by my words. His emerald eyes shone with anger. "You know, I'm quite surprised you still have a tongue. If you were my wife and you spoke to me like that, you wouldn't have one anymore. But I suppose your husband's rather stupid—after all, his brain is the size of a pea," he snorts.

My face reddens. "My husband kills with grace. He has more agility than a gazelle, faster reflexes than those of a cheetah. And when he kills you with said grace, you shall look up from the pits of hell and admire his tactics even then."

Cordell snorts again, shaking his head in disbelief. "You entertain me."

I glare at him in the darkness of the tent as he rummages through his sack of jewels. "Words can deceive. Hearts can deceive. But the eyes…those we can trust. And trust me when I say that you will be as good as dead when you fall into the hands of my husband."

"Bite. Your. Tongue!" Cordell grumbles through gritted teeth. "Or I'll take it upon myself to cut your tongue out at this very moment!"

I look away from him. I can't stand the sight of him. "Someone will win this war, Cordell."

"Yes, I agree." He laughs at me, no humour in his tone.

"It will be the side worthy of having a win."

"Right again."

"It will be the Hausas."

"Very doubtful."


It takes me a few minutes when I wake up to truly understand why the trees are racing past me, and why my bed smells like an animal. When I finally realize that I'm on the back of a running horse, my eyes fly open as my mouth emits a gasp that startles the rider.

My hands and feet are bound together and I'm tied to the horse so tightly that I wouldn't fall off if the mount took a tricky turn or jump. Snow is fresh on this ground, so I know that we're far from where the camp was. I don't say anything when the horse begins to slow down.

There are other men on horseback, their armour gleaming in the bright sunlight, their breath rolling from their lips like puffs of dragon smoke. The bitter winter cold bites at my cheeks and nose, making the normal porcelain white skin turn a rather odd shade of scarlet.

The pounding of horse hooves against the ground echoes in my head, their strong legs powering through the light snow that would normally slow them down quite a bit. But these horses are on a mission; they are on their way to get a job done. And in the back of my mind, I believe I know what that job will be.

I raise my head and look in front of us to see the commander of these riders, and I see Cordell. He leads them to where my husband had been deemed safe. He will lead them to their deaths, and drag them all throughout hell.

My head pounds, my body aches. I'm not well. A night out in the cold had taken a toll on my body, and like Cordell said, did not kill me. But it did quite a number on my health. My eyes slowly shut and the brilliant white world before me slowly fades to dust.


I awaken again to the cold snow filling my animal skin boots as I'm dragged along. I am too weak to move. My eyes flicker open as I'm stood up onto my feet. My vision is blurry and I'm not really sure what's going on. Something cool runs along my neck. It's a blade, but it's the sort of blade that teases.

It doesn't slice.

I stand up against a man with a blade held to my neck. I float closer and closer to reality. So close I can almost touch it. And then I see him stand up from his throne. My heart beats a little bit faster. That piece of me that I'd been lacking for so long finally feels full again.

In the camp, there are little tents and tepees, aside from his chambers, which is made out of wood and animal skins. There are fires going on, melting metals in cauldrons into arrow and spearheads, and cooking foods.

He shouts something and it jolts me back to life. I can see him, in all of his beautiful glory. His hair in a thick braid hanging down his back, his youthful and handsome face turned towards mine. Those sweet brown eyes are full of anger and worry.

My numb fingers curl around the man's wrist where he holds the blade. "Let go or I'll cut your damn throat." I don't touch him again. Abigor takes a step forward, and the men all point their swords at me.

Oh, gods.

Abigor's face turns red as he faces Cordell. "You tread dangerous grounds, Bellechesterman." His deep bass ripples through the crisp, cold air. Cordell smirks but says nothing. He looks back at me. "Let my wife go."

"Ah," Cordell says. "And this is where our conflict shall begin. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sir Cordell Masen, commander of the southwest troops. Your wife here promised me something. And once someone makes a promise, they should have to keep it, no?"

Abigor doesn't like the games that Cordell plays, and it's clear on his face. "What are you getting at?" he growls, trying to hold himself together.

Cordell walks over to me and strokes the side of my face. I want to turn and bite him but I remember the presence of the knife on my neck. "She promised to marry me, and father my children. But she lied and fucked you instead, becoming Queen of the Whores."

"How dare you disrespect my wife!" Abigor booms, his accent layering on thick to the threatening words. His whole body begins to shake. It has been happening more and more often. "I could kill you!"

"Ah, ah." Cordell clucks. "You might want to drag your footsteps lightly across this fragile bridge, my King. For if you take one step wrong, your wife could be the one to pay for it."

The guards, which I recognize as Drinks Of Waterfall and Three Horses, grab Abigor's arms and whisper things into his ears. He seems to calm down just a little bit. "Very well, Bellechesterman. Let us hear your offer."

Cordell steps away from me, his boots crunching powdery snow beneath them. "I will give you back your wife if…you gallantly gift me the Silvertongue." He smirks, shifting his weight to his other leg in the snow.

Abigor doesn't need much time to react. He gives out orders in Hausa to get the things he needs. The men bustle around until Abigor holds a small wooden box in his hand. He opens it, pulling out the beautiful silver chain that he'd identified as the Silvertongue to me before.

Cordell's eyes widen as he reaches out for it, but Abigor snatches it away before he can have it. "My wife," He growls menacingly.

Mason rolls his eyes and glances back at the two men holding me in place. "Let the bitch go," he instructs his men stiffly.

The knife is removed from my neck and I collapse to my knees with fatigue. That is when all hell breaks loose. The barbarians pull out their khopesh swords, expertly hid in their heavy animal fur coats, and start slashing away at the unprepared Bellechesterman.

I stare at the ivory snow, which is quickly becoming stained with red. "Seize him!" I hear my brave husband
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