» Erotic » Love God And Sex, Andre Cronje [great novels to read TXT] 📗

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commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not covet, and if there be any other things, is briefly wrapped up in this saying, namely, love your neighbor as yourself. For love works no ill to his neighbor. Therefore, is love the fulfilling of the law. Love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return, and your reward will be great, that you may be the children of the Highest, for he is kind to those who are evil, and the ungrateful. As the father loved me, so I love you. Continue in my love. When you keep my commandments, then do you abide in my love, even as I have kept my father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things have I spoken to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. 14. Love Letters

14. Love Letters

Do you still remember your first love letter? How happy, nervous, and excited it made you felt? Butterflies in the stomach and a clouded mind fluttered with love birds whispering. With courage, the author wrote that perfumed letter. Not knowing if that small step of boldness would someday become a never-ending love story. But oh, the crush, when that letter is despised, rejected, and cast aside by a joker. This is a mystery unfold. A love letter from God to the world send in the flesh and lifted up in plain sight on a cross for all to see, hear, and to believe. Dearly beloved you are his perfumed letter read by all men. These love letters are not inked on paper but fingerprinted by his blood and Spirit into the hearts of Jesus people, walking as children of the light. You are his, and he is your first love.

Arise sleeping head, from your cozy bed. It is time to go to work. Have a coffee on the way, and do not forget to pray. Don’t you know, your father who loves you, is already at work? So am I, working to complete the good work I began in you, for which you are set apart in this world. But I see that you are almost convinced, that the ways of the world are better than mine. Why else would you be watching to see if anything good will happen, before you believe? Have I not told Mary, after her brother was dead and buried four days, ‘only believe, and you will see the glory of God? I am the Resurrection and the life. I was dead, but now I am alive forevermore. The table has been set, and the invitation is for anyone who hungers and thirsts after righteousness. Come, and take your seat, without a price and free. Did I not say: Fear not and do not let your heart be troubled? It was for a good reason that I have gone away, to prepare a place for you. If it were not so, I would have told you. But now I am seated with the father, and I will return. I am proof that God loved the world, and I have shown it to you, not by empty words or passing joys. No, look it is paid for, in my blood, and sealed by my Spirit. By the cursed cross, I was stripped naked and ashamed, but I saw something that was not visible to the naked eye, yet it was written. That the blessing of Abraham would come on you and the wrath of God would pass your house. I knew you would believe me, that is why you are chosen and called. Rest in my love for you, child. But wait, there is more. I want you to exercise as well. Yes, shape your body and sharpen your mind, but more importantly, exercise yourself towards godliness. Less you look handsome and gorgeous but all in vain. Start exercising your faith. Hope again. And do not stop. You need patience and persistence, that you may enjoy the fruit of your labor, in me. There is a reward. I have many crowns to give away. And yes, I am your exceedingly great reward. Don’t you know that faith without works is dead? You are dead too. Dead to this world, and dead to sin. No need to dress up for worldly performances when you are born again. You have been baptized in my death and raised with me into this new life. It all has begun. I in you and you in me, and my Spirit in you. And when I was on earth I walked in your shoes from town to town and unfamiliar places, doing good and healing the sick. Come alive child, you are not dead. I want you to be my hands and feet. For the kingdom of God is at hand. And you know that I am coming soon.

Everything I do and allow on earth as it is in heaven is by faith only: The just shall live by faith. My resurrection faith. Many are wishing and waiting in vain for me to do for them, what they can do for themselves if only they would believe and call those things that be not as though it is a reality. This can only be if you fill your heart with faith. The faith that comes by hearing and hearing my word. Without faith, it is impossible to please the father. If you have faith you can speak to that mountain that stands in your way and tells it to go away. It is for you my child, to occupy till I come. Occupy the earth as a king and a priest unto God your heavenly Father. You are my anointed, and you have been positioned to stand firm in the faith without wavering. Do not look at what is visible but see the invisible I promised you in my word. Release whatever you will in the earth as it is in heaven by the powers of the cross and empty tomb invested in you. I have given you my name and my word. That is the way to go. You are the light that shines in this world, and you are the salt of the earth. Do not hide but be bold. Remember I have overcome this world. You too can do all things by my Spirit who enables you. All of creation is groaning, and waiting, for the revelation of me in the sons of God. Walk in the light of day. Stand up and let us go to work. Fill your lamp with oil lest you have no light when I return at midnight. Not everyone will go. You know that work is involved. I have called you unto good works. Let it be gold, silver, and precious stones. If you use wood and paper, it all be burned away. By your deeds will men praise me, let your kindness be known to all men. Every step of your faith is essential in building my kingdom. Ask me my son and daughter, and I will give it to you, whatever you demand of me.

Be of good courage, fear not, and only be strong. I am with you to the end. The waters will not drown you when you step out of the boat, nor will the flames of the fire harm you, when I am with you as the fourth man. The righteous know that my name is a strong tower and a refuge. Call me, and I will answer. Pray and ask in faith. Doubt not. Then will you have whatever you ask me according to my father’s will? Do not be deceived by fake news and false reporters. My truth will set you free. Pursue the true riches I have for you, my child. Learn from me, for I am meek and gentle. Accept that you are rich and discover your inheritance. I already made the deposit into your heavenly account. Though I was rich, did I made myself poor and of no reputation, for you, so you can change your status and be rich in me. How big is your love, how wide, how deep? How much mercy and compassion do you have available for the poor and needy? How many times can you bear up with your brother in patience, kindness without getting rude, selfish, or boastful in your pride? Are you rich? Then let it be towards God. Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven where mother nature cannot destroy, nor thieves break in to steal. Lift up your eye’s child, look to me, for I am the author and finisher of your faith. Believe me, and you will see my glory on the earth. For nothing will be impossible to God or to you who believes and calls upon my name. Love Jesus

15. Flowers

15. Flowers

Flowers are given for many reasons,

Flowers that grow in different seasons.

Flowers are perfumed letters in color,

Flowers are silent words with goodly deeds.

Flowers scents with heaven’s commission,

Flowers release nature’s joyful emotions.

Flowers flatters and spark the eyes,

Flowers for aroma and flowers for beauty,

Flowers from the heart that keeps beating.

Flowers for weddings, and funeral flowers,

Sadly, not seen again by those dead and gone.

Flowers for a friend sprouts appreciation,

Flowers for a partner spices romance,

Flowers for any occasion and reason,

And finding an opportunity is not hard to do.

Flowers for love, and flowers for peace,

May these flowers I pray, never cease.

16. The Scent Of A Prostitute

16. The Scent Of A Prostitute

What does a prostitute

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