» Erotic » Love God And Sex, Andre Cronje [great novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Love God And Sex, Andre Cronje [great novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Andre Cronje

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us go forth into the field and picnic and let us lodge in the village. Let us go early to the vineyards and see the vine flourishes, and the tender grapes, and the pomegranates, for there will I give you, my loves. The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for you, o my beloved. You are sugar, and I am spice. 9. You Are Special

9. You Are Special

1. Treat yourself with respect as you would treat others.

2. Inner beauty flows out from inside you when you spend time with your Creator.

3. Think no more of yourself or any less than necessary.

4. Love yourself and so love your neighbor as yourself.

5. God is a make-over specialist who starts with the heart first.

6. Lord create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit.

7. A mirror does not reflect the condition of your heart whether good or evil.

8. Values and virtue define you. Start with God’s truth.

9. You keep saying, No one is perfect. But Jesus says: Be you perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

10. You want to belong, but commitment is needed.

11. Talk to Jesus, not to the mirror or the hand.

12. You are an original, but that doesn’t make you precious. It is what is hidden in your heart that determines your worth.

13. How you will appear before God is of higher priority than how confident you are before mortals.

14. Inner struggles are essential for becoming perfect.

15. You are what God labels you, not what brand you wear.

16. Disability allows God’s ability to work through you.

17. Contentment is when your happiness no longer depends on what you have or don’t have.

18. Practice and perfect the qualities you admire in others.

19. What you practice in private is who you are.

20. Be kind to yourself. It is the sweetest thing you can do.

21. Why live in a black and white world when you can add colors of love.

22. Assumptions are fiction and facts reality, but neither is truth.

23. The essence of friendship is peace, which means you may have to tolerate some things, which eventually need to go.

24. To respect a person in judgment is not good.

25. Cats and dogs fight, brothers and sisters argue, politicians arm wrestles, nations wars, and the sexes battle each other.

26. Preference is a freedom to be guarded.

27. Hate is a heart problem only love can cure.

28. At the Tower of Babel nations, tribes and cultures were born, when God dispersed the people with language barriers.

29. Not all men are the same, even if they are of the same kind.

30. Love is fundamental to live in peace with cultures and races that do not share your values, belief, or thinking.

10. Lasting Relationships

10. Lasting Relationships

1. Sex blinds the eyes, but friendship builds trust that sweetens love.

2. When Jesus is your first love, everything else becomes your ‘Ex’.

3. Human’s first defense is to be defensive but when they feel safe, they open up.

4. Flowers bring smiles to the living, but the dead will not know your love.

5. Forgiving others is possible when you know what God has forgiven you.

6. Kindness will not abort what love will bear.

7. Love is not selfish, but lust leaves your partner empty and unfulfilled.

8. Express yourself with like-minded people, but freedom has boundaries that demand respect.

9. Love beautifies sexual intimacy, but lust defiles it.

10. If X means it is wrong. Then XXX warns you of extreme evil: Your eyes for your soul.

11. Wise woman builds their homes. The foolish tears it down.

12. Emotional outburst shuts the door to open communication and rude words are irreversible.

13. Lust flirts and fools around without commitment to love.

14. Show mercy and be kind, is what makes you human

15. You shall not commit adultery. Jesus said: Just by looking at someone with lust in your heart, you have already committed adultery.

16. No! means No! and is non-negotiable. Beware of the man who violates your will, forcing a quick yes.

17. A virtuous woman inspires, and a faithful man loves.

18. Love even when people close to you leave you dead and wounded.

19. The wounds of a friend are better than the flattery of the enemy.

20. Marry someone you would gladly give everything you have, not half in the end.

21. People who despise authority and powers makes trouble for everyone

22. Addiction rips your relationships, health, finance, and even your soul.

23. Treasure the special people in your life.

24. Romance is the love secret of a beautiful marriage.

25. Wrong relationships are a prison until you escape.

26. Porn perverts’ sexual intimacy and is an utter betrayal of love.

27. Ultimatums may be the only solution to a volatile relationship.

28. God made sex good, and is sacred between a man and his wife.

29. Conflicts often are a personal reflection of not living the significant life, you dreamed of.

30. Sexual promiscuity is never God’s will, for God is holy.

31. Open-minded people have no border control.

32. Abusive relationships end in isolation from support.

33. Temptations are not sin unless you eat the forbidden fruit.

34. Recognize the small things people do and show your appreciation.

35. The joy of life is when you go home and find love and happiness.

36. Froward men sow strife, and whisperers separate even the best of friends.

37. You corrupt the truth when you tell it in a malicious way.

38. Isolating yourself, is self-imprisonment. But love can set you free.

39. Dating different people set the pattern for uncommitted and unfaithful spouses.

40. Are you looking for love or do you just want sex? Sharing love completes your soul, while casual sex leaves it empty.

41. God wants a faithful relationship with you that will last forever.

42. Jesus was called a friend of sinners turning them into saints.

43. Pornography destroys values, morals, and souls, yet it is cheered and tolerated as adult entertainment?

44. Everybody wants to belong to something or someone but not everyone wants to commit.

45. Not everyone is doing it. Who is lying to you?

46. Old Pictures of past relationships should not be kept for future reference.

47. Girls and boys, the truth is in the DNA, but deception lies in the mind.

48. When humankind shows love, love wins.

49. For the love of money, betrayal kisses another.

50. Biology is sufficient education for the pure in heart. But perverse are the men who corrupt the holy, even the smallest mind.

51. When white turns black something ain’t right.

52. It is a sin to lie, not a crime to tell the truth.

53. The intrusion or interruption of time or space whether of work or private, often tips the balance of peace to cause tensions that stretch or spoils relationships.

54. Sexual assault is flawed when one’s mannerism is perceived as a violation of another’s privacy, even though there is no physical contact.

55. A hearing ear shows a caring heart.

56. You are free to express yourself among like-minded people.

57. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way when even a little of His wrath is kindled.

58. Always give a person an opportunity to respond to your invitation.

59. The value of a virtuous woman exceeds that of rubies and diamonds.

60. Forgiveness is easy when you know how much God has forgiven you.

61. Love will not abort. Accept God’s forgiveness and embrace His love.

62. Desire to please your spouse more than the lust of self-gratification.

63. Love begins at home with words and deeds.

64. Emotional outburst does not last as long, as the regrets over what was said.

65. If someone is happy to be close to you. Cherish that relationship.

66. Respect is essential in all levels of relationships.

67. You have heard, you shall not commit adultery, but a man who looks with lust on a woman, has in his heart committed adultery.

68. There is hope for people in abusive relationships, who through prayer will find their strength in God to overcome.

69. There will be times in life that even those closest to you, whom you love, will leave you for dead because they do not understand.

70. Get married to someone whom you would gladly give everything you possess, or at least half of everything when divorce is inevitable.

71. The way you love yourself is revealed in your love for others.

72. Be open-minded, inquisitive, daring, emotional, and believing.

73. Be not friends with one who is quick-tempered, despises authority, or dares you to do things that will get you into serious trouble.

74. Addiction of any kind is destructive to your relationships, health, and finance and. Seek help.

75. Share your feelings in a non-threatening way that is open and inviting.

76. “I like you and hope you feel the same about me”.

77. That perfect stranger that flatters with her lips has slain many men and her house is the way to hell, going to the chambers of death.

78. Some relationships can hold you, hostage, until you find your way out.

79. Porn perverts the beauty of sexual intimacy and is adultery towards the one to whom you have sworn fidelity and love too.

80. An ultimatum is not the best solution to achieve the desired result and can trigger an irreconcilable conclusion.

81. Only when you own up can you truly be free to start again.

82. Sexual promiscuity is not God’s will for your life, and never will be.

83. Happiness is the pleasure and fulfillment you find in friends and family.

84. Your relationship problems could reflect inner conflicts other people cannot solve.

85. Acceptance is an open and inviting attitude that allows you to know a person better before assessing how far that relationship will develop.

86. Truth without mercy will cause more hurt than good.

87. Good relationships will always add value to one’s life.

88. A sign of an abusive relationship is the cut-off from your friends, family, and other support.

89. Recognize the small things people do, showing your appreciation, rewarding them for their valuable contribution and thoughtfulness.

90. Someone misses you and cannot wait to see you again.

91. The joy of life is to go home and find love waiting.

92. Value people and wonderful relationships will develop.

93. Invest in people who stir your heart to seek the good things in life.

94. Being kind in truth is more important than being right.

95. When you build walls around you to protect yourself from getting hurt, you risk keeping those who care and love you on the outside as well.

96. Those who date a lot may find themselves lacking in commitment.

97. Are you looking for love or do you just want sex? Love will fill your innermost being, while casual sex will leave your soul

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